MailingInstructions Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic


expression    Required. An expression that returns a LetterContent object.


This example retrieves the Letter Wizard elements from the active document, changes the text of the mailing instructions, and then uses the SetLetterContent method to update the active document to reflect the changes.

Set myLetterContent = ActiveDocument.GetLetterContent
myLetterContent.MailingInstructions = "Air Mail"
ActiveDocument.SetLetterContent LetterContent:=myLetterContent

This example creates a new LetterContent object, sets several properties (including the mailing instruction text), and then runs the Letter Wizard by using the RunLetterWizard method.

Set myContent = New LetterContent
With myContent
    .RecipientReference = "In reply to:"
    .Salutation = "Hello"
    .MailingInstructions = "Certified Mail"
End With
Documents.Add.RunLetterWizard LetterContent:=myContent