Property | Type | Access | Description |
accurateLABSpots | bool | r/w | If true, uses LAB alternates for spot colors when available. |
activeLayer | LayerString | r/w | The active layer. Can also accept: String. |
afterBlendingIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for colors that result from transparency interactions on the page after blending. |
allCellStyles | Array of CellStyle | readonly | All Cell styles |
allCharacterStyles | Array of CharacterStyle | readonly | Lists all character styles (regardless of their group). |
allGraphics | Array of Graphic | readonly | Lists all graphics contained by the Document. |
allObjectStyles | Array of ObjectStyle | readonly | All object styles contained by the Document. |
allPageItems | Array of PageItem | readonly | Lists all page items contained by the Document. |
allParagraphStyles | Array of ParagraphStyle | readonly | Lists all paragraph styles (regardless of their group). |
allTableStyles | Array of TableStyle | readonly | All Table styles |
anchoredObjectDefaults | AnchoredObjectDefault | readonly | Anchored object default settings. |
anchoredObjectSettings | AnchoredObjectSetting | readonly | Anchored object settings. |
assignments | Assignments | readonly | A collection of assignments. |
associatedXMLElement | XMLItem | readonly | The XML element associated with the Document. |
baselineFrameGridOptions | BaselineFrameGridOption | readonly | Baseline frame grid option settings. |
bookmarks | Bookmarks | readonly | A collection of bookmarks. |
buttonPreferences | ButtonPreference | readonly | Button preference settings. |
buttons | Buttons | readonly | A collection of buttons. |
cellStyleGroups | CellStyleGroups | readonly | A collection of cell style groups. |
cellStyles | CellStyles | readonly | A collection of cell styles. |
chapterNumberPreferences | ChapterNumberPreference | readonly | Chapter numbering preferences. |
characterStyleGroups | CharacterStyleGroups | readonly | A collection of character style groups. |
characterStyles | CharacterStyles | readonly | A collection of character styles. |
cmykPolicy | ColorSettingsPolicy: ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK |
r/w | The policy for handling colors in a CMYK color model, including reading and embedding color profiles, mismatches between embedded color profiles and the working space, and moving colors from one document to another. |
cmykProfile | string | r/w | The current CMYK profile. |
cmykProfileList | Array of string | readonly | A list of valid CMYK profiles. |
colors | Colors | readonly | A collection of colors. |
converted | bool | readonly | If true, the Document was converted. |
dashedStrokeStyles | DashedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of dashed stroke styles. |
dataMergeImagePlaceholders | DataMergeImagePlaceholders | readonly | A collection of data merge image placeholders. |
dataMergeOptions | DataMergeOption | readonly | The data merge option properties that define the data merge. |
dataMergeProperties | DataMerge | readonly | Data merge properties that define data merge fields and preferences. |
dataMergeTextPlaceholders | DataMergeTextPlaceholders | readonly | A collection of data merge text placeholders. |
defaultImageIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for bitmap images. |
dictionaryPreferences | DictionaryPreference | readonly | User dictionary preference settings. |
documentPreferences | DocumentPreference | readonly | Document preference settings. |
dottedStrokeStyles | DottedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of dotted stroke styles. |
dtds | DTDs | readonly | A collection of DTDs. |
readonly | The Version Cue editing state of the file. |
eventListeners | EventListeners | readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events | readonly | A collection of events. |
exportForWebPreferences | ExportForWebPreference | readonly | The default export for web preferences. |
filePath | File | readonly | The full path to the file. |
fonts | Fonts | readonly | A collection of fonts. |
footnoteOptions | FootnoteOption | readonly | Footnote option settings. |
formFields | FormFields | readonly | A collection of form fields. |
frameFittingOptions | FrameFittingOption | readonly | The frame fitting option to apply to placed or pasted content. Can be applied to a frame, object style, or document or to the application. |
fullName | File | readonly | The full path to the Document, including the name of the Document. |
galleyPreferences | GalleyPreference | readonly | Galley preference settings. |
