Size Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

object) or the size of the specified check box (for the CheckBox object), in points. Read/write Single.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example inserts text and then sets the font size of the seventh word of the inserted text to 20 points.

Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
With Selection.Range
    .InsertBefore "This is a demonstration of font size."
    .Words(7).Font.Size = 20
End With

This example determines the font size of the selected text.

mySel = Selection.Font.Size
If mySel = wdUndefined Then
    MsgBox "There's a mix of font sizes in the selection."
    MsgBox mySel & " points"
End If

This example sets the size of the check box named "Check1" in the active document to 14 points and then sets the check box as selected.

With ActiveDocument.FormFields("Check1").CheckBox
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = 14
    .Value = True
End With