Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: FontSubsetting

InDesign CS

 Font subsetting options.


FontSubsetting.NONEDoes not subset fonts and uses only fonts installed on the end user system.1852796517 = 'none'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_ENGLISHSubsets the English font characters used in the document.1937134437 = 'svSe'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_ENTIREExports the full set of English and Roman-letter font characters.1937134433 = 'svSa'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_GLYPHSExports only the font characters used in the document. Note: Not available for linked fonts.1937134439 = 'svSg'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_GLYPHS_AND_ENGLISHSubsets English font characters and all other glyphs that are are used in the document.1937134405 = 'svSE'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_GLYPHS_AND_ROMANSubsets the Roman-letter font characters and other font characters that are used in the document.1937134418 = 'svSR'
FontSubsetting.SUBSET_ROMANSubsets the Roman-letter font characters used in the document.1937134450 = 'svSr'


As property


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