Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: DialogColumn

InDesign CS



 A borderless column for containing controls in a dialog.


BorderPanel | Dialog | DialogRow | EnablingGroup
AngleCombobox | AngleEditbox | BorderPanel | CheckboxControl | DialogRow | Dropdown | EnablingGroup | IntegerCombobox | IntegerEditbox | MeasurementCombobox | MeasurementEditbox | PercentCombobox | PercentEditbox | RadiobuttonGroup | RealCombobox | RealEditbox | StaticText | TextEditbox | Widget


angleComboboxesAngleComboboxes readonlyA collection of angle comboboxes.
angleEditboxesAngleEditboxes readonlyA collection of angle editboxes.
borderPanelsBorderPanels readonlyA collection of border panels.
checkboxControlsCheckboxControls readonlyA collection of checkbox controls.
dialogRowsDialogRows readonlyA collection of dialog rows.
dropdownsDropdowns readonlyA collection of dropdowns.
enablingGroupsEnablingGroups readonlyA collection of enabling groups.
idnumber readonlyThe unique ID of the DialogColumn.
indexnumber readonlyThe index of the DialogColumn within its containing object.
integerComboboxesIntegerComboboxes readonlyA collection of integer comboboxes.
integerEditboxesIntegerEditboxes readonlyA collection of integer editboxes.
measurementComboboxesMeasurementComboboxes readonlyA collection of measurement comboboxes.
measurementEditboxesMeasurementEditboxes readonlyA collection of measurement editboxes.
readonlyThe parent of the DialogColumn (a Dialog, DialogRow, EnablingGroup or BorderPanel).
percentComboboxesPercentComboboxes readonlyA collection of percent comboboxes.
percentEditboxesPercentEditboxes readonlyA collection of percent editboxes.
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
radiobuttonGroupsRadiobuttonGroups readonlyA collection of radiobutton groups.
realComboboxesRealComboboxes readonlyA collection of real number comboboxes.
realEditboxesRealEditboxes readonlyA collection of real number editboxes.
staticTextsStaticTexts readonlyA collection of static text objects.
textEditboxesTextEditboxes readonlyA collection of text editboxes.
widgetsWidgets readonlyA collection of widgets.


DialogColumn DialogColumns.add ([withProperties: Object])

Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index