| The synchronization status of the file in Version Cue. |
| Name | Description | Value |
VersionCueSyncStatus.FILE_DOWNLOADED | The project version of the file was downloaded to the local workspace. | 1986220868 =
VersionCueSyncStatus.FILE_NO_CHANGE | The synchronization resulted in no change because the local and project versions were identical. | 1986220878 =
VersionCueSyncStatus.FILE_SKIPPED | The file was not synchronized. | 1986220875 =
VersionCueSyncStatus.FILE_UNLOCKED | The file was unlocked locally. | 1986220876 =
VersionCueSyncStatus.FILE_UPLOADED | The local version of the file was uploaded to the project. | 1986220885 =
| Return
VersionCueSyncStatus Document.synchronizeWithVersionCue ([syncConflictResolution:
SyncConflictResolution=SyncConflictResolution.SKIP_CONFLICTS][, versionComments: