Property | Type | Access | Description |
allGraphics | Array of Graphic | readonly | Lists all graphics contained by the Page. |
allPageItems | Array of PageItem | readonly | Lists all page items contained by the Page. |
appliedMaster | MasterSpreadNothingEnum | r/w | The master spread applied to the Page. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
appliedSection | Section | readonly | The section to which the page belongs. |
appliedTrapPreset | String TrapPreset |
r/w | The trap preset applied to the page. Can also accept: String. |
bounds | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | readonly | The bounds of the Page, in the format [y1, x1, y2, x2]. |
buttons | Buttons | readonly | A collection of buttons. |
documentOffset | number | readonly | The sequential number of the page within the document. |
formFields | FormFields | readonly | A collection of form fields. |
graphicLines | GraphicLines | readonly | A collection of graphic lines. |
groups | Groups | readonly | A collection of groups. |
guides | Guides | readonly | A collection of guides. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the Page. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the Page within its containing object. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
marginPreferences | MarginPreference | readonly | Margin preference settings. |
masterPageItems |
of Graphics Guides Movies PageItems Sounds |
readonly | The items on a specified document page that originated on the applied master page and have not been overridden or detached. Can return: Array of PageItems, Guides, Graphics, Movies or Sounds. |
name | string | readonly | The name of the Page. |
ovals | Ovals | readonly | A collection of ellipses. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
parent | Document MasterSpread Spread |
readonly | The parent of the Page (a Spread, MasterSpread or Document). |
polygons | Polygons | readonly | A collection of polygons. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
rectangles | Rectangles | readonly | A collection of rectangles. |
side | PageSideOptions: PageSideOptions.RIGHT_HAND PageSideOptions.LEFT_HAND PageSideOptions.SINGLE_SIDED |
readonly | The side of the binding spine on which to place the page within the spread. |
tabOrder | Array of FormField | r/w | The order in which the focus moves to different form fields in the PDF when the tab key is pressed. |
textFrames | TextFrames | readonly | A collection of text frames. |
void detach ()
Detaches an overridden master page item from the master page.
Page duplicate ([to:
LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference:
Duplicates the page.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The location at which to place the duplicate page relative to the reference object or within the document or spread. (Optional) (default: LocationOptions.AT_END) |
reference | Page Spread | The reference object. Note: Required when the to value specifies before or after. Can accept: Page or Spread. (Optional) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
of Object getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
Page move ([to:
LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference:
any][, binding:
Moves the page.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The new location of the page relative to the reference object or within the document or spread. (Optional) (default: LocationOptions.AT_END) |
reference | Page Spread | The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter value specifies before or after. Can accept: Page or Spread. (Optional) |
binding | BindingOptions: BindingOptions.RIGHT_ALIGN BindingOptions.LEFT_ALIGN BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE | The location of the binding spine in spreads. (Optional) (default: BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE) |
any place (fileName:
File[, placePoint:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer:
Layer][, showingOptions:
bool=false][, autoflowing:
bool=false][, withProperties:
Place a file
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | File | The file to place |
placePoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The point at which to place (Optional) |
destinationLayer | Layer | The layer on which to place (Optional) |
showingOptions | bool | Whether to display the import options dialog (Optional) (default: false) |
autoflowing | bool | Whether to autoflow placed text (Optional) (default: false) |
withProperties | Object | Initial values for properties of the placed object(s) (Optional) |
void remove ()
Deletes the Page.
void removeOverride ()
Removes the override from a previously overridden master page item.
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Page.
Element of
Used in:
Bookmark Bookmarks.add (destination: any[, withProperties: Object])
void Button.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Button.override (destinationPage: Page)
Button Buttons.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void EPS.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any EPS.override (destinationPage: Page)
void FormField.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any FormField.override (destinationPage: Page)
void Graphic.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Graphic.override (destinationPage: Page)
void GraphicLine.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any GraphicLine.override (destinationPage: Page)
GraphicLine GraphicLines.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void Group.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Group.override (destinationPage: Page)
Group Groups.add (groupItems: Array of PageItem[, layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
any Guide.override (destinationPage: Page)
HyperlinkExternalPageDestination HyperlinkExternalPageDestinations.add ([destination: Page][, withProperties: Object])
HyperlinkPageDestination HyperlinkPageDestinations.add ([destination: Page][, withProperties: Object])
void Image.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Image.override (destinationPage: Page)
array of Story Index.generate ([on: any][, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, autoflowing: bool=false][, includeOverset: bool=false])
void Movie.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Movie.override (destinationPage: Page)
Movie Movies.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void Oval.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Oval.override (destinationPage: Page)
Oval Ovals.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void PDF.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any PDF.override (destinationPage: Page)
void PICT.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any PICT.override (destinationPage: Page)
Page Page.duplicate ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Page Page.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any][, binding: BindingOptions=BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE])
void PageItem.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any PageItem.override (destinationPage: Page)
Page Pages.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
array of Page Pages.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Page Pages.nextItem (obj: Page)
Page Pages.previousItem (obj: Page)
void Polygon.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Polygon.override (destinationPage: Page)
Polygon Polygons.add ([layer: Layer][, numberOfSides: number][, insetPercentage: number][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void Rectangle.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Rectangle.override (destinationPage: Page)
Rectangle Rectangles.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Section Sections.add ([reference: Page][, withProperties: Object])
void Sound.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any Sound.override (destinationPage: Page)
Sound Sounds.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Spread Spread.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
void TextFrame.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any TextFrame.override (destinationPage: Page)
TextFrame TextFrames.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
void WMF.move ([to: any][, by: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, transformingContent: bool=true])
any WMF.override (destinationPage: Page)
Page Page.duplicate ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Page Page.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any][, binding: BindingOptions=BindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE])
Page Pages.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Page Pages.anyItem ()
Array of Page Pages.everyItem ()
Page Pages.firstItem ()
Page Pages.item (index: any)
Page Pages.itemByID (id: number)
Page Pages.itemByName (name: string)
Array of Page Pages.itemByRange (from: any, to: any)
Page Pages.lastItem ()
Page Pages.middleItem ()
Page Pages.nextItem (obj: Page)
Page Pages.previousItem (obj: Page)
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |