Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: StyleFormat

InDesign CS

 Style format options.


StyleFormat.CSSUses non-inline CSS styles and allows style elements to be moved to an external stylesheet file that is also referenced by an HTML file; results in slower rendering speeds. Note: Use when sharing files with GoLive documents.1937131107 = 'svFc'
StyleFormat.ENTITYUses entity styles and results in faster rendering times and smaller files.1937131109 = 'svFe'
StyleFormat.INLINEUses inline CSS styles; can increase file size. Note: Use when SVG code will be used in transformations such as XSLT.1937131113 = 'svFi'
StyleFormat.PRESENTATION_ATTRIBUTESApplies the highest level of properties, allowing for more flexibility during editing and transformations.1937131120 = 'svFp'


As property


Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index