Make your own chart types
When you create a chart or want to change the type of a chart, you can choose between a standard chart type and a custom chart type. If you want to use a custom chart type, you can choose one of the built-in custom chart types, or you can make your own.
Built-in custom chart types Microsoft Graph comes with several built-in chart types that are based on standard chart types but include additional formatting and options, such as a legend, gridlines, data labels, a secondary axis, colors, patterns, fills, and placement choices for various chart items. These chart types can be found on the Custom Types tab in the Chart Type dialog box. How to select a different chart type.
Make your own chart types You can also create your own custom chart types by changing any of the chart types that Microsoft Graph provides. You can even share these custom chart types with other users. For example, if you want the same title information to appear on all your company charts, you can create a chart with that title, save the chart as a user-defined custom chart type, and then share it with others in your company to use like a template.