Separator Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Returns or sets the character between the chapter number and the sequence number. Read/write WdSeparatorType.

WdSeparatorType can be one of these WdSeparatorType constants.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a CaptionLabel object.

ShowSeparator property as it applies to the Endnotes and Footnotes objects.

Returns a Range object that represents the endnote or footnote separator.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

ShowSeparator property as it applies to the TableOfAuthorities object.

Returns or sets the characters (up to five) between the sequence number and the page number. A hyphen (-) is the default character. This property corresponds to the \d switch for a Table of Authorities (TOA) field. Read/write String.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a TableOfAuthorities object.


ShowAs applies to the CaptionLabel object.

This example inserts a Figure caption that has a colon (:) between the chapter number and the sequence number.

With CaptionLabels("Figure")
    .Separator = wdSeparatorColon
    .IncludeChapterNumber = True
End With
Selection.InsertCaption "Figure"

ShowAs applies to the Footnotes object.

This example changes the footnote separator to a single border indented 3 inches from the right margin.

With ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Separator
    .Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
    .ParagraphFormat.RightIndent = InchesToPoints(3)
End With

ShowAs applies to the TableOfAuthorities object.

This example inserts a table of authorities at the beginning of the active document, and then it formats the table to include a sequence number and a page number, separated by a hyphen (-).

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(0, 0)
With ActiveDocument.TablesOfAuthorities.Add(Range:=myRange)
    .IncludeSequenceName = "Chapter"
    .Separator = "-"
End With