XML export preferences.
Property | Type | Access | Description |
copyFormattedImages | bool | r/w | If true, copies formatted images to the images subfolder. |
copyOptimizedImages | bool | r/w | If true, copies optimized images to the images subfolder. |
copyOriginalImages | bool | r/w | If true, copies original images to the images subfolder. |
excludeDtd | bool | r/w | If true, excludes the DTD from the exported XML content. |
exportFromSelected | bool | r/w | If true, exports XML content from the selected XML element. If false, exports the entire document. |
fileEncoding | XMLFileEncoding: XMLFileEncoding.UTF8 XMLFileEncoding.UTF16 XMLFileEncoding.SHIFT_JIS |
r/w | The file encoding type for exporting XML content. |
gifOptionsInterlaced | bool | r/w | If true, generates interlaced GIFs. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG. |
gifOptionsPalette | GIFOptionsPalette: GIFOptionsPalette.ADAPTIVE_PALETTE GIFOptionsPalette.MACINTOSH_PALETTE GIFOptionsPalette.WEB_PALETTE GIFOptionsPalette.WINDOWS_PALETTE |
r/w | The color palette for GIF conversion. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG. |
imageConversion | ImageConversion: ImageConversion.AUTOMATIC ImageConversion.JPEG ImageConversion.GIF |
r/w | The file format to use for converted images. Note: Valid only when copy optimized images and/or copy formatted images is true. |
jpegOptionsFormat | JPEGOptionsFormat: JPEGOptionsFormat.BASELINE_ENCODING JPEGOptionsFormat.PROGRESSIVE_ENCODING |
r/w | The formatting method for converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF. |
jpegOptionsQuality | JPEGOptionsQuality: JPEGOptionsQuality.LOW JPEGOptionsQuality.MEDIUM JPEGOptionsQuality.HIGH JPEGOptionsQuality.MAXIMUM |
r/w | The quality of converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF. |
parent | Application Document |
readonly | The parent of the XMLExportPreference (a Application or Document). |
preferredBrowser | File | r/w | The application in which to display XML content. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
ruby | bool | r/w | If true, includes Ruby text in the exported XML content. |
viewAfterExport | bool | r/w | If true, displays exported XML content in a specified viewer. |
Element of
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |