Microsoft Graph Documentation
Edit a picture
Microsoft Graph
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Edit a picture
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Table of contents
Getting Started
Create a chart by using Microsoft Graph
Switch between the datasheet and the chart
Quit Microsoft Graph
Getting Help
Get version information about Microsoft Graph
Shortcut Keys
Use shortcut keys in Microsoft Graph
Keys for moving around on a datasheet
Select cells or chart items by using shortcut keys
Enter and edit data by using shortcut keys
Format data by using shortcut keys
Work in dialog boxes by using shortcut keys
Work with windows, programs, and Help by using shortcut keys
Work with menus and commands by using shortcut keys
Work with drawing objects and text boxes on charts by using shortcut keys
Keys for working with Help
Keys for using the Office Assistant
Using Data from Other Programs
Use data from another program in your chart
File formats Microsoft Graph can import
Copy data from another application
Link to data in another program to create a chart
Break a link to data in another program
Import a Microsoft Excel worksheet or chart
Import a text file or Lotus 1-2-3 file to create a chart
How Microsoft Graph interprets Lotus 1-2-3 number formats
Chart Types
Examples of chart types
Select a different chart type
Change the default chart type
Combination charts for showing mixed data
Make your own chart types
Save a custom chart type to apply to other charts
Share a custom chart type with other users
Delete a user-defined custom chart type
Adding and Changing Text and Data in a Chart
Enter data on a datasheet
Add or remove data from a chart
Add a text box to a chart
Change category axis labels, data series names, or legend text
Change chart labels, titles, and other text
Edit chart and axis titles
Align text in chart titles and text boxes
Change data labels
Change values in a chart
Change the way data is plotted
Change the points plotted in a pie-of-pie or bar-of-pie chart
Change values in a 2-D chart by dragging data markers
Change which row or column contains the x axis values for an xy (scatter) chart
Control the way empty cells are plotted
Exclude or include rows or columns of a datasheet from a chart
Plot data series from datasheet rows instead of columns, and vice versa
Reverse the plotting order of categories, values, or series
Plot a data series along a secondary value axis in a 2-D chart
Troubleshooting Text and Data
Where did the data for my chart go?
I typed new text or numbers on the datasheet, but the data labels in the chart didn't update.
Text is missing along the horizontal axis of the chart.
The text box, picture, or floating text I added to my user-defined chart type is not included when I create a chart.
Why does the font size in my chart keep changing?
Changing Chart Display Options
Add a legend to a chart
Add a title to a chart or axis
Add data labels to a chart
Change the display of chart labels, data tables, legends, gridlines, or axes
Delete data labels, titles, or legends in a chart
Display or hide a data table in a chart
Display or hide axes in a chart
Display or hide gridlines in a chart
Display or hide information about chart items
Using dates in charts
Troubleshooting Display Options
I'm using dates on my chart, but I don't get a time-scale axis.
There are gaps between the dates plotted in my chart.
My xy (scatter) chart doesn't use my values along the horizontal (x) axis.
Formatting Data Markers, Labels, and Other Chart Items
Moving and Selecting
Ways to select chart items
Move and resize chart items by using the mouse
Formatting Data Markers
Change the size, color, or shape of line, xy (scatter), or radar chart markers
Overlap or space data markers in bar and column charts
Add up-down bars and drop, series, and high-low lines to charts
Vary colors in the same data series
Change colors in a surface chart
Working with Colors, Fills, Lines, Borders, and Pictures
Change colors, patterns, lines, fills, and borders in charts
Use a picture in a chart
Clear a picture or fill effect from a chart item
Smooth the angles of line charts
Working with Axes
Change the scale of the value axis
Change the display unit on the value axis
Change the spacing of tick marks and labels on the category axis
Change tick mark appearance and label placement on an axis
Working with Data Labels, Titles, Text, and Number Formats
Change the font and size of text in a chart
Rotate text in a chart title or along an axis
Reestablish links between number formats used on a datasheet and a related chart
Working with 3-D Charts
Change the view of a 3-D chart
Change the rotation and elevation in a 3-D chart
Change the height and perspective in a 3-D chart
Change the depth and width in a 3-D chart
Working with Pie and Doughnut Charts
Pull out slices in pie and doughnut charts
Change the size of the pie-of-pie or bar-of-pie plot area
Rotate the position of the slices in a doughnut or pie chart
Change the position of data labels automatically
