Adobe InDesign CS2 (4.0) Object Model JS: HyphenationException

InDesign CS2



 A hyphenation exceptions list.


addException, getElements, removeException, toSource, toSpecifier




addedExceptions Array of string r/wA list of words added to the hyphenation exceptions list.
indexnumber readonlyThe index of the HyphenationException within its containing object.
namestring readonlyThe name of the HyphenationException.
parentDocument readonlyThe parent of the HyphenationException (a Document).
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
removedExceptions Array of string r/wA list of words removed from the hyphenation exceptions list.



void addException (addedExceptions: Array of string[, removedList: bool=false])
Adds the specified words to the hyphenation exceptions list.

addedExceptions Array of stringThe list of words to add.
removedListboolIf true, adds the words to the removed exceptions list. If false or unspecified, adds the words to the added exceptions list. (Optional) (default: false)

Array of Object getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

void removeException (removedExceptions: Array of string[, removedList: bool=false])
Removes the specified words from the hyphenation exceptions list.

removedExceptions Array of stringThe list of words to remove.
removedListboolIf true, removes the words from the removed exceptions list. If false or unspecified, adds the words to the added exceptions list. (Optional) (default: false)

string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the HyphenationException.

string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.

Used in:

array of HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.nextItem (obj: HyphenationException)

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.previousItem (obj: HyphenationException)


HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.anyItem ()

Array of HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.everyItem ()

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.firstItem ()

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.item (index: any)

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.itemByName (name: string)

Array of HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.lastItem ()

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.middleItem ()

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.nextItem (obj: HyphenationException)

HyphenationException HyphenationExceptions.previousItem (obj: HyphenationException)

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