Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: Widget

InDesign CS




Generic term for an object in a dialog column or dialog row, including dialog controls such as radio button groups, checkboxes, editboxes, dropdowns, and comboboxes; static text objects; enabling groups; border panels; and nested dialog columns and dialog rows. For information, see dialog column, dialog row, static text, border panel, enabling group, radiobutton group, checkbox control, angle editbox, angle combobox, integer editbox, integer combobox, measurement editbox, measurement combobox, percent editbox, percent combobox, real editbox, real combobox, and text editbox.

Superclass of AngleCombobox, AngleEditbox, BorderPanel, CheckboxControl, Dropdown, EnablingGroup, IntegerCombobox, IntegerEditbox, MeasurementCombobox, MeasurementEditbox, PercentCombobox, PercentEditbox, RadiobuttonControl, RadiobuttonGroup, RealCombobox, RealEditbox, StaticText, and TextEditbox


BorderPanel | DialogColumn | DialogRow | EnablingGroup
AngleCombobox | AngleEditbox | BorderPanel | CheckboxControl | Dropdown | EnablingGroup | IntegerCombobox | IntegerEditbox | MeasurementCombobox | MeasurementEditbox | PercentCombobox | PercentEditbox | RadiobuttonControl | RadiobuttonGroup | RealCombobox | RealEditbox | StaticText | TextEditbox


idnumber readonlyThe unique ID of the Widget.
indexnumber readonlyThe index of the Widget within its containing object.
minWidthnumber r/wThe width of the control. For an editbox or combobox, specifies the minimum width of the box.
readonlyThe parent of the Widget (a DialogColumn, DialogRow, EnablingGroup or BorderPanel).
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index