Name | Description | Value |
CrossReferenceType.CUSTOM_CROSS_REFERENCE | Inserts the specified string in front of the referenced topic. | 1131639875 = 'CstC' |
CrossReferenceType.CUSTOM_CROSS_REFERENCE_AFTER | Inserts the specified following topic separator and the specified string after the referenced topic. If no following topic separator is specified, inserts a space. | 1131639905 = 'Csta' |
CrossReferenceType.CUSTOM_CROSS_REFERENCE_BEFORE | Inserts the specified string and the specified before cross reference separator in front of the referenced topic. If no before cross reference separator is specified, inserts a space. | 1131639906 = 'Cstb' |
CrossReferenceType.SEE | Inserts 'See' in front of the referenced topic. | 1701729125 = 'enSe' |
CrossReferenceType.SEE_ALSO | Inserts 'See also' in front of the referenced topic. | 1399144812 = 'SeAl' |
CrossReferenceType.SEE_ALSO_HEREIN | Inserts 'See also herein' in front of the referenced topic. | 1398884466 = 'SaHr' |
CrossReferenceType.SEE_HEREIN | Inserts 'See herein' in front of the referenced topic. | 1397256814 = 'SHrn' |
CrossReferenceType.SEE_OR_ALSO_BRACKET | Inserts 'See also' in front of the referenced topic if the topic has an associated page reference; inserts 'See' if the topic does not have a page reference. | 1399800172 = 'SoAl' |
In function
CrossReference CrossReferences.add (referencedTopic: Topic, crossReferenceType: CrossReferenceType[, customTypeString: string][, withProperties: Object])
As property
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |