An event.
Superclass of DocumentEvent, ImportExportEvent, and PrintEvent
Property | Type | Access | Description |
bubbles | bool | readonly | If true, the event supports the bubbling phase of propagation. |
cancelable | bool | readonly | If true, the default behavior of the event on its target can be canceled. |
captures | bool | readonly | If true, the event supports the capturing phase of propagation. |
currentTarget | Object | readonly | The current propagation target of the event. |
defaultPrevented | bool | readonly | If true, the default behavior of the event on its target has been canceled. |
eventPhase | EventPhases: EventPhases.NOT_DISPATCHING EventPhases.CAPTURING_PHASE EventPhases.AT_TARGET EventPhases.BUBBLING_PHASE EventPhases.DONE |
readonly | The current propagation phase of the event. |
eventType | string | readonly | The name of the event. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the Event. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the Event within its containing object. |
parent | Application Document Menu MenuAction ScriptMenuAction Submenu |
readonly | The parent of the Event (a Document, Application, MenuAction, ScriptMenuAction, Menu or Submenu). |
propagationStopped | bool | readonly | If true, propagation of the event beyond the current target has been stopped. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
target | Object | readonly | The target of the event. |
timeStamp | Date | readonly | The time the event was initialized. |
of Event getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void preventDefault ()
Cancels the default behavior of the event on its target.
void stopPropagation ()
Stops propagation of the event beyond the current target.
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Event.
Used in:
array of Event Events.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Event Events.nextItem (obj: Event)
Event Events.previousItem (obj: Event)
Array of Event Event.getElements ()
Event Events.anyItem ()
Array of Event Events.everyItem ()
Event Events.firstItem ()
Event Events.item (index: any)
Event Events.itemByID (id: number)
Event Events.itemByName (name: string)
Array of Event Events.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Event Events.lastItem ()
Event Events.middleItem ()
Event Events.nextItem (obj: Event)
Event Events.previousItem (obj: Event)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |