Returns or sets the active window pane. Read/write WdSpecialPane.
Can be one of the following WdSpecialPane constants:
wdPaneComments |
wdPaneCurrentPageFooter |
wdPaneCurrentPageHeader |
wdPaneEndnoteContinuationNotice |
wdPaneEndnoteContinuationSeparator |
wdPaneEndnotes |
wdPaneEndnoteSeparator |
wdPaneEvenPagesFooter |
wdPaneEvenPagesHeader |
wdPaneFirstPageFooter |
wdPaneFirstPageHeader |
wdPaneFootnoteContinuationNotice |
wdPaneFootnoteContinuationSeparator |
wdPaneFootnotes |
wdPaneFootnoteSeparator |
wdPaneNone |
wdPanePrimaryFooter |
wdPanePrimaryHeader |
wdPaneRevisions |
This example displays the primary footer in a separate pane in the active window.
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPanePrimaryFooter
This example adds a footnote to the active document and displays all the footnotes in a separate pane in the active window.
ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _
Text:="Footnote text"
With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
.Type = wdNormalView
.SplitSpecial = wdPaneFootnotes
End With