Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: ViewZoomStyle

InDesign CS

 View zoom style options.


ViewZoomStyle.ACTUAL_SIZEDisplays the page at 100% magnification.2053206906 = 'zasz'
ViewZoomStyle.FIT_PAGEFits the entire page in the window.2053534832 = 'zftp'
ViewZoomStyle.FIT_VISIBLEFits the the text area of the page to the window width; obscures page margins and may obscure the lower portion of the page.1212437334 = 'HDSV'
ViewZoomStyle.FIT_WIDTHFits the page to the width of the window; may obscure the lower portion of the page.1212437335 = 'HDSW'
ViewZoomStyle.FULL_SCREENFills the screen with the page; hides the toolbar, command bar, menu bar, and window controls.1987733107 = 'vzfs'
ViewZoomStyle.ONE_COLUMNArranges the pages in a continuous vertical column that is one page wide.1987735395 = 'vzoc'
ViewZoomStyle.REFLOWReflows the document to fit larger or smaller screens at the current magnification. Note: Reflows only readable text, including articles, paragraphs, tables, images, and formatted lists; does not include forms, comments, digital signature fields, and page artifacts such as page numbers, headers and footers.1987736166 = 'vzrf'
ViewZoomStyle.ROTATE_CCWRotates the view 90 degrees counterclockwise.1987736183 = 'vzrw'
ViewZoomStyle.ROTATE_CWRotates the view 90 degrees clockwise.1987736163 = 'vzrc'
ViewZoomStyle.SINGLE_PAGEDisplays one page in the document pane at a time.1987736432 = 'vzsp'
ViewZoomStyle.TWO_COLUMNArranges the pages side by side in a continuous vertical column that is two pages wide.1987736675 = 'vztc'
ViewZoomStyle.ZOOM_INMagnifies the view to the next preset percentage.2053990766 = 'zmin'
ViewZoomStyle.ZOOM_OUTReduces the view to the previous preset percentage.2054124916 = 'zout'


As property


Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index