Change the hole size in a doughnut chart
Using Error Bars and Trendlines
Trendlines in charts
Choosing the best trendline for your data
Add a trendline to a data series
Change trendline settings
Display the R-squared value for a trendline
Delete a trendline
Equations for calculating trendlines
Error bars in charts
Add error bars to a data series
Change error bar settings
Delete error bars
Equations for calculating the error amount
Working on a Datasheet
Move and scroll through a datasheet
Undo mistakes
Working with Datasheet Cells
Delete cells, rows, or columns on a datasheet
Insert blank cells, rows, or columns on a datasheet
Clear cells, rows, or columns on a datasheet
Move or copy part of a cell's contents into another cell
Move or copy cell data
Change column width on a datasheet
Change the font on a datasheet
Select cells, ranges, rows, and columns on a datasheet
Restore datasheet columns to the default width
Move or copy entire cells
Working with Number Formats
Create custom number formats
Change the way Microsoft Graph displays numbers, dates, and times
About custom number, date, and time format codes
Basic number format codes
Formats for dates and times
Formats for text and spacing
Delete custom number formats
Change the number format of datasheet cells or chart items
Number, date, and time format codes
Formats for percentages, exponential notation, and non-U.S. currency
Working with AutoCorrect
Correct spelling and typing errors on a datasheet as you type
Change the name or contents of an AutoCorrect entry
Exclude specific abbreviations or capitalized text from automatic changes
Prevent automatic corrections
Delete an AutoCorrect entry
Troubleshooting the Datasheet
I can't print the datasheet.
I can't use a named range when I try to import a range from an Excel workbook.
Customizing Toolbars and Menus
Working with Toolbars
Show all buttons on a toolbar
Show or hide a toolbar
Troubleshooting Toolbars and Menus
I can't find the correct menu, command, toolbar button, tab, or dialog-box option.
The Customize command for toolbars is not available.
I can't find a toolbar button.
Editing Chart Data
How data is organized in a chart
Working with Drawing Objects and Graphics
About graphic objects in Microsoft Graph
About drawing freeforms and curves
Show or hide the Drawing toolbar
Symbols used in drawing object manipulation
Inserting Objects
Insert a graphic object
Insert an imported picture in a chart
Add a circle, square, or other AutoShape
Add a curve
Add a freeform object
Add a line
Add a WordArt drawing object
Add or change the 3-D effect of a drawing object
Add or edit a WordArt drawing object
Add or move a connector line
Add text to an AutoShape or text box
Changing and Resizing Objects
Change the AutoShape type
Change the shape of a freeform or curve
Change the appearance of text in an AutoShape or text box
Change the margins around text in an AutoShape or text box
Change the text in a WordArt drawing object
Make an AutoShape or text box automatically fit its text
Edit a picture
Move a drawing object or set of objects
Move a text box
About resizing or cropping an object
Resize an object
Resize an object by a specific percentage
Crop or trim portions of a picture
Maintain the proportions of an object while resizing it
Restore a picture to its original size
Rotate a drawing object to any angle
Rotate a drawing object 90 degrees to the left or right
Flip a drawing object horizontally or vertically
Reroute a connector line
Save a drawing object style as the default
Delete an AutoShape or graphic object
Aligning, Arranging, and Grouping Graphics
About grouping drawing objects
Align drawing objects on a grid
Group drawing objects
Move, or
Ungroup and change clip art
Regroup drawing objects
Stack drawing objects
Ungroup drawing objects
Align text in an AutoShape or text box
Set margins and align text that is attached to an AutoShape or text box
Working with Borders, Fills, Lines, Shadows, and 3-D Effects
Change the style of a drawing object line or border
Change the color of a line or border around a drawing object
Make a dashed line or border around a drawing object
Add or change a gradient (shaded), patterned, textured, or picture fill in a drawing object
Change a fill color in a drawing object
Add, change, or remove a fill in a drawing object
Remove a fill in a drawing object
Add a shadow or 3-D effect to a drawing object
Add a shadow to a drawing object
Change the color of a shadow on a drawing object
Change the offset direction of a shadow on a drawing object
Remove a shadow from a drawing object
Change the color of the 3-D effect of a drawing object
Remove a 3-D effect from a drawing object
Troubleshooting Drawing Objects
Troubleshoot drawing objects
Troubleshoot pictures and imported graphics
Troubleshoot adding borders, fills, shadows, and 3-D effects to drawing objects
Troubleshoot aligning and arranging drawing objects
Troubleshoot Microsoft Graph
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