Property | Type | Access | Description |
afterBlendingIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for colors that result from transparency interactions on the page after blending. |
allGraphics | Array of Graphic | readonly | Lists all graphics contained by the Document. |
allPageItems | Array of PageItem | readonly | Lists all page items contained by the Document. |
associatedXMLElement | XMLElement | readonly | Returns the associated XML element |
bookmarks | Bookmarks | readonly | A collection of bookmarks. |
buttonPreferences | ButtonPreference | readonly | Button preference settings. |
buttons | Buttons | readonly | A collection of buttons. |
characterStyles | CharacterStyles | readonly | A collection of character styles. |
cmykProfile | string | r/w | The current CMYK profile. |
cmykProfileList | Array of string | readonly | A list of valid CMYK profiles. |
colors | Colors | readonly | A collection of colors. |
dashedStrokeStyles | DashedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of dashed stroke styles. |
dataMergeProperties | DataMerge | readonly | Data merge properties that define data merge fields and preferences. |
defaultImageIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for bitmap images. |
dictionaryPreferences | DictionaryPreference | readonly | User dictionary preference settings. |
documentPreferences | DocumentPreference | readonly | Document preference settings. |
dottedStrokeStyles | DottedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of dotted stroke styles. |
dtds | DTDs | readonly | A collection of DTDs. |
filePath | File | readonly | The full path to the file. |
fonts | Fonts | readonly | A collection of fonts. |
formFields | FormFields | readonly | A collection of form fields. |
fullName | File | readonly | The full path to the Document, including the name of the Document. |
galleyPreferences | GalleyPreference | readonly | Galley preference settings. |
gradients | Gradients | readonly | A collection of gradients. |
graphicLines | GraphicLines | readonly | A collection of graphic lines. |
gridPreferences | GridPreference | readonly | Grid preference settings. |
groups | Groups | readonly | A collection of groups. |
guidePreferences | GuidePreference | readonly | Guide preference settings. |
guides | Guides | readonly | A collection of guides. |
hyperlinkExternalPageDestinations | HyperlinkExternalPageDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink external page destinations. |
hyperlinkPageDestinations | HyperlinkPageDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink page destinations. |
hyperlinkPageItemSources | HyperlinkPageItemSources | readonly | A collection of hyperlink page item sources. |
hyperlinkTextDestinations | HyperlinkTextDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink text destinations. |
hyperlinkTextSources | HyperlinkTextSources | readonly | A collection of hyperlink text sources. |
hyperlinkURLDestinations | HyperlinkURLDestinations | readonly | A collection of hyperlink URL destinations. |
hyperlinks | Hyperlinks | readonly | A collection of hyperlinks. |
hyphenationExceptions | HyphenationExceptions | readonly | A collection of hyphenation exceptions lists. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the Document within its containing object. |
indexGenerationOptions | IndexOptions | readonly | The index options properties that define how an index is formatted. |
indexes | Indexes | readonly | A collection of indexes. |
inks | Inks | readonly | A collection of inks. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
languages | Languages | readonly | A collection of languages. |
layers | Layers | readonly | A collection of layers. |
layoutAdjustmentPreferences | LayoutAdjustmentPreference | readonly | Layout sdjustment preference settings. |
layoutWindows | LayoutWindows | readonly | A collection of layout windows. |
links | Links | readonly | A collection of links. |
marginPreferences | MarginPreference | readonly | Margin preference settings. |
masterSpreads | MasterSpreads | readonly | A collection of master spreads. |
metadataPreferences | MetadataPreference | readonly | Metadata preference settings. |
mixedInkGroups | MixedInkGroups | readonly | A collection of mixed ink groups. |
mixedInks | MixedInks | readonly | A collection of mixed inks. |
modified | bool | readonly | If true, the Document has been modified since it was last saved. |
name | string | readonly | The name of the Document. |
ovals | Ovals | readonly | A collection of ellipses. |
packageForGoLivePreferences | PackageForGoLivePreference | readonly | The Package For GoLive preference properties that define how a document is packaged for GoLive. |
pageItems | PageItems | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
pages | Pages | readonly | A collection of pages. |
paragraphStyles | ParagraphStyles | readonly | A collection of paragraph styles. |
parent | Application | readonly | The parent of the Document (a Application). |
pasteboardPreferences | PasteboardPreference | readonly | Pasteboard preference settings. |
polygonPreferences | PolygonPreference | readonly | Polygon preference properties to use to define default settings for creating a polygon. |
polygons | Polygons | readonly | A collection of polygons. |
printPreferences | PrintPreference | readonly | Print preference settings. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
rectangles | Rectangles | readonly | A collection of rectangles. |
redoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the redo stack. |
rgbProfile | string | r/w | The current RGB profile. |
rgbProfileList | Array of string | readonly | A list of valid RGB profiles. |
saved | bool | readonly | If true, the Document has been saved since it was created. |
sections | Sections | readonly | A collection of sections. |
selection |
of Objects NothingEnum Object |
r/w | The selection. Can return: Object, Array of Objects or NothingEnum enumerator. |
solidColorIntent | RenderingIntent: RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGS RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent.SATURATION RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC |
r/w | The rendering intent for all vector art (areas of solid color) in native objects. |
spreads | Spreads | readonly | A collection of spreads. |
stories | Stories | readonly | A collection of stories. |
storyPreferences | StoryPreference | readonly | Story preference settings. |
storyWindows | StoryWindows | readonly | A collection of story windows. |
stripedStrokeStyles | StripedStrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of striped stroke styles. |
strokeStyles | StrokeStyles | readonly | A collection of stroke styles. |
swatches | Swatches | readonly | A collection of swatches. |
textDefaults | TextDefault | readonly | Text default settings. |
textFramePreferences | TextFramePreference | readonly | Text frame preference settings. |
textFrames | TextFrames | readonly | A collection of text frames. |
textPreferences | TextPreference | readonly | Text preference settings. |
tints | Tints | readonly | A collection of tints. |
tocStyles | TOCStyles | readonly | A collection of TOC styles. |
transparencyPreferences | TransparencyPreference | readonly | Transparency preference settings. |
trapPresets | TrapPresets | readonly | A collection of trap presets. |
undoName | string | readonly | The name of the action on the top of the undo stack. |
unusedSwatches | Array of Swatch | readonly | The swatches that are not being used. |
validationErrors | ValidationErrors | readonly | A collection of XML validation errors. |
viewPreferences | ViewPreference | readonly | View preference settings. |
visible | bool | readonly | If true, the Document is visible. |
windows | Windows | readonly | A collection of windows. |
xmlComments | XMLComments | readonly | A collection of XML comments. |
xmlElements | XMLElements | readonly | A collection of XML elements. |
xmlExportMaps | XMLExportMaps | readonly | A collection of XML export maps. |
xmlExportPreferences | XMLExportPreference | readonly | XML export preference settings. |
xmlImportMaps | XMLImportMaps | readonly | A collection of XML import maps. |
xmlImportPreferences | XMLImportPreference | readonly | XML import preference settings. |
xmlInstructions | XMLInstructions | readonly | A collection of XML instructions. |
xmlItems | XMLItems | readonly | A collection of XML items. |
xmlTags | XMLTags | readonly | A collection of XML tags. |
xmlViewPreferences | XMLViewPreference | readonly | XML view preference settings. |
zeroPoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The ruler origin, specified as page coordinates in the format [x, y]. |
void autoStyle ()
Auto styles the document based on the tag-to-style map.
void autoTag ()
Auto tags the document based on the style-to-tag map.
void close ([saving:
SaveOptions=SaveOptions.ASK][, savingIn:
Closes the Document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
saving | SaveOptions: SaveOptions.NO SaveOptions.ASK SaveOptions.YES | The option for saving changes. (Optional) (default: SaveOptions.ASK) |
savingIn | File | The file path of the saved document. Note: Required only when saving the document for the first time. If the document has previously been saved, specifying a path saves a copy and closes the original document. (Optional) |
TextFrame createTOC (using:
TOCStyle[, replacing:
bool=false][, fromBook:
Book][, placePoint:
of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, includeOverset:
bool=false][, destinationLayer:
Create a table of contents for a document or book
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | TOCStyle | The table of content style to use |
replacing | bool | Whether to replace the existing TOC (Optional) (default: false) |
fromBook | Book | The book from which to create the TOC (Optional) |
placePoint | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | The point at which to place the TOC (Optional) |
includeOverset | bool | Whether to include overset text in the TOC (Optional) (default: false) |
destinationLayer | Layer | The layer on which to place the TOC (Optional) |
void deleteUnusedTags ()
Deletes unused XML markup tags.
void exportFile (format:
any, to:
File[, showingOptions:
bool=false][, using:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path of the export file. |
showingOptions | bool | If true, prompts the user to select export options. (Optional) (default: false) |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style to use. (Optional) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
void importDtd (from:
Imports a DTD to use for validation.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the DTD file. |
void importStyles (format:
ImportFormat, from:
Import styles.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ImportFormat: ImportFormat.CHARACTER_STYLES_FORMAT ImportFormat.PARAGRAPH_STYLES_FORMAT ImportFormat.TEXT_STYLES_FORMAT ImportFormat.TOC_STYLES_FORMAT | The type of styles to import. |
from | File | an InDesign file to import from |
void importXML (from:
Imports an XML file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the XML file. |
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
void loadXMLTags (from:
Loads a set of XML markup tags from the specified file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | File | The path to the file that contains the tags. |
bool packageForGoLive (location:
Packages for GoLive
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | File | File location for package |
bool packageForPrint (to:
File, copyingFonts:
bool, copyingLinkedGraphics:
bool, copyingProfiles:
bool, updatingGraphics:
bool, includingHiddenLayers:
bool, ignorePreflightErrors:
bool, creatingReport:
Packages the document for handoff to a service provider.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The folder, alias, or path in which to place the packaged files. |
copyingFonts | bool | If true, copies fonts used in the document to the package folder. |
copyingLinkedGraphics | bool | If true, copies linked graphics files to the package folder. |
copyingProfiles | bool | If true, copies color profiles to the package folder. |
updatingGraphics | bool | If true, updates graphics links to the package folder. |
includingHiddenLayers | bool | If true, copies fonts and links from hidden layers to the package. |
ignorePreflightErrors | bool | If true, ignores preflight errors and proceeds with the packaging. If false, cancels the packaging when errors exist. |
creatingReport | bool | If true, creates a package report that includes printing instructions, print settings, lists of fonts, links and required inks, and other information. |
void print ([printDialog:
bool][, using:
Prints the Document(s).
Parameter | Type | Description |
printDialog | bool | Whether to invoke the print dialog (Optional) |
using | PrinterPreset PrinterPresetTypes | Printer preset to use. Can accept: PrinterPresetTypes enumerator or PrinterPreset. (Optional) |
void redo ()
Redoes the last action.
void save ([to:
File][, stationery:
Save the document
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The file path. Note: Required only if the document has not been previously saved. If the document has previously been saved, specifying a path saves a copy and closes the original document. (Optional) |
stationery | bool | If true, saves the file as stationery (Mac OS) or as a template (Windows). Note: The file extension for stationery and templates is different than the extension for regular files. (Optional) (default: false) |
void saveXMLTags (to:
Saves the XML markup tags as an XML file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | File | The name and location of the XML file. |
of Text search ([for:
string][, wholeWord:
bool][, caseSensitive:
bool][, replacingWith:
string][, withFindAttributes:
Object][, withChangeAttributes:
Look for occurrences of text that matches specific criteria
Parameter | Type | Description |
for | string | What to look for (Optional) |
wholeWord | bool | If true, then disregard text embedded within a larger word (Optional) |
caseSensitive | bool | If true, then search only for text that matches case (Optional) |
replacingWith | string | What to replace the found text with, either a string or a special character (Optional) |
withFindAttributes | Object | A record of find preference settings to use (Optional) |
withChangeAttributes | Object | A record of change preference settings to use (Optional) |
void select (selectableItems:
any[, existingSelection:
Select one or more objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
selectableItems |
of Objects NothingEnum Object | The object(s) to select. Can accept: Object, Array of Objects or NothingEnum enumerator. |
existingSelection | SelectionOptions: SelectionOptions.ADD_TO SelectionOptions.REMOVE_FROM SelectionOptions.REPLACE | How to handle the existing selection (Optional) (default: SelectionOptions.REPLACE) |
Element of
Used in:
array of any Asset.placeAsset (on: Document)
Bookmark Bookmark.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Button Buttons.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
GraphicLine GraphicLines.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Group Groups.add (groupItems: Array of PageItem[, layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Movie Movies.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Oval Ovals.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Page Pages.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Polygon Polygons.add ([layer: Layer][, numberOfSides: number][, insetPercentage: number][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Rectangle Rectangles.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Section Sections.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Sound Sounds.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Spread Spread.duplicate ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Spread Spread.move ([to: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.AT_END][, reference: any])
Spread Spreads.add ([at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
TextFrame TextFrames.add ([layer: Layer][, at: LocationOptions=LocationOptions.UNKNOWN][, reference: any][, withProperties: Object])
Document Documents.add ([showingWindow: bool=true][, documentPreset: DocumentPreset][, withProperties: Object])
Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3d | Contents :: Index |