Adobe InDesign CS3 (5.0) Object Model JS: TextPreference

InDesign CS3



 Text preferences.


getElements, toSource, toSpecifier


Application | Document


abutTextToTextWrapbool r/wIf true, moves wrapped text to the next available leading increment below the text wrap objects (skip by leading).
baselineShiftKeyIncrementMeasurement Unit (Number or String) (range: 0.001 - 200) r/wThe amount that the baseline shift increases each time the user presses the option/alt-shift-up arrow keys or decreases each time the user presses the option/alt-shift-down arrow keys. (Range: .001 to 100)
highlightCustomSpacingbool r/wIf true, highlights custom kerned or tracked characters.
highlightHjViolationsbool r/wIf true, highlights hyphenation and justification rule violations in the text.
highlightKeepsbool r/wIf true, highlights paragraphs that violate keep options.
highlightSubstitutedFontsbool r/wIf true, highlights missing fonts.
highlightSubstitutedGlyphsbool r/wIf true, highlights substituted glyphs.
justifyTextWrapsbool r/wIf true, justifies text around text wrap objects.
kerningKeyIncrementnumber (range: 1 - 100) r/wThe amount the kerning value per 1000 ems increases each time the user presses of the option/alt-right arrow keys or decreases each time the user presses the option/alt-left arrow keys. (Range: 1 to 100)
leadingKeyIncrementMeasurement Unit (Number or String) (range: 0.001 - 200) r/wThe amount that leading increases each time the user presses the option/alt-up arrow keys or decreases each time the user presses the option/alt-down arrow keys. (Range: .001 to 100)
linkTextFilesWhenImportingbool r/wIf true, links placed text files and spreadsheet files. If false, embeds the files.
parentApplicationDocument readonlyThe parent of the TextPreference (a Application or Document).
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
showInvisiblesbool r/wIf true, shows hidden characters.
smallCapnumber (range: 1 - 200) r/wThe size of text formatted as small caps, specified as a percentage of the font size. (Range: 1 to 200)
subscriptPositionnumber (range: -500 - 500) r/wThe position of subscript characters, specified as a percentage of the regular leading. (Range: -500 to 500)
subscriptSizenumber (range: 1 - 200) r/wThe size of subscript characters, specified as a percentage of the font size. (Range: 0 to 200)
superscriptPositionnumber (range: -500 - 500) r/wThe position of superscript characters, specified as a percentage of the regular leading. (Range: -500 to 500)
superscriptSizenumber (range: 1 - 200) r/wThe size of superscript characters, specified as a percentage of the font size. (Range: 0 to 200)
typographersQuotesbool r/wIf true, converts straight quotes to typographic quotes.
useOpticalSizebool r/wIf true, automatically selects the correct optical size.
useParagraphLeadingbool r/wIf true, applies the leading changes made to a text range to the entire paragraph. If false, applies leading changes only to the text range.
zOrderTextWrapbool r/wIf true, text wrap does not affect text on layers above the layer that contains the text wrap object. If false, text wrap affects text on all visible layers.



Array of TextPreference getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the TextPreference.

string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.

Element of




Array of TextPreference TextPreference.getElements ()

Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index