Property | Type | Access | Description |
cells | Cells | readonly | A collection of table cells. |
characters | Characters | readonly | A collection of characters. |
contents | SpecialCharactersString | r/w | The contents of the text. Can return: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator. |
epss | EPSs | readonly | A collection of EPS files. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the XMLElement. |
images | Images | readonly | A collection of bitmap images in any bitmap file format (including TIFF, JPEG, or GIF). |
index | number | readonly | The index of the XMLElement within its containing object. |
insertionPoints | InsertionPoints | readonly | A collection of insertion points. |
lines | Lines | readonly | A collection of lines. |
markupTag | String XMLTag |
r/w | The XML tag applied to the element. Can also accept: String. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
paragraphs | Paragraphs | readonly | A collection of paragraphs. |
parent | Document XMLElement XMLItem |
readonly | The parent of the XMLElement (a Document, XMLElement or XMLItem). |
parentStory | Story | readonly | The story that contains the text. |
pdfs | PDFs | readonly | A collection of PDF files. |
picts | PICTs | readonly | A collection of PICT graphics. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
stories | Stories | readonly | A collection of stories. |
storyOffset | InsertionPoint | readonly | The insertion point before the table in the story containing the table. |
tables | Tables | readonly | A collection of tables. |
textColumns | TextColumns | readonly | A collection of text columns. |
textStyleRanges | TextStyleRanges | readonly | A collection of text style ranges. |
texts | Texts | readonly | A collection of text objects. |
wmfs | WMFs | readonly | A collection of WMF graphics. |
words | Words | readonly | A collection of words. |
xmlAttributes | XMLAttributes | readonly | A collection of XML attributes. |
xmlComments | XMLComments | readonly | A collection of XML comments. |
xmlContent | Cell Graphic Movie PageItem Sound Story Table Text |
readonly | The text content or page item referred to by the element. Can return: Text, Story, PageItem, Movie, Sound, Graphic, Table or Cell. |
xmlElements | XMLElements | readonly | A collection of XML elements. |
xmlInstructions | XMLInstructions | readonly | A collection of XML instructions. |
xmlItems | XMLItems | readonly | A collection of XML items. |
void applyCellStyle (using:
any[, clearingOverrides:
Applies a cell style to the table cells associated with the XMLElement.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | CellStyle String | The cell style to apply. Can accept: String or CellStyle. |
clearingOverrides | bool | If true, removes local formatting before applying the cell style. (Optional) (default: true) |
void applyCharacterStyle (using:
Applies the specified character style to the text content of the XMLElement.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | CharacterStyle String | The character style to apply. Can accept: String or CharacterStyle. |
void applyObjectStyle (using:
any[, clearingOverrides:
bool=true][, clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle:
Applies an object style to the frame associated with the XMLElement.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | ObjectStyle String | The object style to apply. Can accept: String or ObjectStyle. |
clearingOverrides | bool | If true, removes local formatting before applying the object style. (Optional) (default: true) |
clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle | bool | If true, clears unchecked category attributes through the root style. (Optional) (default: false) |
void applyParagraphStyle (using:
any[, clearingOverrides:
Applies the specified paragraph style to the text content of the XMLElement.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | ParagraphStyle String | The paragraph style to apply. Can accept: String or ParagraphStyle. |
clearingOverrides | bool | If true, clears any attributes before applying the style. (Optional) (default: true) |
void applyTableStyle (using:
any[, clearingOverrides:
Applies a table style to the table associated with the XMLElement.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | String TableStyle | The table style to apply. Can accept: String or TableStyle. |
clearingOverrides | bool | If true, removes local formatting before applying the table style. (Optional) (default: true) |
of Text changeGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text changeText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Table convertElementToTable (rowTag:
XMLTag, cellTag:
Converts the content of the XML element to a table.
Parameter | Type | Description |
rowTag | XMLTag | The XML tag that indicates a table row. |
cellTag | XMLTag | The XML tag that indicates a table cell. |
XMLAttribute convertToAttribute ([using:
Converts the XMLElement to an attribute of its parent element.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | string | The name to give to the new attribute. (Optional) |
XMLElement duplicate ()
Duplicates the XMLElement.
void exportFile (format:
any, to:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, using:
PDFExportPreset][, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path to the export file. |
showingOptions | bool | If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style. (Optional) |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
of Text findGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text findText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of XMLElement getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void importXML (from:
Imports the specified XML file into an InDesign document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The XML file. |
Text insertTextAsContent (using:
any, position:
Inserts the specified text as content before, in, or after the XML element.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | SpecialCharacters String | The text to be inserted. Can accept: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator. |
position | XMLElementPosition: XMLElementPosition.BEFORE_ELEMENT XMLElementPosition.AFTER_ELEMENT XMLElementPosition.ELEMENT_START XMLElementPosition.ELEMENT_END | The position at which to insert the text. Note that text inserted before or after the element does not become part of the content of the element. Instead, it becomes content of the parent of the element. |
void markup (using:
Associates the object with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | Graphic Movie PageItem Sound Story Table Text | The object to mark up. Can accept: PageItem, Movie, Sound, Graphic, Story, Text or Table. |
XMLElement move (to:
LocationOptions[, reference:
Moves the element to the specified location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The location in relation to the reference object or within the containing object. |
reference | Text XMLItem | The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. . Can accept: XMLItem or Text. (Optional) |
PageItem placeIntoCopy (on:
any, placePoint:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String), copyItem:
PageItem[, retainExistingFrame:
Associates the XML element with a copy of a page item.
