Property | Type | Access | Description |
centerBracket | number | readonly | The halfway point between the start bracket and the end bracket. |
characters | Characters | readonly | A collection of characters. |
contents | SpecialCharactersString TextFrameContents |
r/w | The contents of the text frame. Can return: String, TextFrameContents enumerator or SpecialCharacters enumerator. |
endBracket | number | r/w | The end of the type on a path. Note: Additional text becomes overset text unless the text is linked to another path or text frame. |
endTextFrame | TextFrame TextPath |
readonly | The last text frame in the thread. Can return: TextFrame or TextPath. |
flipPathEffect | FlipValues: FlipValues.NOT_FLIPPED FlipValues.FLIPPED FlipValues.UNDEFINED_FLIP_VALUE |
r/w | The flip effect applied to the type on a path. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the TextPath. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the TextPath within its containing object. |
insertionPoints | InsertionPoints | readonly | A collection of insertion points. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
lines | Lines | readonly | A collection of lines. |
nextTextFrame | TextFrame TextPath |
r/w | The next text frame in the thread. Can return: TextFrame or TextPath. |
overflows | bool | readonly | If true, the story has overset text. |
paragraphs | Paragraphs | readonly | A collection of paragraphs. |
parent | GraphicLine Oval PageItem Polygon Rectangle TextFrame |
readonly | The parent of the TextPath (a PageItem, Oval, Rectangle, GraphicLine, TextFrame or Polygon). |
parentStory | Story | readonly | The story that contains the text. |
pathAlignment | PathTypeAlignments: PathTypeAlignments.TOP_PATH_ALIGNMENT PathTypeAlignments.BOTTOM_PATH_ALIGNMENT PathTypeAlignments.CENTER_PATH_ALIGNMENT |
r/w | The alignment of the type on a path. |
pathEffect | TextPathEffects: TextPathEffects.RAINBOW_PATH_EFFECT TextPathEffects.SKEW_PATH_EFFECT TextPathEffects.RIBBON_PATH_EFFECT TextPathEffects.STAIR_STEP_PATH_EFFECT TextPathEffects.GRAVITY_PATH_EFFECT |
r/w | The effect applied to the type on a path. |
pathSpacing | number | r/w | The spacing applied to the type on a path. |
previousTextFrame | TextFrame TextPath |
r/w | The previous text frame in the thread. Can return: TextFrame or TextPath. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
startBracket | number | r/w | The location of the start of the type on the path, expressed in points. Note: 0 is the first point on the path. |
startTextFrame | TextFrame TextPath |
readonly | The first text frame in the thread. Can return: TextFrame or TextPath. |
r/w | The alignment applied to the type on a path. |
textColumns | TextColumns | readonly | A collection of text columns. |
textFrameIndex | number | readonly | The index of the text frame within the story. |
textStyleRanges | TextStyleRanges | readonly | A collection of text style ranges. |
texts | Texts | readonly | A collection of text objects. |
words | Words | readonly | A collection of words. |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
of Object getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
void remove ()
Deletes the TextPath.
of Text search ([for:
string][, wholeWord:
bool][, caseSensitive:
bool][, replacingWith:
string][, withFindAttributes:
Object][, withChangeAttributes:
Look for occurrences of text that matches specific criteria
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | string | What to look for (Optional) |
wholeWord | bool | If true, then disregard text embedded within a larger word (Optional) |
caseSensitive | bool | If true, then search only for text that matches case (Optional) |
replacingWith | string | What to replace the found text with, either a string or a special character (Optional) |
withFindAttributes | Object | A record of find preference settings to use (Optional) |
withChangeAttributes | Object | A record of change preference settings to use (Optional) |
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the TextPath.
Element of
Used in:
array of TextPath TextPaths.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
TextPath TextPaths.nextItem (obj: TextPath)
TextPath TextPaths.previousItem (obj: TextPath)
TextPath TextPaths.add ([withProperties: Object])
TextPath TextPaths.anyItem ()
Array of TextPath TextPaths.everyItem ()
TextPath TextPaths.firstItem ()
TextPath TextPaths.item (index: any)
TextPath TextPaths.itemByID (id: number)
TextPath TextPaths.itemByName (name: string)
Array of TextPath TextPaths.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
TextPath TextPaths.lastItem ()
TextPath TextPaths.middleItem ()
TextPath TextPaths.nextItem (obj: TextPath)
TextPath TextPaths.previousItem (obj: TextPath)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |