About charts

Office Web Component Chart

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About charts

Charts are visually appealing and make it easy for users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in data. By using the Microsoft Office Chart Component, you can create dynamic, interactive charts that you can make available on a Web site for viewing in a browser. When the data for a chart changes and the Web page that contains the chart is refreshed, the chart automatically updates to reflect the latest data.

Chart and spreadsheet on a Web page

Charts can use data that you enter into a data sheet, existing data from database tables and queries, or spreadsheets and PivotTable lists that you create with Microsoft Office Web Components. When your data is based on a PivotTable list or database table or query, you can add fields to organize the data, and then rearrange fields as well as sort and filter the data.

Before you begin

Preparing the source data you want to use in your chart

Design programs you can use to create charts

Creating a chart

Customizing your chart

Testing and publishing