About restricting the use of a chart in the browser
Some chart features are available only when you're working in the design program. Other features are available both while designing the chart and while using it in a browser. However, as a designer, you can restrict the availability of these features in the browser by changing property settings.
Regardless of the capabilities you have made available to the user in a browser, whether users can take advantage of those capabilities depends on what browser they are running and whether they have the appropriate license. To take full advantage of the capabilities of charts, users need Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later and an Office XP license. In Internet Explorer 4.0, users with a license have access to some of the chart capabilities. In other browsers, users cannot view or interact with charts. Users without Office XP licenses but with Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later can view a chart, but they cannot interact with it.
Capabilities that are not available in a browser
In the browser, users cannot change information about the source database, database fields, and source data when the chart is based on a database or PivotTable list. Only the designer of a chart can specify what source database to use and what subset of the data to make available as the source data in the chart.
In the browser, users can display only the data you've made available; if a password is required to access the database, users must enter the password to display the data. Users can refresh the chart in the browser to reflect any changes in the source data, but they cannot access the source database or make changes to the data it stores.
Capabilities that are usually available in the browser
If their browser fully supports charts, users can make many of the same changes to the chart in the browser that you can make in the design program, provided you give them the ability to do so. For instance, you can allow or prevent display of the chart toolbar or the Commands and Options dialog box.
Subject to any restrictions you set when you design the chart, users can add or move fields from the field list; sort, filter, and group data in a chart based on a database or PivotTable list; make changes to data when a chart is based on a spreadsheet or datasheet; change formatting, chart type, and more — just as you can in the design program.
To prevent users from making changes to a chart or accessing portions of the source data that you don't want to make available, you can prevent them from doing the following:
- Accessing the Commands and Options dialog box
- Grouping items
- Filtering data
- Using selection marks