Sets the options for the WordPerfect Help feature.
expression.SetWPHelpOptions(CommandKeyHelp, DocNavigationKeys, MouseSimulation, DemoGuidance, DemoSpeed, HelpType)
expression Required. An expression that returns an Options object.
CommandKeyHelp Optional Variant. True to display instructions or demonstrate a Word equivalent when a WordPerfect® for DOS key combination is pressed. WordPerfect Help is displayed in the status bar.
DocNavigationKeys Optional Variant. True to make the arrow keys and the PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME, END, and ESC keys function as they would in WordPerfect.
MouseSimulation Optional Variant. True to have the pointer move to each option that WordPerfect Help selects during demonstrations.
DemoGuidance Optional Variant. True to display help text when user input is required during WordPerfect Help demonstrations.
DemoSpeed Optional Variant. The speed of WordPerfect Help demonstrations. Can be one of the following values.
Value | Speed |
0 (zero) | Fast |
1 | Medium |
2 | Slow |
HelpType Optional Variant. Specifies whether WordPerfect Help displays help text or demonstrates the WordPerfect command. Can be either 0 (zero), for Help text, or 1, for a demonstration.
This example sets the WordPerfect Help options.
Options.SetWPHelpOptions _
CommandKeyHelp:=True, _
DocNavigationKeys:=True, _
MouseSimulation:=True, _
DemoGuidance:=True, _
DemoSpeed:=0, _