gradients | Gradients | readonly | A collection of gradients. |
graphicLines | GraphicLines | readonly | A collection of graphic lines. |
gridPreferences | GridPreference | readonly | Grid preference settings. |
groups | Groups | readonly | A collection of groups. |
guidePreferences | GuidePreference | readonly | Guide preference settings. |
guides | Guides | readonly | A collection of guides. |
hyperlinkExternalPageDestinations | HyperlinkExternalPageDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink external page destinations. |
hyperlinkPageDestinations | HyperlinkPageDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink page destinations. |
hyperlinkPageItemSources | HyperlinkPageItemSources | readonly | A collection of hyperlink page item sources. |
hyperlinkTextDestinations | HyperlinkTextDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink text destinations. |
hyperlinkTextSources | HyperlinkTextSources | readonly | A collection of hyperlink text sources. |
hyperlinkURLDestinations | HyperlinkURLDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink URL destinations. |
hyperlinks | Hyperlinks | readonly | A collection of hyperlinks. |
hyphenationExceptions | HyphenationExceptions | readonly | A collection of hyphenation exceptions lists. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the Document within its containing object. |
indexGenerationOptions | IndexOptions | readonly | The index options properties that define how an index is formatted. |
indexes | Indexes | readonly | A collection of indexes. |
indexingSortOptions | IndexingSortOptions | readonly | A collection of indexing sort options. |
inks | Inks | readonly | A collection of inks. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
languages | Languages | readonly | A collection of languages. |
layers | Layers | readonly | A collection of layers. |
layoutAdjustmentPreferences | LayoutAdjustmentPreference | readonly | Layout sdjustment preference settings. |
layoutWindows | LayoutWindows | readonly | A collection of layout windows. |
links | Links | readonly | A collection of links. |
marginPreferences | MarginPreference | readonly | Margin preference settings. |
masterSpreads | MasterSpreads | readonly | A collection of master spreads. |
metadataPreferences | MetadataPreference | readonly | Metadata preference settings. |
mixedInkGroups | MixedInkGroups | readonly | A collection of mixed ink groups. |
mixedInks | MixedInks | readonly | A collection of mixed inks. |
modified | bool | readonly | If true, the Document has been modified since it was last saved. |
name | string | readonly | The name of the Document. |
numberingLists | NumberingLists | readonly | A collection of numbered lists. |
objectStyleGroups | ObjectStyleGroups | readonly | A collection of object style groups. |
objectStyles | ObjectStyles | readonly | A collection of object styles. |
ovals | Ovals | readonly | A collection of ellipses. |
pageItemDefaults | PageItemDefault | readonly | The default page item formatting for the Document. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
pages | Pages | readonly | A collection of pages. |
paragraphStyleGroups | ParagraphStyleGroups | readonly | A collection of paragraph style groups. |
paragraphStyles | ParagraphStyles | readonly | A collection of paragraph styles. |
parent | Application | readonly | The parent of the Document (a Application). |
pasteboardPreferences | PasteboardPreference | readonly | Pasteboard preference settings. |
polygons | Polygons | readonly | A collection of polygons. |
printBookletOptions | PrintBookletOption | readonly | Booklet printing options. |
printBookletPrintPreferences | PrintBookletPrintPreference | readonly | Print booklet preferences. |
printPreferences | PrintPreference | readonly | Print preference settings. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
readOnly | bool | readonly | If true, the Document is read-only. |
recovered | bool | readonly | If true, the Document was recovered. |
rectangles | Rectangles | readonly | A collection of rectangles. |
redoHistory | Array of string | readonly | The names of the items in the redo stack. |
redoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the redo stack. |
rgbPolicy | ColorSettingsPolicy: ColorSettingsPolicy.COLOR_POLICY_OFF ColorSettingsPolicy.PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES ColorSettingsPolicy.CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE ColorSettingsPolicy.COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK |
r/w | The policy for handling colors in an RGB color model, including reading and embedding color profiles, handling mismatches between embedded color profiles and the working space, and moving colors from one document to another. |
rgbProfile | string | r/w | The current RGB profile. |
rgbProfileList | Array of string | readonly | A list of valid RGB profiles. |
ringStyles | RingStyles | readonly | Ring styles |
saved | bool | readonly | If true, the Document has been saved since it was created. |
sections | Sections | readonly | A collection of sections. |
selection | Array of Object | r/w | The selected object(s). Can also accept: Object or NothingEnum enumerator. |
solidColorIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for all vector art (areas of solid color) in native objects. |
spreads | Spreads | readonly | A collection of spreads. |
stories | Stories | readonly | A collection of stories. |
storyPreferences | StoryPreference | readonly | Story preference settings. |
storyWindows | StoryWindows | readonly | A collection of story windows. |
stripedStrokeStyles | StripedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of striped stroke styles. |
strokeStyles | StrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of stroke styles. |
swatches | Swatches | readonly | A collection of swatches. |
tableStyleGroups | TableStyleGroups | readonly | A collection of table style groups. |
tableStyles | TableStyles | readonly | A collection of table styles. |
textDefaults | TextDefault | readonly | Text default settings. |
textFramePreferences | TextFramePreference | readonly | Text frame preference settings. |
textFrames | TextFrames | readonly | A collection of text frames. |
textPreferences | TextPreference | readonly | Text preference settings. |
textVariables | TextVariables | readonly | A collection of text variables. |
tints | Tints | readonly | A collection of tints. |
tocStyles | TOCStyles | readonly | A collection of TOC styles. |
transparencyPreferences | TransparencyPreference | readonly | Transparency preference settings. |
trapPresets | TrapPresets | readonly | A collection of trap presets. |
undoHistory | Array of string | readonly | The names of the items in the undo stack. |
undoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the undo stack. |
unusedSwatches | Array of Swatch | readonly | The swatches that are not being used. |
validationErrors | ValidationErrors | readonly | A collection of XML validation errors. |
versionState | VersionState: VersionState.VERSION_UNKNOWN VersionState.PROJECT_FILE_NEWER VersionState.LOCAL_PROJECT_MATCH VersionState.LOCAL_NEWER VersionState.VERSION_CONFLICT VersionState.NO_RESOURCE |
readonly | The Version Cue version state of the file. |
viewPreferences | ViewPreference | readonly | View preference settings. |
visible | bool | readonly | If true, the Document is visible. |
windows | Windows | readonly | A collection of windows. |
xmlComments | XMLComments | readonly | A collection of XML comments. |
xmlElements | XMLElements | readonly | A collection of XML elements. |
xmlExportMaps | XMLExportMaps | readonly | A collection of XML export maps. |
xmlExportPreferences | XMLExportPreference | readonly | XML export preference settings. |
xmlImportMaps | XMLImportMaps | readonly | A collection of XML import maps. |
xmlImportPreferences | XMLImportPreference | readonly | XML import preference settings. |
xmlInstructions | XMLInstructions | readonly | A collection of XML instructions. |
xmlItems | XMLItems | readonly | A collection of XML items. |
xmlPreferences | XMLPreference | readonly | The XML preference settings. |
xmlStories | XmlStories | readonly | A collection of xml stories. |
xmlTags | XMLTags | readonly | A collection of XML tags. |
xmlViewPreferences | XMLViewPreference | readonly | XML view preference settings. |
zeroPoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The ruler origin, specified as page coordinates in the format [x, y]. |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
any[, captures:
Adds an event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | If true, the handler is called only in the capturing phase of event propagation. If false, the handler is called in the bubbling phase if the event is an ancestor of the target, or in the at-target phase if the parent of the event listener is itself the target of the event. (Optional) (default: false) |
void align (alignDistributeItems:
of PageItem, alignOption:
AlignOptions[, alignDistributeBounds:
Align page items.
Parameter | Type | Description |
alignDistributeItems | Array of PageItem | The page items to align or distribute. |
alignOption | AlignOptions: AlignOptions.LEFT_EDGES AlignOptions.TOP_EDGES AlignOptions.RIGHT_EDGES AlignOptions.BOTTOM_EDGES AlignOptions.HORIZONTAL_CENTERS AlignOptions.VERTICAL_CENTERS | The type of alignment to apply. |
alignDistributeBounds | AlignDistributeBounds: AlignDistributeBounds.ITEM_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.PAGE_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.MARGIN_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.SPREAD_BOUNDS | The bounds within which to align or distribute the page items. (Optional) |
of Text changeGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text changeGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of PageItem changeObject ([reverseOrder:
Finds objects that match the find what value and replace the objects with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text changeText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
void checkIn ([versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Check in to Version Cue.
Parameter | Type | Description |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version (Optional) (default: false) |
void close ([saving:
SaveOptions=SaveOptions.ASK][, savingIn:
File][, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Close the Document
Parameter | Type | Description |
saving | SaveOptions: SaveOptions.NO SaveOptions.ASK SaveOptions.YES | Whether to save changes before closing the Document (Optional) (default: SaveOptions.ASK) |
savingIn | File | The file in which to save the Document (Optional) |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version (Optional) (default: false) |
of Story createTOC (using:
TOCStyle[, replacing:
bool=false][, fromBook:
Book][, placePoint:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, includeOverset:
bool=false][, destinationLayer:
Creates a table of contents.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | TOCStyle | The TOC style to use to define the content, title, and format of the table of contents. |
replacing | bool | If true, replaces the existing TOC. (Optional) (default: false) |
fromBook | Book | The book whose documents to include in the TOC. (Optional) |
placePoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The point at which to place the TOC story, specified as page coordinates in the format [x, y]. (Optional) |
includeOverset | bool | If true, includes overset text TOC entries in the TOC. (Optional) (default: false) |
destinationLayer | Layer | The layer on which to place the TOC. (Optional) |
void deleteUnusedTags ()
Deletes unused XML markup tags.
void distribute (alignDistributeItems:
of PageItem, distributeOption:
DistributeOptions[, alignDistributeBounds:
AlignDistributeBounds][, useDistributeMeasurement:
bool][, absoluteDistributeMeasurement:
Measurement Unit (Number or String)])
Distribute page items.
Parameter | Type | Description |
alignDistributeItems | Array of PageItem | The page items to align or distribute |
distributeOption | DistributeOptions: DistributeOptions.LEFT_EDGES DistributeOptions.TOP_EDGES DistributeOptions.RIGHT_EDGES DistributeOptions.BOTTOM_EDGES DistributeOptions.HORIZONTAL_CENTERS DistributeOptions.VERTICAL_CENTERS DistributeOptions.HORIZONTAL_SPACE DistributeOptions.VERTICAL_SPACE | The type of distribution to apply. |
alignDistributeBounds | AlignDistributeBounds: AlignDistributeBounds.ITEM_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.PAGE_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.MARGIN_BOUNDS AlignDistributeBounds.SPREAD_BOUNDS | The bounds within which to align or distribute the page items. (Optional) |
useDistributeMeasurement | bool | If true, distribute space between page items. When this property is true, the bounds setting is ignored. (Optional) |
absoluteDistributeMeasurement | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The distance to use when distributing page items. (Optional) |
void exportFile (format:
any, to:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, using:
PDFExportPreset][, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path to the export file. |
showingOptions | bool | If true, displays the export options dialog. (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style. (Optional) |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void exportStrokeStyles (to:
File, strokeStyleList:
of StrokeStyle[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Exports stroke styles or presets.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The file to save to |
strokeStyleList | Array of StrokeStyle | The list of stroke styles to save |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version (Optional) (default: false) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
of Text findGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text findGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of PageItem findObject ([reverseOrder:
Finds objects that match the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Text findText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
of Document getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
of string getTextShapingPresetsList ()
Get the text shaping presets list
Color importAdobeSwatchbookProcessColor (name:
Imports a process color swatch from a preloaded Adobe color book.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The process color to load. |
Color importAdobeSwatchbookSpotColor (name:
Imports a spot color swatch from an Adobe color book.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The spot color to load. |
void importDtd (from:
Imports a DTD to use for validation.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the DTD file. |
void importStyles (format:
ImportFormat, from:
File[, globalStrategy:
Imports the specified styles.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The file containing the styles you want to import. |
globalStrategy | GlobalClashResolutionStrategy: GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_RENAME GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.DO_NOT_LOAD_THE_STYLE | The resolution strategy to employ for imported styles that have the same names as existing styles. (Optional) (default: GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE) |
void importXML (from:
Imports the specified XML file into an InDesign document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The XML file. |
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
void loadMasters (from:
File[, globalStrategyForMasterPage:
Load masterpages from an InDesign file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The InDesign file to load the masters from. |
globalStrategyForMasterPage | GlobalClashResolutionStrategyForMasterPage: GlobalClashResolutionStrategyForMasterPage.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE GlobalClashResolutionStrategyForMasterPage.LOAD_ALL_WITH_RENAME | the global clash resolution strategy for load master page (Optional) (default: GlobalClashResolutionStrategyForMasterPage.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE) |
void loadSwatches (from:
Load swatches from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The swatch file or InDesign document. |
void loadXMLTags (from:
Loads a set of XML markup tags from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the file that contains the tags. |
void mapStylesToXMLTags ()
Auto tag the document based on the style to tag mappings
void mapXMLTagsToStyles ()
Auto style the document based on the tag to style mappings
bool packageForPrint (to:
File, copyingFonts:
bool, copyingLinkedGraphics:
bool, copyingProfiles:
bool, updatingGraphics:
bool, ignorePreflightErrors:
bool, creatingReport:
bool[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Packages the document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The folder, alias, or path in which to place the packaged files. |
copyingFonts | bool | If true, copies fonts used in the document to the package folder. |
copyingLinkedGraphics | bool | If true, copies linked graphics files to the package folder. |
copyingProfiles | bool | If true, copies color profiles to the package folder. |
updatingGraphics | bool | If true, updates graphics links to the package folder. |
ignorePreflightErrors | bool | If true, ignores preflight errors and proceeds with the packaging. If false, cancels the packaging when errors exist. |
creatingReport | bool | If true, creates a package report that includes printing instructions, print settings, lists of fonts, links and required inks, and other information. |
versionComments | string | The comments for the version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void place (fileName:
any[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, withProperties:
Places the file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName |
of Files File | One or more files to place. Can accept: File or Array of Files. |
showingOptions | bool | Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional) (default: false) |
withProperties | Object | Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional) |
void print ([printDialog:
bool][, using:
Prints the Document(s).
Parameter | Type | Description |
printDialog | bool | Whether to invoke the print dialog (Optional) |
using | PrinterPreset PrinterPresetTypes | Printer preset to use. Can accept: PrinterPresetTypes enumerator or PrinterPreset. (Optional) |
void printBooklet ([printBookletDialog:
bool=false][, using:
Print the Booklet using current document and Booklet and Print settings in the document
Parameter | Type | Description |
printBookletDialog | bool | Whether to invoke the print booklet dialog (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PrinterPreset PrinterPresetTypes | Printer preset to use. Can accept: PrinterPresetTypes enumerator or PrinterPreset. (Optional) |
void recompose ()
Recomposes the text in the Document.
void redo ()
Redoes the last action.
bool removeEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
any[, captures:
Removes the event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The registered event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | If true, the handler responds only in the capture phase. (Optional) (default: false) |
bool revert ()
Reverts the document to its state at the last save operation.
void revertToProject ([forceRevert:
Reverts to the version of the document in Version Cue.
Parameter | Type | Description |
forceRevert | bool | Forcibly reverts to the project version. (Optional) (default: false) |
Document save ([to:
File][, stationery:
bool=false][, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Save the document
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | Where to save the document. If the document is already saved, a copy is saved at this path, the original file is closed the new copy is opened (Optional) |
stationery | bool | Whether to save the file as stationery (Optional) (default: false) |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | Forcibly save a version (Optional) (default: false) |
void saveSwatches (to:
File, swatchList:
of Swatch[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Saves the specified swatch(es) to a swatchbook file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The swatchbook file to save to. |
swatchList | Array of Swatch | The swatch(es) to save. |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void saveXMLTags (to:
File[, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Saves a set of tags to an external file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The full path to the file in which to save the tags. |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
void select (selectableItems:
any[, existingSelection:
Selects the specified object(s).
Parameter | Type | Description |
selectableItems |
of Objects NothingEnum Object SelectAll | The objects to select. Can accept: Object, Array of Objects, NothingEnum enumerator or SelectAll enumerator. |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH | The selection status of the Document in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
VersionCueSyncStatus synchronizeWithVersionCue ([syncConflictResolution:
SyncConflictResolution=SyncConflictResolution.SKIP_CONFLICTS][, versionComments:
Synchronizes the file with the Version Cue project.
Parameter | Type | Description |
syncConflictResolution | SyncConflictResolution: SyncConflictResolution.SKIP_CONFLICTS SyncConflictResolution.ASK_ABOUT_CONFLICTS SyncConflictResolution.PREFER_LOCAL SyncConflictResolution.PREFER_PROJECT | The conflict resolution method to use during synchronization. (Optional) (default: SyncConflictResolution.SKIP_CONFLICTS) |
versionComments | string | The comments that describe the version. (Optional) |
of string tasmeemGetACEFontsList ()
Get the ACE Fonts list
of number tasmeemGetNextVariations (sessionID:
get next variations set
Parameter | Type | Description |
sessionID | number | Session ID |
of number tasmeemGetSegments (fontName:
string, tasmeemString:
string[, tasmeemIndex:
Get the segments of the text
Parameter | Type | Description |
fontName | string | font name |
tasmeemString | string | String to analyse |
tasmeemIndex | number | index of the segment (Optional) |
number tasmeemInitializeWordShaper (fontName:
string, tasmeemString:
string, variantsMask:
number, numberOfKashidas:
Initialize the word shaping session
Parameter | Type | Description |
fontName | string | font name |
tasmeemString | string | String to analyse |
variantsMask | number | variants generation mask |
numberOfKashidas | number | number of kashidas |
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Document.
Element of
Used in:
array of any Asset.placeAsset (on: any)
Bookmark Bookmark.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Button Buttons.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
CellStyle CellStyle.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
CellStyleGroup CellStyleGroup.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
CharacterStyle CharacterStyle.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
CharacterStyleGroup CharacterStyleGroup.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
array of Document Documents.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Document Documents.nextItem (obj: Document)
Document Documents.previousItem (obj: Document)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Group Groups.add (groupItems: Array of PageItem[, layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
any MasterSpread.duplicate ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Movie Movies.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
ObjectStyle ObjectStyle.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
ObjectStyleGroup ObjectStyleGroup.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
Oval Ovals.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Page Pages.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
ParagraphStyle ParagraphStyle.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
ParagraphStyleGroup ParagraphStyleGroup.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
Polygon Polygons.add ([layer: Layer][, numberOfSides: number][, insetPercentage: number][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Rectangle Rectangles.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Sound Sounds.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
any Spread.duplicate ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Spread Spread.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Spread Spreads.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
TableStyle TableStyle.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
TableStyleGroup TableStyleGroup.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
TextFrame TextFrames.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Array of Document Document.getElements ()
Document ([to: File][, stationery: bool=false][, versionComments: string][, forceSave: bool=false])
Document Documents.add ([showingWindow: bool=true][, documentPreset: DocumentPreset][, withProperties: Object])
Document Documents.anyItem ()
Array of Document Documents.everyItem ()
Document Documents.firstItem ()
Document Documents.item (index: any)
Document Documents.itemByName (name: string)
Array of Document Documents.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Document Documents.lastItem ()
Document Documents.middleItem ()
Document Documents.nextItem (obj: Document)
Document Documents.previousItem (obj: Document)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |