Adobe InDesign CS (3.0) Object Model JS: NestedStyleDelimiters

InDesign CS

 Delimiter options for marking the end of the application of the nested style.


NestedStyleDelimiters.ANY_CHARACTERUses the first character or characters other than zero-width markers as the nested style delimiter. Zero-width markers include anchors, index markers, XML tags, and so on.1380541539 = 'RIdc'
NestedStyleDelimiters.ANY_WORDUses the first word or words in the paragraph as the nested style delimiter. The first word is considered all characters preceding the first space or white space character in the paragraph.1380541559 = 'RIdw'
NestedStyleDelimiters.AUTO_PAGE_NUMBERUses the first automatic page number as the nested style delimiter.1396797550 = 'SApn'
NestedStyleDelimiters.DIGITSUses the first numeric character or characters as the nested style delimiter. Note: To specify the number of digits, see repetition.1380541540 = 'RIdd'
NestedStyleDelimiters.DROPCAPUses the dropcap as the nested style delimiter.1380541507 = 'RIdC'
NestedStyleDelimiters.EM_SPACEUses the first em space as the nested style delimiter.1397058899 = 'SEmS'
NestedStyleDelimiters.END_NESTED_STYLEUses the inserted end nested style here character as the nested style delimiter.1396855379 = 'SBRS'
NestedStyleDelimiters.EN_SPACEUses the first en space as the nested style delimiter.1397059155 = 'SEnS'
NestedStyleDelimiters.FORCED_LINE_BREAKUses the first forced line break as the nested style delimiter.1397124194 = 'SFlb'
NestedStyleDelimiters.INDENT_HERE_TABUses the first indent-to-here tab character as the nested style delimiter. Note: Does not use the first indent-to-here tab stop. If no actual indent-to-here tab character has been inserted in the paragraph, the nested style is applied through the end of the paragraph.1397319796 = 'SIht'
NestedStyleDelimiters.INLINE_GRAPHICUses the first inline graphic as the nested style delimiter.1380541545 = 'RIdi'
NestedStyleDelimiters.LETTERSUses the first alpha character or characters as the nested style delimiter. Note: To specify the number of letters, see repetition.1380541548 = 'RIdl'
NestedStyleDelimiters.NONBREAKING_SPACEUses the first nonbreaking space as the nested style delimiter.1397645907 = 'SNbS'
NestedStyleDelimiters.SECTION_MARKERUses the first section name marker as the nested style delimiter.1400073805 = 'SsnM'
NestedStyleDelimiters.SENTENCEUses the first sentence or sentences in the paragraph as the nested style delimiter. The first sentence is considered all text preceding the first period, question mark, or exclamation mark in the paragraph.1380541555 = 'RIds'
NestedStyleDelimiters.TABSUses the first tab character as the nested style delimiter. Note: Does not use the first tab stop. If no actual tab character has been inserted in the paragraph, the nested style is applied through the end of the paragraph.1380541556 = 'RIdt'


As property


Jongware, 27-Jun-2010 v3.0.3dContents :: Index