Microchip SubGHz transceivers share some common configurations.
Name |
Description |
ACK_INFO_SIZE defines the number of acknowledgement information structure can be stored to avoid duplicate packet to the protocol layer. | |
CCA_RETRIES defines the maximum retries can be performed in the case of Clear Channel Assessment failure in the CCA procedure. CCA procedure perform CCA for CCA_TIMES and check if the times of CCA failure beyond the number defined in CCA_THRESHOLD. In the case that CCA failure times is beyond CCA_THRESHOLD, the whole procedure must be repeated up to CCA_RETRIES times before transmission failure can be flagged. | |
-65dB limit for CCA threshold values (as sampling at data/preamble) can use higher values for preamble (refer 802.11 standard) | |
CCA_TIMES defines the total number of Clear Channel Assessment in the CCA procedure. CCA procedure perform CCA for CCA_TIMES and check if the times of CCA failure beyond the number defined in CCA_THRESHOLD. In the case that CCA failure times is beyond CCA_THRESHOLD, the whole procedure must be repeated up to CCA_RETRIES times before transmission failure can be flagged. | |
ENABLE_ACK enables MRF89XA to automatically send back an acknowledgement packet in MiMAC layer after receiving a packet, when such acknowledgement is requested by the packet sender. | |
ENABLE_CCA enables MRF89XA to perform Clear Channel Assessement before transmitting data in MiMAC layer. | |
ENABLE_RETRANSMISSION enables MRF89XA to retransmit the packet up to RETRANSMISSION_TIMES, if ENABLE_ACK is defined, and a proper acknowledgement packet is not received by the sender in predefined time period. | |
The interval to update the frame counter in the NVM | |
LNA_GAIN defines the internal IF gain for MRF89XA transceiver. | |
RETRANSMISSION_TIMES defines the maximum retries that can be performed if a proper acknowledgement packet is not received in predefined time period, if ENABLE_RETRANSMISSION is defined. | |
SOURCE_ADDRESS_ABSENT disable the stack to transmit the source address in the MAC layer, if the destination does not care where the message comes from. This feature is highly application dependent. This feature is only available for transceivers that support MiMAC frame format. | |
TX_POWER defines the output power for MRF89XA |