Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0) Object Model JS: OpenTypeFeature

InDesign CS2

 Supported OpenType feature options.


OpenTypeFeature.ALL_SMALL_CAPS_FEATUREProvides authentic small caps rather than scaled-down versions of the font's regular caps.1664250691 = 'c2sC'
OpenTypeFeature.CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATES_FEATUREActivates contextual ligatures and connecting alternates.1330930497 = 'OTcA'
OpenTypeFeature.DEFAULT_FIGURE_STYLE_FEATUREApplies the default figure style of the current font to figure glyphs.1330931268 = 'OTfD'
OpenTypeFeature.DENOMINATOR_FEATUREIn a series of two numbers separated by a slash that form a non-standard fraction, such as 4/13, reformats the second number as a denominator.1884247108 = 'pOTD'
OpenTypeFeature.DISCRETIONARY_LIGATURES_FEATUREAllows the use of optional discretionary ligatures.1330930764 = 'OTdL'
OpenTypeFeature.FRACTIONS_FEATUREReformats numbers separated by a slash, such as 1/2, as fractions. Note: In some fonts, the fractions feature reformats only standard fractions. For information on reformatting non-standard fractions such as 4/13, see denominator feature and numerator feature.1330931282 = 'OTfR'
OpenTypeFeature.JUSTIFICATION_ALTERNATEJustification alternate1330932309 = 'OTjU'
OpenTypeFeature.LOWLow.1701727351 = 'enLw'
OpenTypeFeature.NUMERATOR_FEATUREIn a series of two numbers separated by a slash that form a non-standard fraction, such as 4/13, reformats the first number as a numerator.1884247118 = 'pOTN'
OpenTypeFeature.ORDINAL_FEATURESuperscripts the alpha characters in ordinal numbers.1330933586 = 'OToR'
OpenTypeFeature.OVERLAP_SWASHOverlap swash1330933590 = 'OToV'
OpenTypeFeature.PROPORTIONAL_LINING_FEATUREGives full-height figures varying widths.1330932816 = 'OTlP'
OpenTypeFeature.PROPORTIONAL_OLDSTYLE_FEATUREGives varying-height figures varying widths.1330933587 = 'OToS'
OpenTypeFeature.STRETCHED_ALTERNATEStretched alternate1330934610 = 'OTsR'
OpenTypeFeature.STYLISTIC_ALTERNATEStylistic alternate1330934612 = 'OTsT'
OpenTypeFeature.SUBSCRIPT_FEATURESizes lowered glyphs correctly relative to the surrounding characters.1884247106 = 'pOTB'
OpenTypeFeature.SUPERSCRIPT_FEATURESizes raised glyphs correctly relative to the surrounding characters.1884247123 = 'pOTS'
OpenTypeFeature.SWASH_FEATUREProvides regular and contextual swashes, which may include alternate caps and end-of-word alternatives.1330934615 = 'OTsW'
OpenTypeFeature.TABULAR_LINING_FEATUREGives full-height figures fixed, equal width.1330931284 = 'OTfT'
OpenTypeFeature.TABULAR_OLDSTYLE_FEATUREGives varying-height figures fixed, equal widths.1330933588 = 'OToT'
OpenTypeFeature.TITLING_FEATUREActivates alternative characters used for uppercase titles.1330934857 = 'OTtI'


In function

bool Font.checkOpenTypeFeature (using: any)

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