Property | Type | Access | Description |
cells | Cells | readonly | A collection of table cells. |
characters | Characters | readonly | A collection of characters. |
contents | SpecialCharactersString | r/w | The contents of the text. Can return: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator. |
dtds | DTDs | readonly | A collection of DTDs. |
epss | EPSs | readonly | A collection of EPS files. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the XMLElement. |
images | Images | readonly | A collection of bitmap images in any bitmap file format (including TIFF, JPEG, or GIF). |
index | number | readonly | The index of the XMLElement within its containing object. |
insertionPoints | InsertionPoints | readonly | A collection of insertion points. |
lines | Lines | readonly | A collection of lines. |
markupTag | String XMLTag |
r/w | The XML tag applied to the element. Can also accept: String. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
paragraphs | Paragraphs | readonly | A collection of paragraphs. |
parent | Document XMLElement XMLItem |
readonly | The parent of the XMLElement (a Document, XMLElement or XMLItem). |
parentStory | Story | readonly | The story that contains the text. |
pdfs | PDFs | readonly | A collection of PDF files. |
picts | PICTs | readonly | A collection of PICT graphics. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
stories | Stories | readonly | A collection of stories. |
storyOffset | number | readonly | The index of the character containing the table (from the beginning of the story). |
tables | Tables | readonly | A collection of tables. |
textColumns | TextColumns | readonly | A collection of text columns. |
textStyleRanges | TextStyleRanges | readonly | A collection of text style ranges. |
texts | Texts | readonly | A collection of text objects. |
wmfs | WMFs | readonly | A collection of WMF graphics. |
words | Words | readonly | A collection of words. |
xmlAttributes | XMLAttributes | readonly | A collection of XML attributes. |
xmlComments | XMLComments | readonly | A collection of XML comments. |
xmlElements | XMLElements | readonly | A collection of XML elements. |
xmlInstructions | XMLInstructions | readonly | A collection of XML instructions. |
xmlItems | XMLItems | readonly | A collection of XML items. |
XMLElement duplicate ()
Duplicates the XMLElement.
void exportFile (format:
any, to:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, using:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path of the export file. |
showingOptions | bool | If true, prompts the user to select export options. (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style to use. (Optional) |
of Object getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void importXML (from:
Imports an XML file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the XML file. |
void markup (using:
Associates the object with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | PageItem Story Text | The object to mark up. Can accept: Text, Story or PageItem. |
XMLElement move (to:
LocationOptions[, reference:
Moves the element to the specified location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The location in relation to the reference object or within the containing object. |
reference | Text XMLItem | The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. . Can accept: XMLItem or Text. (Optional) |
void placeXML (using:
Places XML content into the story, replacing the existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | PageItem Story | The story into which to place the XML content. Can accept: Story or PageItem. |
void remove ()
Deletes the XMLElement.
void select ([existingSelection:
Selects the object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH | The selection status of the XMLElement in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
Asset store (using:
Store a page item in a library
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | Library | The library in which to store |
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the XMLElement.
string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.
void untag ()
Untags an element.
of ValidationError validate ([maximumErrors:
Validates the element against a DTD.
Parameter | Type | Description |
maximumErrors | number | The maximum number of validation errors to generate. (Optional) (default: 250) |
Element of
Used in:
void Button.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Button.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Character.markup (using: XMLElement)
void EPS.markup (using: XMLElement)
void EPS.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void FormField.markup (using: XMLElement)
void FormField.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void GraphicLine.markup (using: XMLElement)
void GraphicLine.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Group.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Group.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Image.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Image.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void InsertionPoint.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Line.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Movie.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Oval.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Oval.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void PDF.markup (using: XMLElement)
void PDF.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void PageItem.markup (using: XMLElement)
void PageItem.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Paragraph.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Polygon.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Polygon.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Rectangle.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Rectangle.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void Sound.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Story.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Story.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
Table Tables.add ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void Text.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextColumn.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextFrame.markup (using: XMLElement)
void TextFrame.placeXML (using: XMLElement)
void TextStyleRange.markup (using: XMLElement)
void Word.markup (using: XMLElement)
array of XMLElement XMLElements.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.nextItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLElements.previousItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLElement.duplicate ()
XMLElement XMLElement.move (to: LocationOptions[, reference: any])
XMLElement XMLElements.add (markupTag: any[, xmlContent: any][, withProperties: Object])
XMLElement XMLElements.anyItem ()
Array of XMLElement XMLElements.everyItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.firstItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.item (index: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.itemByID (id: number)
XMLElement XMLElements.itemByName (name: string)
Array of XMLElement XMLElements.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
XMLElement XMLElements.lastItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.middleItem ()
XMLElement XMLElements.nextItem (obj: XMLElement)
XMLElement XMLElements.previousItem (obj: XMLElement)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |