Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: IndexCapitalizationOptions

InDesign CS

 Index entry capitalization options.


IndexCapitalizationOptions.ALL_ENTRIESCapitalizes all index entries. Note: Capitalizes only topics created before the capitalization statement appears in the script.1097624645 = 'AllE'
IndexCapitalizationOptions.ALL_LEVEL_1_ENTRIESCapitalizes all level 1 entries. Note: Capitalizes only topics created before the capitalization statement appears in the script.1095517556 = 'ALEt'
IndexCapitalizationOptions.INCLUDE_SUBENTRIESCapitalizes the specified topic and its nested topics. Valid only as parameter of the topic capitalize method; cannot be used as a parameter of the index capitalize method. Note: Must occur after the selected topic and its nested subtopics are created.1767072325 = 'iSbE'
IndexCapitalizationOptions.SELECTED_ENTRYCapitalizes the specified topic but does not capitalize its nested topics. Valid only as parameter of the topic capitalize method; cannot be used as a parameter of the index capitalize method. Note: Must occur after the specified topic and its nested topics are created.1398042725 = 'STpe'


In function

void Index.capitalize ([capitalizationOption: IndexCapitalizationOptions=IndexCapitalizationOptions.ALL_ENTRIES])

void Topic.capitalize ([capitalizationOption: IndexCapitalizationOptions=IndexCapitalizationOptions.ALL_ENTRIES])

Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index