expression Required. An expression that returns a FillFormat object.
Use the UserTextured method to set the texture file for the fill.
This example adds an oval to the active document. If the second shape in the document has a user-defined textured fill, the new oval will have the same fill as shape two. If shape two has any other type of fill, the new oval will have a green marble fill. This example assumes that the active document already has at least two shapes.
With ActiveDocument.Shapes
Set newFill = .AddShape(msoShapeOval, 0, 0, 200, 90).Fill
With .Item(2).Fill
If.TextureType = msoTextureUserDefined Then
newFill.UserTextured .TextureName
newFill.PresetTextured msoTextureGreenMarble
End If
End With
End With