constant, or it can be a unique number that represents an external file converter. Read-only Long.
WdOpenFormat can be one of these WdOpenFormat constants. |
wdOpenFormatAllWord |
wdOpenFormatAuto |
wdOpenFormatDocument |
wdOpenFormatEncodedText |
wdOpenFormatRTF |
wdOpenFormatTemplate |
wdOpenFormatText |
wdOpenFormatUnicodeText |
wdOpenFormatWebPages |
expression Required. An expression that returns a FileConverter object.
This example displays the unique format value and the format name for the converters you can use to open documents.
For Each fc In FileConverters
If fc.CanOpen = True Then _
MsgBox fc.OpenFormat & vbCr & fc.FormatName
Next fc
This example opens the file named "Data.wp" by using the WordPerfect 6x file converter.
Documents.Open FileName:="C:\Data.wp", _