Parameter | Type | Description |
on | MasterSpread Page Spread | The page or spread on which to create the new page item. Can accept: Spread, Page or MasterSpread. |
placePoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The page coordinates of the top left corner of the page item, in the format [y1, x1] |
copyItem | PageItem | The page item to copy. |
retainExistingFrame | bool | If true, associates the XML element with the existing page item and moves the page item (rather than a copy of the page item). (Optional) (default: false) |
PageItem placeIntoFrame (on:
any, geometricBounds:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String))
Places the XML element into a new rectangular page item. If the XML element was already associated with a page item, that page item is deleted.
Parameter | Type | Description |
on | MasterSpread Page Spread | The page or spread on which to create the new page item. Can accept: Spread, Page or MasterSpread. |
geometricBounds | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The bounds of the page item excluding the stroke width, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2]. |
PageItem placeIntoInlineCopy (copyItem:
PageItem[, retainExistingFrame:
Associates an existing page item with the XML element and places it into an inline frame.
Parameter | Type | Description |
copyItem | PageItem | The page item to copy. |
retainExistingFrame | bool | If true, moves the existing page item. If false, moves a copy of the page item. (Optional) (default: false) |
PageItem placeIntoInlineFrame (dimensions:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String))
Places an XML element into an inline frame.
Parameter | Type | Description |
dimensions | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The dimensions of the inline frame in the format [width, height]. |
void placeXML (using:
Places XML content into the story, replacing the existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | Graphic Movie PageItem Sound Story | The object to place into. Can accept: Story, PageItem, Graphic, Movie or Sound. |
void remove ()
Deletes the XMLElement.
void select ([existingSelection:
Selects the object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH | The selection status of the XMLElement in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
PageItem setContent (using:
string[, relativeBasePath:
Replaces the content of XML element with content imported from a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | string | The file path to the import file. |
relativeBasePath | string | Base path used to resolve relative paths. (Optional) |
Asset store (using:
Library[, withProperties:
Stores the object in the specified library.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | Library | The library in which to store the object. |
withProperties | Object | Initial values for properties of the new XMLElement (Optional) |
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the XMLElement.
string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.
void untag ()
Untags an element.
of ValidationError validate ([maximumErrors:
Validates the element against a DTD.
Parameter | Type | Description |
maximumErrors | number | The maximum number of validation errors to generate. (Optional) (default: 250) |
Element of
Used in:
void Button.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Button.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Character.markup (using: XMLElement)
void EPS.markup (using: XMLElement)
void EPS.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void FormField.markup (using: XMLElement)
void FormField.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Graphic.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Graphic.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void GraphicLine.markup (using: XMLElement)
void GraphicLine.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Group.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Group.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Image.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Image.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void ImportedPage.markup (using: XMLElement)
void ImportedPage.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void InsertionPoint.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Line.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Movie.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Movie.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Oval.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Oval.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void PDF.markup (using: XMLElement)
void PDF.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void PICT.markup (using: XMLElement)
void PICT.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
PageItem Page.placeXML (using: XMLElement, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)[, autoflowing: bool=false])
void PageItem.markup (using: XMLElement)
void PageItem.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Paragraph.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Polygon.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Polygon.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Rectangle.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Rectangle.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Sound.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Sound.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
PageItem Spread.placeXML (using: XMLElement, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)[, autoflowing: bool=false])
void Story.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Story.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Table.markup (using: XMLElement)
Table Tables.add ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void Text.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextColumn.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextFrame.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextFrame.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void TextStyleRange.markup (using: XMLElement)
void WMF.markup (using: XMLElement)
void WMF.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Word.markup (using: XMLElement)
array of XMLElement XMLElements.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.nextItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLElements.previousItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLRuleMatchData XMLRuleProcessor.startProcessingRuleSet (initialElement: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLAttribute.convertToElement ([located: XMLElementLocation=XMLElementLocation.ELEMENT_START][, markupTag: XMLTag])
XMLElement XMLElement.duplicate ()
Array of XMLElement XMLElement.getElements ()
XMLElement XMLElement.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
XMLElement XMLElements.add (markupTag: any[, xmlContent: any][, withProperties: Object])
XMLElement XMLElements.anyItem ()
Array of XMLElement XMLElements.everyItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.firstItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.item (index: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.itemByID (id: number)
XMLElement XMLElements.itemByName (name: string)
Array of XMLElement XMLElements.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.lastItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.middleItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.nextItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLElements.previousItem (obj: XMLElement)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |