Property | Type | Access | Description |
absoluteHorizontalScale | number | r/w | The horizontal scale of the GraphicLine relative to its containing object. |
absoluteRotationAngle | number | r/w | The rotation angle of the GraphicLine relative to its containing object. (Range: -360 to 360) |
absoluteShearAngle | number | r/w | The skewing angle of the GraphicLine relative to its containing object. (Range: -360 to 360) |
absoluteVerticalScale | number | r/w | The vertical scale of the GraphicLine relative to its containing object. |
allGraphics | Array of Graphic | readonly | Lists all graphics contained by the GraphicLine. |
allPageItems | Array of PageItem | readonly | Lists all page items contained by the GraphicLine. |
anchoredObjectSettings | AnchoredObjectSetting | readonly | Anchored object settings. |
appliedObjectStyle | ObjectStyle | r/w | The object style applied to the GraphicLine. |
associatedXMLElement | XMLItem | readonly | The XML element associated with the GraphicLine. |
blendMode | BlendMode: BlendMode.NORMAL BlendMode.MULTIPLY BlendMode.SCREEN BlendMode.OVERLAY BlendMode.SOFT_LIGHT BlendMode.HARD_LIGHT BlendMode.COLOR_DODGE BlendMode.COLOR_BURN BlendMode.DARKEN BlendMode.LIGHTEN BlendMode.DIFFERENCE BlendMode.EXCLUSION BlendMode.HUE BlendMode.SATURATION BlendMode.COLOR BlendMode.LUMINOSITY |
r/w | The blend mode used to combine the background with the color of the GraphicLine. |
contentType | ContentType: ContentType.UNASSIGNED ContentType.GRAPHIC_TYPE ContentType.TEXT_TYPE |
r/w | The type of content that a frame can contain. |
cornerEffect | CornerEffects: CornerEffects.NONE CornerEffects.ROUNDED_CORNER CornerEffects.INVERSE_ROUNDED_CORNER CornerEffects.INSET_CORNER CornerEffects.BEVEL_CORNER CornerEffects.FANCY_CORNER |
r/w | The shape to apply to corner points in a path. Note: corner effect differs from end join in that you can set a radius for a corner effect, whereas the rounded or beveled effect of an end join depends upon the stroke weight. |
cornerRadius | number | r/w | The radius of the corner |
r/w | The end shape of an open path. |
r/w | The corner join applied to the GraphicLine. |
epss | EPSs | readonly | A collection of EPS files. |
featherCornerType | FeatherCornerType: FeatherCornerType.SHARP FeatherCornerType.ROUNDED FeatherCornerType.DIFFUSION |
r/w | The type of feathering. |
featherMode | FeatherMode: FeatherMode.NONE FeatherMode.STANDARD |
r/w | The feather-enabling mode. |
featherNoise | number (range: 0 - 100) | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) of noise to apply to the feather. (Range: 0 to 100) |
featherWidth | Measurement Unit (Number or String) (range: 0 - 1000) | r/w | The width of the feathering. |
fillColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of the GraphicLine. . Can also accept: String. |
fillTint | number | r/w | The percent of tint to use in the GraphicLine's fill color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) |
gapColor | Swatch | r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of a dashed, dotted, or striped stroke. For information, see stroke type. |
gapTint | number | r/w | The tint as a percentage of the gap color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) |
geometricBounds | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The bounds of the GraphicLine excluding the stroke width, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2], which give the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box. |
gradientFillAngle | number | r/w | The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the GraphicLine. (Range: -180 to 180) |
gradientFillLength | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the GraphicLine. |
gradientFillStart | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the GraphicLine, in the format [x, y]. |
gradientStrokeAngle | number | r/w | The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the GraphicLine. (Range: -180 to 180) |
gradientStrokeLength | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the GraphicLine. |
gradientStrokeStart | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the GraphicLine, in the format [x, y]. |
graphicLines | GraphicLines | readonly | A collection of graphic lines. |
graphics | Graphics | readonly | A collection of imported graphics in any graphic file format (vector, metafile, or bitmap). |
groups | Groups | readonly | A collection of groups. |
horizontalScale | number | r/w | The horizontal scaling applied to the text as a percentage of its current size. (Range: 1 to 1000) |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the GraphicLine. |
images | Images | readonly | A collection of bitmap images in any bitmap file format (including TIFF, JPEG, or GIF). |
index | number | readonly | The index of the GraphicLine within its containing object. |
isolateBlending | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine blends in isolation. |
itemLayer | Layer | r/w | The layer that the GraphicLine is on. |
knockoutGroup | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine is a knockout group. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
r/w | The arrowhead applied to the start of the path. |
localDisplaySetting | DisplaySettingOptions: DisplaySettingOptions.HIGH_QUALITY DisplaySettingOptions.TYPICAL DisplaySettingOptions.OPTIMIZED DisplaySettingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE |
r/w | Display performance options for the GraphicLine. |
lockState | LockStateValues: LockStateValues.NONE LockStateValues.UNMANAGED_STORY LockStateValues.CHECKED_IN_STORY LockStateValues.CHECKED_OUT_STORY LockStateValues.LOCKED_STORY LockStateValues.EMBEDDED_STORY LockStateValues.MISSING_LOCK_STATE LockStateValues.MIXED_LOCK_STATE |
readonly | The lock state. |
locked | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine is locked. |
miterLimit | number | r/w | The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join. (Range: 1 to 500) |
nonprinting | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine does not print. |
opacity | number (range: 0 - 100) | r/w | The opacity of the GraphicLine. (Range: 0 to 100) |
ovals | Ovals | readonly | A collection of ellipses. |
overprintFill | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine's fill color overprints any underlying objects. If false, the fill color knocks out the underlying colors. |
overprintGap | bool | r/w | If true, the gap color overprints any underlying colors. If false, the gap color knocks out the underlying colors. |
overprintStroke | bool | r/w | If true, the GraphicLine's stroke color overprints any underlying objects. If false, the stroke color knocks out the underlying colors. |
overridden | bool | readonly | If true, the object originated on a master spread and was overridden. If false, the object either originated on a master spread and was not overridden, or the object did not originate on a master page. |
overriddenMasterPageItem | Graphic Guide Movie PageItem Sound |
readonly | An object that originated on a master page and has been overridden. Can return: PageItem, Guide, Graphic, Movie or Sound. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
parent | Button Cell Character Document Footnote GraphicLine Group InsertionPoint Layer Line MasterSpread Oval Page PageItem Paragraph Polygon Rectangle Spread State Story Table Text TextColumn TextFrame TextStyleRange Word |
readonly | The parent of the GraphicLine (a Spread, MasterSpread, PageItem, Oval, Rectangle, Polygon, GraphicLine, Group, State, Document, Layer, Button, TextFrame, Story, Text, Word, Line, TextColumn, Paragraph, TextStyleRange, Cell, Table, InsertionPoint, Page, Character or Footnote). |
paths | Paths | readonly | A collection of paths. |
pdfs | PDFs | readonly | A collection of PDF files. |
picts | PICTs | readonly | A collection of PICT graphics. |
polygons | Polygons | readonly | A collection of polygons. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
rectangles | Rectangles | readonly | A collection of rectangles. |
r/w | The arrowhead applied to the end of the path. |
rotationAngle | number | r/w | The rotatation angle of the GraphicLine. (Range: -360 to 360) |
shadowBlendMode | BlendMode: BlendMode.NORMAL BlendMode.MULTIPLY BlendMode.SCREEN BlendMode.OVERLAY BlendMode.SOFT_LIGHT BlendMode.HARD_LIGHT BlendMode.COLOR_DODGE BlendMode.COLOR_BURN BlendMode.DARKEN BlendMode.LIGHTEN BlendMode.DIFFERENCE BlendMode.EXCLUSION BlendMode.HUE BlendMode.SATURATION BlendMode.COLOR BlendMode.LUMINOSITY |
r/w | The blend mode to use for drawing the shadow. |
shadowBlurRadius | Measurement Unit (Number or String) (range: 0 - 144) | r/w | The radius of the shadow blur. |
shadowColor | Swatch | r/w | The swatch (color or mixed ink) applied to the shadow. |
shadowMode | ShadowMode: ShadowMode.NONE ShadowMode.DROP |
r/w | The shadow mode. |
shadowNoise | number (range: 0 - 100) | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) of noise to apply to the shadow. (Range: 0 to 100) |
shadowOpacity | number (range: 0 - 100) | r/w | The opacity of the shadow. (Range: 0 to 100) |
shadowSpread | number (range: 0 - 100) | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) of the blur radius to use as the shadow footprint. (Range: 0 to 100) For information, see shadow blur radius. |
shadowXOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) (range: -1000 - 1000) | r/w | The horizontal offset of the shadow. |
shadowYOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) (range: -1000 - 1000) | r/w | The vertical offset of the shadow. |
shearAngle | number | r/w | The skewing angle applied to the GraphicLine. (Range: -360 to 360) |
strokeAlignment | StrokeAlignment: StrokeAlignment.CENTER_ALIGNMENT StrokeAlignment.INSIDE_ALIGNMENT StrokeAlignment.OUTSIDE_ALIGNMENT |
r/w | The stroke alignment applied to the GraphicLine. |
strokeColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of the GraphicLine. Can also accept: String. |
strokeCornerAdjustment | StrokeCornerAdjustment: StrokeCornerAdjustment.NONE StrokeCornerAdjustment.DASHES StrokeCornerAdjustment.GAPS StrokeCornerAdjustment.DASHES_AND_GAPS |
r/w | The corner adjustment applied to the GraphicLine. |
strokeDashAndGap | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The dash and gap measurements that define the pattern of a custom dashed line. Define up to six values (in points) in the format [dash1, gap1, dash2, gap2, dash3, gap3]. |
strokeTint | number | r/w | The percent of tint to use in object's stroke color. (To specify a tint percent, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) |
strokeType | StrokeStyle | r/w | The stroke type |
strokeWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The weight (in points) to apply to the GraphicLine's stroke. |
textFrames | TextFrames | readonly | A collection of text frames. |
textPaths | TextPaths | readonly | A collection of text paths. |
textWrapPreferences | TextWrapPreference | readonly | The text wrap preference properties that define the default formatting for wrapping text around objects. |
verticalScale | number | r/w | The vertical scaling applied to the text as a percentage of its current size. (Range: 1 to 1000) |
visibleBounds | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The bounds of the GraphicLine including the stroke width, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2], which give the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the bounding box. |
wmfs | WMFs | readonly | A collection of WMF graphics. |
PageItem addPath (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a new page item by combining the GraphicLine with other objects. Deletes the objects if they do not intersect.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The object(s) to add. |
void applyObjectStyle (using:
ObjectStyle[, clearingOverrides:
bool=true][, clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle:
Applies the specified object style.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | ObjectStyle | The object style to apply. |
clearingOverrides | bool | If true, clears the GraphicLine's existing attributes before applying the style. (Optional) (default: true) |
clearingOverridesThroughRootObjectStyle | bool | If true, clears attributes and formatting applied to the GraphicLine that are not defined in the object style. (Optional) (default: false) |
void bringForward ()
Brings the GraphicLine forward one level in its layer.
void bringToFront ()
Brings the GraphicLine to the front.
bool checkIn ()
Checks in the story.
bool checkOut ()
Checks out the story.
void detach ()
Detaches an overridden master page item from the master page.
PageItem duplicate ([by:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String)])
Duplicates the GraphicLine.
Parameter | Type | Description |
by | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The amount (in points) to offset the new GraphicLine, in the format [x, y]. (Optional) |
PageItem excludeOverlapPath (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a new page item by excluding the overlapping areas of the GraphicLine and other objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The object(s) to exclude. |
void exportFile (format:
any, to:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, using:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path of the export file. |
showingOptions | bool | If true, prompts the user to select export options. (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style to use. (Optional) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
void fit (given:
Applies the specified fit option to content in a frame.
Parameter | Type | Description |
given | FitOptions: FitOptions.CONTENT_TO_FRAME FitOptions.CENTER_CONTENT FitOptions.PROPORTIONALLY FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT FitOptions.FILL_PROPORTIONALLY | The fit option to use. |
void flipItem (given:
FlipItemOptions[, around:
any][, transformingContent:
Flip item about given axis
Parameter | Type | Description |
given | FlipItemOptions: FlipItemOptions.HORIZONTAL FlipItemOptions.VERTICAL FlipItemOptions.BOTH | flip item options |
around | AnchorPoint Array of 2 Units | The point to flip around. Can accept: Array of 2 Units or AnchorPoint enumerator. (Optional) |
transformingContent | bool | If true then both the object and items within it are flipped (Optional) (default: true) |
of Object getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
PageItem intersectPath (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a new page item by intersecting the GraphicLine with other objects. Returns an error if the objects do not intersect.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The object(s) with which to intersect. |
PageItem makeCompoundPath (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a compound path by combining the path(s) of the GraphicLine with the paths of other objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The other objects whose paths to include in the new compound path. |
void markup (using:
Associates the page item with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | XMLElement | The XML element. |
PageItem minusBack (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a new page item by reverse subtracting the overlapping areas of the GraphicLine and other objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The object(s) to reverse subtract. |
void move ([to:
any][, by:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent:
Move Page Item to a new location. One of the 'To' or 'By' parameters is required.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to |
of 2 Units Layer Page Spread | The new location of the object. Can accept: Array of 2 Units, Spread, Page or Layer. (Optional) |
by | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | Amount by which to move the object relative to its current position (Optional) |
transformingContent | bool | If true then both the object and items within it are moved (Optional) (default: true) |
any override (destinationPage:
Overrides a master page item and places the item on the document page as a new object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
destinationPage | Page | The document page that contains the master page item to override. |
any place (fileName:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, withProperties:
Place a file
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | File | The file to place |
showingOptions | bool | Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional) (default: false) |
withProperties | Object | Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional) |
void placeXML (using:
Places XML content into the specified object. Note: Replaces any existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | XMLElement | The XML element whose content you want to place. |
of PageItem releaseCompoundPath ()
Releases a compound path.
void remove ()
Deletes the GraphicLine.
void removeOverride ()
Removes the override from a previously overridden master page item.
void resetScaling ()
Resets the GraphicLine's scaling to 100%. Note: This does not change the size of the GraphicLine. Instead, it makes the current size of the GraphicLine the basis for future scaling.
void resize ([horizontalScale:
number][, verticalScale:
number][, around:
any][, consideringCurrentScale:
bool=false][, transformingContent:
bool=true][, consideringParentsScale:
Resize the page item. You must specify either horizontal scale or vertical scale or both.
Parameter | Type | Description |
horizontalScale | number | The percentage of horizontal scale (Optional) |
verticalScale | number | The percentage of vertical scale (Optional) |
around | AnchorPoint Array of 2 Units | The point to scale around. Can accept: Array of 2 Units or AnchorPoint enumerator. (Optional) |
consideringCurrentScale | bool | If true then the object's current scale and new scale will be combined. If false then the new value is absolute. The default value is false. (Optional) (default: false) |
transformingContent | bool | If true then both the object and items within it are scaled (Optional) (default: true) |
consideringParentsScale | bool | If true then the object is scaled relative to its parent page item. If false it is scaled relative to the spread. (Optional) (default: false) |
bool revert ()
Reverts the document to its state at the last save operation.
void rotate (by:
number[, around:
any][, consideringCurrentRotation:
bool=false][, transformingContent:
bool=true][, consideringParentsRotation:
Rotate the page item
Parameter | Type | Description |
by | number | Angle by which to rotate the page item |
around | AnchorPoint Array of 2 Units | The point to rotate around. Can accept: Array of 2 Units or AnchorPoint enumerator. (Optional) |
consideringCurrentRotation | bool | If true then the object's current rotation and new rotation will be combined. If false then the new value is absolute. The default value is false. (Optional) (default: false) |
transformingContent | bool | If true then both the object and items within it are rotated (Optional) (default: true) |
consideringParentsRotation | bool | If true then the object is rotated relative to its parent page item. If false it is rotated relative to the spread. Cannot rotate with considering current rotation and considering parents rotation both set at the same time. (Optional) (default: false) |
void select ([existingSelection:
Selects the object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH | The selection status of the GraphicLine in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
void sendBackward ()
Sends the GraphicLine back one level in its layer.
void sendToBack ()
Sends the GraphicLine to the back.
void shear (by:
number[, around:
any][, shearAxisAngle:
number=0][, consideringCurrentShear:
bool=false][, transformingContent:
bool=true][, consideringParentsShear:
Shear the page item
Parameter | Type | Description |
by | number | Angle by which to shear the object |
around | AnchorPoint Array of 2 Units | The point to shear around. Can accept: Array of 2 Units or AnchorPoint enumerator. (Optional) |
shearAxisAngle | number | The amount that the shear axis is rotated. If 0 degree then shear at its horizontal axis. If 90 degrees then shear at the vertical axis. (Optional) (default: 0) |
consideringCurrentShear | bool | If true then the object's current shear and new shear will be combined. If false then the new value is absolute. The default value is false. (Optional) (default: false) |
transformingContent | bool | If true then both the object and items within it are sheared (Optional) (default: true) |
consideringParentsShear | bool | If true then the object is sheared relative to its parent page item. If false it is sheared relative to the spread. Cannot shear with considering current shear and considering parents shear both set at the same time. (Optional) (default: false) |
Asset store (using:
Store a page item in a library
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | Library | The library in which to store |
PageItem subtractPath (with:
of PageItem)
Creates a new page item by subtracting the overlapping areas of the GraphicLine and other objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
with | Array of PageItem | The object(s) to subtract. |
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the GraphicLine.
string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.
of string transformAgain ()
Transforms the GraphicLine using the last transformation performed on any object. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
of string transformAgainIndividually ()
Transforms the GraphicLine using the last transformation performed on any GraphicLine. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
of string transformSequenceAgain ()
Transforms the GraphicLine using the last sequence of transform operations performed on any single object or performed at the same time on any group of objects. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
of string transformSequenceAgainIndividually ()
Transforms the GraphicLine using the last sequence of transformations performed on any single object or performed at the same time on any group of objects. Transformations include moving, rotating, shearing, scaling, and flipping.
Used in:
array of GraphicLine GraphicLines.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.nextItem (obj: GraphicLine)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.previousItem (obj: GraphicLine)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
GraphicLine GraphicLines.anyItem ()
Array of GraphicLine GraphicLines.everyItem ()
GraphicLine GraphicLines.firstItem ()
GraphicLine GraphicLines.item (index: any)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.itemByID (id: number)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.itemByName (name: string)
Array of GraphicLine GraphicLines.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.lastItem ()
GraphicLine GraphicLines.middleItem ()
GraphicLine GraphicLines.nextItem (obj: GraphicLine)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.previousItem (obj: GraphicLine)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |