ASprite Class Reference
ASprite Aurora Sprite class.
Public Member Functions | |
void | ResizeCoords () |
To be documented... | |
int | scaleX (int x) |
To be documented. | |
int | scaleY (int y) |
To be documented. | |
void | SetPool (int poolIndex) |
set cache pool of ASprite | |
void | SetResizeParameters (int spriteId, int resizeMode, boolean correctY) |
To be documented. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static int | Crc32 (byte buffer[], int start, int count, int crc) |
Crc32. | |
static void | InitCachePool (int poolCount) |
Initialize Cache Pool. | |
static void | InitPoolSize (int poolIndex, int size) |
Initialize pool size. | |
static void | ResetCachePool (int poolIndex) |
Release pool. | |
static void | SetTempBuffer (Object pArray) |
Sets the temporary buffer array to be used for decoding operations. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static final int | BASE = 65521 |
static final int | BLOCK_INFO_SIZE = 11 |
static final int | CRC32_POLYNOMIAL = 0xEDB88320 |
static int | crcTable [] = new int[256] |
static final int | HEADER_LEVEL0_MAX_WBITS = 30938 |
static final int | NMAX = 5552 |
static final int | PAL_BLEND_BLACK = 5 |
static final int | PAL_BLUE_CYAN = 2 |
static final int | PAL_GREEN = 3 |
static final int | PAL_GREY = 4 |
static final int | PAL_INVISIBLE = 0 |
static final int | PAL_ORIGINAL = -1 |
static final int | PAL_RED_YELLOW = 1 |
static final int | PNG_INFO_SIZE = 57 |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static final byte | IDAT [] = { 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' } |
static final byte | IEND [] = { 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D' } |
static final byte | IHDR [] = { 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R' } |
static final byte | INFO32 [] = { 8, 6, 0, 0, 0 } |
static final byte | INFO8 [] = { 8, 3, 0, 0, 0 } |
static final byte | MAGIC [] = { -119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10 } |
static final byte[] | MAGIC_IEND = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, (byte)0xae, 0x42, 0x60, (byte)0x82} |
static final byte | PLTE [] = { 'P', 'L', 'T', 'E' } |
static final byte | tRNS [] = { 't', 'R', 'N', 'S' } |
Package Functions | |
ASprite () | |
Empty constructor. Does nothing. | |
void | BuildAnimCacheImages (int palette, int anim) |
Create cache images for all modules all frame used by a animation. | |
void | BuildCacheImages (int pal, int m1, int m2, int pal_copy) |
Build Cache Images for this sprite. | |
void | BuildFrameCacheImages (int palette, int frame) |
Create cache images for all modules used by a frame. | |
int | CountFrameModules (int frame) |
Count the number of modules in a frame. | |
Object | DecodeImage (int module) |
Decodes loaded module data. | |
void | DecodeImageToByteArray (byte[] dest, int module, boolean img2dRGBA, boolean half) |
Decodes loaded module data to a byte array. | |
void | DrawNumber (Graphics g, int num, int radix, int minDigit, int x, int y, int anchor, boolean restorecol) |
Draws text given a number. | |
void | DrawNumber (Graphics g, int num, int minDigit, int x, int y, int anchor) |
Draws text given a number. | |
void | DrawPage (Graphics g, String s, int x, int y, int anchor, int start, int end) |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters as a page given a start and end. | |
void | DrawPage (Graphics g, String s, int x, int y, int anchor) |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters as a page. | |
void | DrawPage (Graphics g, byte[] s, int x, int y, int anchor) |
Draws a byte array containing a string with appropriate newline characters as a page. | |
void | DrawPageB (Graphics g, String s, short[] info, int x, int y, int startLine, int maxLines, int anchor) |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters and wrapping information as a page. | |
void | DrawString (Graphics g, String s, int x, int y, int anchor, boolean restorecol) |
Draws text given a string. | |
void | DrawString (Graphics g, byte[] bs, int x, int y, int anchor, boolean restorecol) |
Draws text given a byte array containing a string. | |
void | DrawString (Graphics g, String s, int x, int y, int anchor) |
Draws text given a string. | |
void | DrawString (Graphics g, byte[] bs, int x, int y, int anchor) |
Draws text given a byte array containing a string. | |
void | DrawStringOrChars (Graphics g, String s, char[] charBuff, int x, int y, int anchor, boolean restorecol) |
void | FreeAnimCacheImages (int palette, int anim) |
Free cache images for all modules of all frames used by a animation. | |
void | FreeCacheData () |
Free all cached data. | |
void | FreeFrameCacheImages (int palette, int frame) |
Free cache images for all modules used by a frame. | |
void | FreeMemory () |
Free data after the modules have been cached. | |
void | FreeModuleImage (int nPal, int nMod) |
Frees a cached module. | |
int | GetAFrameFlags (int anim, int aframe) |
Gets the flags associated with a frame in an animation. | |
void | GetAFrameRect (int anim, int aframe, int rectIndex, int[] rect, int flags) |
Get a FrameRect from a specific anim and aframe. | |
void | GetAFrameRect (int[] rc, int anim, int aframe, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Gets the rectangle occupied by an animation frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags. | |
int | GetAFrames (int anim) |
Get the number of frames in an animation. | |
int | GetAFramesOX (int v) |
To be documented. | |
int | GetAFramesOY (int v) |
To be documented. | |
int | GetAFrameTime (int anim, int aframe) |
Gets the time of a frame in an animation. | |
int | GetAnimFrame (int anim, int aframe) |
Gets the ID of a frame inside an animation. | |
boolean | GetBold () |
Gets a value that indicates whether this Font is Bold. | |
int | GetCharFrame (int c) |
byte[] | GetCharMap () |
Returns the current character map used by DrawString. | |
short[][] | GetCharMapShort () |
new text rendering | |
int | getCharSize (char c) |
Gets the width of the given character using this sprite. | |
int | GetCharSpacing () |
Gets the current character spacing for the sprite. | |
int | GetCurrentMMapping () |
Gets the current Module mapping index. | |
int | GetCurrentPalette () |
Gets the current palette for the sprite @ returns the current palette. | |
int | GetFModuleOX (int v) |
To be documented. | |
int | GetFModuleOY (int v) |
To be documented. | |
void | GetFModuleRect (int[] rc, int frame, int fmodule, int posX, int posY, int flags, int hx, int hy) |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a module in a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags. | |
int | GetFModules (int frame) |
Get the number of modules in a frame. | |
int | GetFontHeight () |
Gets the font height of the sprite. | |
int | GetFrameCount () |
Get the number of frames in the sprite. | |
int | GetFrameHeight (int frame) |
Gets the height of a frame. | |
int[] | GetFrameMarkers (int frame) |
Get all the marker module positions of a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModule (int frame, int fmodule) |
Get the id of a module in a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModuleFlags (int frame, int fmodule) |
Get the flags set on a module in a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModuleHeight (int frame, int fmodule) |
Get the height of a module inside a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModulePalette (int frame, int fmodule) |
Retrieve a frame module's palette, if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag. | |
int | GetFrameModuleWidth (int frame, int fmodule) |
Get the width of a module inside a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModuleX (int frame, int fmodule) |
Gets the X coordinate of a module inside a frame. | |
int | GetFrameModuleY (int frame, int fmodule) |
Gets the Y coordinate of a module inside a frame. | |
void | GetFrameRect (int frame, int rectIndex, int[] rect, int flags) |
Get a FrameRect from a specific frame. | |
void | GetFrameRect (int[] rc, int frame, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags. | |
void | GetFrameRect (int[] rc, int frame, int posX, int posY, int flags, int hx, int hy) |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags. | |
int | GetFrameRectCount (int frame) |
Get The FrameRect count for a specific frame. | |
int | GetFrames () |
Gets the number of frames in the sprite. | |
int | GetFrameWidth (int frame) |
Gets the width of a frame. | |
int | GetLineHeight () |
Gets the current line height of the sprite. | |
int | GetLineSpacing () |
Returns the current line spacing for the sprite. | |
int | GetModuleCount () |
Get the number of modules in the sprite. | |
Object | GetModuleData (int nModule, int nPalette) |
Get the Module's Data of a specific Palette. | |
int | GetModuleHeight (int module) |
Gets the height of a module. | |
int | GetModuleHeightOrg (int module) |
To be documented. | |
Image | GetModuleImage (int nModule, int nPalette) |
Get the Module's Image of a specific Palette. | |
void | GetModuleRect (int[] rc, int module, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a module if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags. | |
int | GetModuleWidth (int module) |
Gets the width of a module. | |
int | GetModuleWidthOrg (int module) |
To be documented. | |
int | GetModuleX (int module) |
Gets the x coordinate of a module. | |
int | GetModuleY (int module) |
Gets the y coordinate of a module. | |
Object | GetPalette (int nPalette) |
Gets a palette array. | |
int | GetSpaceWidth () |
Gets the current space width of the sprite. | |
boolean | GetUnderline () |
Gets a value that indicates whether this Font is underlined. | |
void | Load (byte[] file, int offset, int pal_flags, int tr_flags, Image sprImage) |
Load the sprite from the given byte array and associated image. | |
void | Load (byte[] file, int offset, Image sprImage) |
Load the sprite from the given byte array and associated image. | |
void | Load (byte[] file, int offset, int pal_flags, int tr_flags) |
Load the sprite from the given byte array with flags. | |
void | Load (byte[] file, int offset) |
Load the sprite from the given byte array. | |
void | ModifyPalette (int palNb, int color) |
Modify palette, original palette will turn into the alpha value, and set one and only color for all palette original palette = 0x00RRGGBB, color parameter = 0x00CCCCCC result palette = 0xBBCCCCCC. | |
void | ModifyPaletteAlpha (int palNb, int alpha) |
Modify the alpha value of a palette. | |
void | ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingAltPalette (int p_iPaletteID, int p_iAlphaPaletteID) |
Modify palette, original palette will have its alpha channel set using the second palette's RED channel. | |
void | ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingLastPalette (int p_iPaletteID) |
This is just a wrapper around ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingAltPalette which automatically uses the last palette for the alpha information. | |
void | PaintAFrame (Graphics g, int anim, int aframe, int posX, int posY, int flags, int hx, int hy) |
Draws an animation frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintAFrame (Graphics g, int anim, int aframe, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Draws an animation frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintFModule (Graphics g, int frame, int fmodule, int posX, int posY, int flags, int hx, int hy) |
Draws a module from a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintFModule (Graphics g, int frame, int fmodule, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Draws a module from a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintFrame (Graphics g, int frame, int posX, int posY, int flags, int hx, int hy) |
Draws a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintFrame (Graphics g, int frame, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Draws a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintModule (Graphics g, int module, int posX, int posY, int flags) |
Draws a module at PosX/PosY with Flags. | |
void | PaintPrecomputedFrame (Graphics g, int x, int y, int frame) |
Paints a pre-computed frame at x, y. | |
void | PrecomputeAllFrames (Graphics g) |
Precomputes all frames. | |
void | PrecomputeFrame (Graphics g, int frame, int flags) |
Precompute a frame. | |
void | SetBold (boolean bBold) |
Sets the bold for the font. | |
void | SetCharMap (short[] pNewMap) |
Sets the character map used by DrawString for the new text rendering code. | |
void | SetCharMap (byte[] pNewMap) |
Sets the character map used by DrawString. | |
void | SetCharSpacing (int spacing) |
Sets the character spacing for the sprite. | |
void | SetCharSpacingToDefault () |
Reverts the character spacing to default for the sprite. | |
void | SetCurrentMMapping (int map) |
Sets the current Module mapping index. | |
void | SetCurrentPalette (int pal) |
Sets the current palette for the sprite. | |
void | SetDefaultFontMetrics () |
Sets the default values for font ascent, descent, height, space, and line spacing, based on the data found in the sprite file. | |
void | SetLineHeight (int nHeight) |
Sets the line height for the sprite. | |
void | SetLineHeightToDefault () |
Reverts the line height to the default for the sprite. | |
void | SetLineSpacing (int spacing) |
Sets the line spacing for the sprite. | |
void | SetLineSpacingToDefault () |
Reverts line spacing to the default for the sprite. | |
void | SetModuleImage (Image pImg, int nModule, int nPalette) |
Set the Module's Image of a specific Palette. | |
void | SetModuleImagesArray (Object pData) |
Sets the module cached image array. | |
void | SetModuleMapping (int map, byte[] mmp) |
Set the module mapping at an index. | |
void | SetSpaceWidth (int spacing) |
Sets the space width of the sprite. | |
void | SetSpaceWidthToDefault () |
Reverts the space width to the default for the sprite. | |
void | SetUnderline (boolean bUnderline) |
Sets the underline for the font. | |
String | TextFitToFixedWidth (String str, int text_w) |
Fits the supplied string to a given width. | |
byte[] | TextFitToFixedWidth (byte[] str, int text_w) |
Fits the supplied byte array containing a string to a given width. | |
int[] | TransformRGB (int[] image_data, int sizeX, int sizeY, int flags) |
Applies transformations to an RGB buffer. | |
void | unload () |
unload the sprite | |
void | UpdateNumberSize (int num, int radix, int minDigit) |
Updates the text size for the sprite given a number. | |
void | UpdateStringOrCharsSize (String s, char[] charBuff) |
void | UpdateStringSize (String s) |
Updates the current string size for the sprite given a string. | |
void | UpdateStringSize (byte[] bs) |
Updates the current string size for the sprite given a byte array containing a string. | |
short[] | WraptextB (String s, int width, int height) |
Wraps the provided string to a given area and returns an array containing the wrapped configuration. | |
Static Package Functions | |
[static initializer] | |
static void | DrawLine (Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color, int radius, int initial) |
Bresenham's Line-Drawing Algorithm. | |
static short[] | GenPalette (int type, short[] pal) |
Generates a palette based on another palette. | |
static int[] | GenPalette (int type, int[] pal) |
Generates a palette based on another palette. | |
static int | GetChars (char[] charBuf, int i, int radix, int minDigit) |
static int | GetCurrentStringHeight () |
Gets the current string height used by DrawString. | |
static int | GetCurrentStringWidth () |
Gets the current string width used by DrawString. | |
static void | SetCharMapStatic (byte[] pNewMap) |
Sets the character map used by DrawString from a static context. | |
static void | SetGraphics (Graphics g1) |
Sets the current graphics context. | |
static void | SetSubString (int i1, int i2) |
Set the current substring. | |
static int | StringTokenize (String s, int index1, int index2, char token, int[] indices) |
Tokenize a string given a separating token character. | |
Package Attributes | |
byte[] | _aframes |
byte[] | _aframes_flags |
byte[] | _aframes_frame |
byte[] | _aframes_ox_byte |
short[] | _aframes_ox_short |
byte[] | _aframes_oy_byte |
short[] | _aframes_oy_short |
byte[] | _aframes_time |
boolean | _alpha |
short[] | _anims_af_start |
byte[] | _anims_naf |
int[][] | _aryPrecomputedFlags |
Object[][] | _aryPrecomputedImages |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedImgX |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedImgY |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedSizeX |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedSizeY |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedX |
short[][] | _aryPrecomputedY |
int | _bs_flags |
boolean | _bTraceNow |
int | _colors |
int | _cur_pal |
int | _cur_pool = -1 |
which pool the cached images will be created in */ | |
short | _data_format |
byte[] | _fmodules |
byte[] | _fmodules_flags |
byte[] | _fmodules_id |
byte[] | _fmodules_ox_byte |
short[] | _fmodules_ox_short |
byte[] | _fmodules_oy_byte |
short[] | _fmodules_oy_short |
byte[] | _fmodules_pal |
byte[] | _frames_col |
short[] | _frames_col_short |
short[] | _frames_fm_start |
byte[] | _frames_nfm |
byte[] | _frames_rc |
short[] | _frames_rc_short |
byte[] | _frames_rects |
short[] | _frames_rects_short |
short[] | _frames_rects_start |
byte[][] | _gifHeader |
int[] | _header_size |
int | _i64rle_color_bits |
int | _i64rle_color_mask |
Image[] | _main_image |
short[][] | _map |
byte[] | _module_colors_byte |
int[] | _module_colors_int |
Image[][] | _module_image_imageAA |
Image[][][] | _module_image_imageAAA |
int[][][] | _module_image_intAAA |
byte[] | _module_types |
byte[] | _modules_data |
int[] | _modules_data_off_int |
short[] | _modules_data_off_short |
short[] | _modules_extra_info |
short[] | _modules_extra_pointer |
byte[] | _modules_h_byte |
short[] | _modules_h_scaled |
short[] | _modules_h_short |
short[][][] | _modules_image_shortAAA |
byte[] | _modules_usage |
byte[] | _modules_w_byte |
short[] | _modules_w_scaled |
short[] | _modules_w_short |
byte[] | _modules_x_byte |
short[] | _modules_x_short |
byte[] | _modules_y_byte |
short[] | _modules_y_short |
int | _nModules |
int | _old_pal |
byte[] | _pal_data |
int[][] | _pal_int |
short[][] | _pal_short |
int | _palettes |
int[] | _PNG_packed_IDAT_ADLER |
int[] | _PNG_packed_IDAT_CRC |
int[] | _PNG_packed_IHDR_CRC |
int[] | _PNG_packed_PLTE_CRC |
int[] | _PNG_packed_tRNS_CRC |
byte[][] | _transp |
int[] | _w_pos |
int | hRef |
int | hTarget |
boolean | mResizeCorrectY = false |
int | wRef |
int | wTarget |
int | xRatio |
int | yRatio |
Static Package Attributes | |
static byte[] | _buffer_index |
static Graphics | _graphics |
static int | _images_count |
static int | _images_size |
static int | _index1 = -1 |
static int | _index2 = -1 |
static char[] | _itoa_buffer |
static int | _operation = OPERATION_DRAW |
static byte[] | _png_index |
static byte[] | _png_result |
static int | _png_size |
static int | _png_start_crc |
static ASprite[][] | _poolCacheSprites |
static short[][] | _poolCacheStack |
table stores the indices of module images being cached. | |
static int[] | _poolCacheStackIndex |
the loop cursor | |
static int[] | _poolCacheStackMax |
the pool size | |
static int | _rectX1 |
static int | _rectX2 |
static int | _rectY1 |
static int | _rectY2 |
static int | _text_h |
Used to gather dimensions of a string. (call UpdateStringSize() to update this value). | |
static int | _text_w |
Used to gather dimensions of a string. (call UpdateStringSize() to update this value). | |
static short[] | _warpTextInfo |
static final int | BS_AF_OFF_SHORT = (1 << 18) |
static final int | BS_ANIMS = (1 << 16) |
static final int | BS_DEFAULT_NOKIA = (BS_DEFAULT_MIDP2) |
static final int | BS_FM_OFF_SHORT = (1 << 10) |
static final int | BS_FM_PALETTE = (1 << 14) |
static final int | BS_FRAME_COLL_RC = (1 << 13) |
static final int | BS_FRAME_RECTS = (1 << 15) |
static final int | BS_FRAMES = (1 << 8) |
static final int | BS_GIF_HEADER = (1 << 31) |
static final int | BS_IMAGE_SIZE_INT = (1 << 7) |
static final int | BS_KEEP_PAL = (1 << 26) |
static final int | BS_MODULE_IMAGES = (1 << 24) |
static final int | BS_MODULE_IMAGES_FX = (1 << 23) |
static final int | BS_MODULE_USAGE = (1 << 30) |
static final int | BS_MODULES = (1 << 0) |
static final int | BS_MODULES_IMG = (1 << 2) |
static final int | BS_MODULES_USAGE = (1 << 6) |
static final int | BS_MODULES_WH_SHORT = (1 << 4) |
static final int | BS_MODULES_XY = (1 << 1) |
static final int | BS_MODULES_XY_SHORT = (1 << 5) |
static final int | BS_NAF_1_BYTE = (1 << 19) |
static final int | BS_NFM_1_BYTE = (1 << 11) |
static final int | BS_NO_AF_START = (1 << 17) |
static final int | BS_PNG_CRC = (1 << 25) |
static final int | BS_SINGLE_IMAGE = (1 << 29) |
static final int | BS_SKIP_FRAME_RC = (1 << 12) |
static final int | BS_TRANSP_FIRST = (1 << 27) |
static final int | BS_TRANSP_LAST = (1 << 28) |
static final short | BSPRITE_v003 = (short)0x03DF |
static final short | BSPRITE_v004 = (short)0x04DF |
static final short | BSPRITE_v005 = (short)0x05DF |
static int | currentChunkType |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I127RLE = 0x27F1 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I16 = 0x1600 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I2 = 0x0200 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I256 = 0x5602 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I256RLE = 0x56F2 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I4 = 0x0400 |
static final short | ENCODE_FORMAT_I64RLE = 0x64F0 |
static final byte | FLAG_FLIP_X = 0x01 |
static final byte | FLAG_FLIP_Y = 0x02 |
static final byte | FLAG_HYPER_FM = 0x10 |
static final int | FLAG_INDEX_EX_MASK = 0xC0 |
static final byte | FLAG_OFFSET_AF = 0x20 |
static final byte | FLAG_OFFSET_FM = 0x10 |
static final byte | FLAG_ROT_90 = 0x04 |
static final byte | FLAG_USER0 = 0x10 |
static final byte | FLAG_USER1 = 0x20 |
static final int | INDEX_EX_MASK = 0x0300 |
static final int | INDEX_EX_SHIFT = 2 |
static final int | INDEX_MASK = 0x03FF |
static final int | k_itoa_buffer_size = 33 |
All possible chars for representing a number as a String only support 10 decimal system now. | |
static final byte[] | MAGIC_IDAT_h = { (byte)0x78, (byte)0x9C, (byte)0x01, } |
static final int | MAX_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS = 8 |
static final int | MD_ARC = 3 |
static final int | MD_FILL_ARC = 4 |
static final int | MD_FILL_RECT = 2 |
static final int | MD_FILL_TRIANGLE = 7 |
static final int | MD_IMAGE = 0 |
static final int | MD_MARKER = 5 |
static final int | MD_RECT = 1 |
static final int | MD_TRIANGLE = 6 |
static int | mem = 0 |
static final int[] | midp2_flags |
static int | mod |
static int | mResizeRef = RESIZE_REF_240x320 |
static final int | OPERATION_COMPUTERECT = 1 |
static final int | OPERATION_DRAW = 0 |
static final int | OPERATION_MARK = 3 |
static final int | OPERATION_RECORD = 2 |
static final short | PIXEL_FORMAT_0565 = (short)0x6505 |
static final short | PIXEL_FORMAT_1555 = (short)0x5515 |
static final short | PIXEL_FORMAT_4444 = (short)0x4444 |
static final short | PIXEL_FORMAT_8888 = (short)0x8888 |
static int | record_frame = -1 |
static int | record_index = -1 |
static final int | RESIZE_CREATERGB = 1 |
static final int | RESIZE_DRAW_ON_MUTABLE = 2 |
static final int | RESIZE_NONE = 0 |
static final int | RESIZE_NOT_CACHED = 3 |
static final int | RESIZE_REF_176x220 = 1 |
static final int | RESIZE_REF_240x256 = 2 |
static final int | RESIZE_REF_240x320 = 0 |
static boolean | s_bAspectRatio |
static boolean | s_bBilinear |
static byte[] | s_MapChar |
static int[] | s_rc = new int[4] |
static int | s_resizeType |
static final int | SCALE_SHIFT = 16 |
static final short | SUPPORTED_VERSION = BSPRITE_v005 |
static byte | temp_byte [] |
static int | temp_int [] |
static short | temp_short [] |
static int | transform_int [] |
Detailed Description
ASprite Aurora Sprite class.Implementation for sprites exported by AuroraGT editor. Contains methods to handle displaying of strings.
- Author:
- Ionut Matasaru ([email protected])
Dragos Velicu ([email protected])
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
ASprite | ( | ) | [package] |
Empty constructor. Does nothing.
Member Function Documentation
[static initializer] | ( | ) | [static, package] |
void BuildAnimCacheImages | ( | int | palette, | |
int | anim | |||
) | [package] |
Create cache images for all modules all frame used by a animation.
This funcion will call BuildFrameCacheImages(ASprite sprite, int frame, int palette) for each animation frame.
- Parameters:
palette Sprite palette index. Will be ignored if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag and if GLLibConfig.sprite_useFMPalette is enabled. anim Animation index
void BuildCacheImages | ( | int | pal, | |
int | m1, | |||
int | m2, | |||
int | pal_copy | |||
) | [package] |
Build Cache Images for this sprite.
- Parameters:
pal palette to be initialized m1 first module m2 last module (-1 . to end) pal_copy mapping to another palette (-1 . build)
void BuildFrameCacheImages | ( | int | palette, | |
int | frame | |||
) | [package] |
Create cache images for all modules used by a frame.
- Parameters:
palette Sprite palette index. Will be ignored if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag and if GLLibConfig.sprite_useFMPalette is enabled. frame Frame index
int CountFrameModules | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Count the number of modules in a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined
- Returns:
- The number of modules in the frame
static int Crc32 | ( | byte | buffer[], | |
int | start, | |||
int | count, | |||
int | crc | |||
) | [static] |
- Parameters:
buffer the bufer for wich the crc is computed start the index inthe buffer for wich the crc is computed count the length to compute crc crc ???to be documented???
- Returns:
- ???to be documented???
Object DecodeImage | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
Decodes loaded module data.
- Parameters:
module Module to be decoded
- Returns:
- Object The decoded image data
void DecodeImageToByteArray | ( | byte[] | dest, | |
int | module, | |||
boolean | img2dRGBA, | |||
boolean | half | |||
) | [package] |
Decodes loaded module data to a byte array.
- Parameters:
dest The destination array module The module to be decoded img2dRGBA True if the decoded image should be RGBA, false if RGB only half True if the decoded image should be half-scaled
static void DrawLine | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | x1, | |||
int | y1, | |||
int | x2, | |||
int | y2, | |||
int | color, | |||
int | radius, | |||
int | initial | |||
) | [static, package] |
Bresenham's Line-Drawing Algorithm.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context x1 X coordinate at the start of the line y1 Y coordinate at the start of the line x2 X coordinate at the end of the line y2 Y coordinate at the end of the line color The color of the line radius The radius of the line initial Initial offset
void DrawNumber | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | num, | |||
int | radix, | |||
int | minDigit, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor, | |||
boolean | restorecol | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a number.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context num The number to be drawn radix The radix of number, only support 10 decimal system now minDigit The min digit, not enough digits to make up for 0 x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing restorecol Boolean determining if the currently set font palette be restored after this operation
void DrawNumber | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | num, | |||
int | minDigit, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a number.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context num The number to be drawn minDigit The min digit, not enough digits to make up for 0 x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawPage | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor, | |||
int | start, | |||
int | end | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters as a page given a start and end.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The string to be drawn x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing start The character position to begin drawing at end The character position to stop drawing at
void DrawPage | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters as a page.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The string to be drawn x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawPage | ( | Graphics | g, | |
byte[] | s, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a byte array containing a string with appropriate newline characters as a page.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The byte array to be drawn x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawPageB | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
short[] | info, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | startLine, | |||
int | maxLines, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a string with appropriate newline characters and wrapping information as a page.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The string to be drawn info The wrapping information for the string x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to startLine The starting line to begin drawing from maxLines The maximum number of lines to draw anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawString | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor, | |||
boolean | restorecol | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a string.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The string to be drawn x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing restorecol Boolean determining if the currently set font palette be restored after this operation
void DrawString | ( | Graphics | g, | |
byte[] | bs, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor, | |||
boolean | restorecol | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a byte array containing a string.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context bs A byte array containing a string x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing restorecol Boolean determining if the currently set font palette be restored after this operation
void DrawString | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a string.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context s The string to be drawn x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawString | ( | Graphics | g, | |
byte[] | bs, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor | |||
) | [package] |
Draws text given a byte array containing a string.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context bs A byte array containing a string x The X coordinate to be drawn to y The Y coordinate to be drawn to anchor The anchor flags to be used for drawing
void DrawStringOrChars | ( | Graphics | g, | |
String | s, | |||
char[] | charBuff, | |||
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | anchor, | |||
boolean | restorecol | |||
) | [package] |
void FreeAnimCacheImages | ( | int | palette, | |
int | anim | |||
) | [package] |
Free cache images for all modules of all frames used by a animation.
This funcion will call FreeFrameCacheImages(int palette, int frame) for each animation frame.
- Parameters:
palette Sprite palette index. Will be ignored if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag and if GLLibConfig.sprite_useFMPalette is enabled. anim Animation index
void FreeCacheData | ( | ) | [package] |
Free all cached data.
void FreeFrameCacheImages | ( | int | palette, | |
int | frame | |||
) | [package] |
Free cache images for all modules used by a frame.
- Parameters:
palette Sprite palette index. Will be ignored if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag and if GLLibConfig.sprite_useFMPalette is enabled. frame Frame index
void FreeMemory | ( | ) | [package] |
Free data after the modules have been cached.
void FreeModuleImage | ( | int | nPal, | |
int | nMod | |||
) | [package] |
Frees a cached module.
- Parameters:
nPal The palette index nMod The module to be freed (-1 for all modules in this palette)
static short [] GenPalette | ( | int | type, | |
short[] | pal | |||
) | [static, package] |
Generates a palette based on another palette.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- The generated palette
static int [] GenPalette | ( | int | type, | |
int[] | pal | |||
) | [static, package] |
Generates a palette based on another palette.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- The generated palette
int GetAFrameFlags | ( | int | anim, | |
int | aframe | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the flags associated with a frame in an animation.
- Parameters:
anim The animation to be examined aframe The frame in the animation
- Returns:
- the flags associated with this frame in the animation
void GetAFrameRect | ( | int | anim, | |
int | aframe, | |||
int | rectIndex, | |||
int[] | rect, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Get a FrameRect from a specific anim and aframe.
- Parameters:
anim anim to query for Frame Rect. aframe aframe to query for Frame Rect. rectIndex which rect to get for this frame. rect int array to hlod the rect, [x, y, w, h]. flags flip x/y flags
void GetAFrameRect | ( | int[] | rc, | |
int | anim, | |||
int | aframe, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the rectangle occupied by an animation frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags.
- Parameters:
rc The rectangle array to be populated anim The animation containing the frame aframe The frame to be examined posX The X coordinate to be considered posY The Y coordinate to be considered flags The flags to be considered
int GetAFrames | ( | int | anim | ) | [package] |
Get the number of frames in an animation.
- Parameters:
anim The animation to be examined
- Returns:
- The number of frames
int GetAFramesOX | ( | int | v | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
int GetAFramesOY | ( | int | v | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
int GetAFrameTime | ( | int | anim, | |
int | aframe | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the time of a frame in an animation.
- Parameters:
anim The animation to be examined aframe The frame in the animation
- Returns:
- The frame time
int GetAnimFrame | ( | int | anim, | |
int | aframe | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the ID of a frame inside an animation.
- Parameters:
anim The animation to examine aframe The frame inside the animation
- Returns:
- The frame ID
boolean GetBold | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets a value that indicates whether this Font is Bold.
- Returns:
- The font is Bold
int GetCharFrame | ( | int | c | ) | [package] |
byte [] GetCharMap | ( | ) | [package] |
Returns the current character map used by DrawString.
- Returns:
- byte array containg the the current character map
short [][] GetCharMapShort | ( | ) | [package] |
new text rendering
static int GetChars | ( | char[] | charBuf, | |
int | i, | |||
int | radix, | |||
int | minDigit | |||
) | [static, package] |
int getCharSize | ( | char | c | ) | [package] |
Gets the width of the given character using this sprite.
- Parameters:
c The character to be examined
- Returns:
- The width of the character in pixels
int GetCharSpacing | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the current character spacing for the sprite.
- Returns:
- The character spacing
int GetCurrentMMapping | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the current Module mapping index.
- Returns:
- the index
int GetCurrentPalette | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the current palette for the sprite @ returns the current palette.
static int GetCurrentStringHeight | ( | ) | [static, package] |
Gets the current string height used by DrawString.
- Returns:
- The current string height
static int GetCurrentStringWidth | ( | ) | [static, package] |
Gets the current string width used by DrawString.
- Returns:
- The current string width
int GetFModuleOX | ( | int | v | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
int GetFModuleOY | ( | int | v | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
void GetFModuleRect | ( | int[] | rc, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | fmodule, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags, | |||
int | hx, | |||
int | hy | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a module in a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags.
- Parameters:
rc The rectangle array to be populated frame The frame containing the module fmodule The module to be examined posX The X coordinate to be considered posY The Y coordinate to be considered flags The flags to be considered hx ??? unused ??? hy ??? unused ???
int GetFModules | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Get the number of modules in a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined
- Returns:
- The number of modules
int GetFontHeight | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the font height of the sprite.
- Returns:
- Int font height
int GetFrameCount | ( | ) | [package] |
Get the number of frames in the sprite.
- Returns:
- the number of frames
int GetFrameHeight | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Gets the height of a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined
- Returns:
- The frame height
int [] GetFrameMarkers | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Get all the marker module positions of a frame.
- Parameters:
frame frame to query for markers.
- Returns:
- an int array with all the markers or null if there are no maker on this frame.
int GetFrameModule | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Get the id of a module in a frame.
- Parameters:
frame the frame containing the module fmodule the module to be examined
- Returns:
- the module id
int GetFrameModuleFlags | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Get the flags set on a module in a frame.
- Parameters:
frame the frame containing the module fmodule the module to be examined
- Returns:
- the flags set on the module
int GetFrameModuleHeight | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Get the height of a module inside a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined fmodule The module inside the frame
- Returns:
- The height of the module
int GetFrameModulePalette | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Retrieve a frame module's palette, if the sprite is exported using BS_FM_PALETTE flag.
If this flag is not used or if GLLibConfig.sprite_useFMPalette isn't used, returns current sprite palette.
- Parameters:
frame Frame index fmodule Frame module index
- Returns:
- Frame module palette
int GetFrameModuleWidth | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Get the width of a module inside a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined fmodule The module inside the frame
- Returns:
- The width of the module
int GetFrameModuleX | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the X coordinate of a module inside a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined fmodule The module inside the frame
- Returns:
- The X coordinate inside the frame
int GetFrameModuleY | ( | int | frame, | |
int | fmodule | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the Y coordinate of a module inside a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined fmodule The module inside the frame
- Returns:
- The Y coordinate inside the frame
void GetFrameRect | ( | int | frame, | |
int | rectIndex, | |||
int[] | rect, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Get a FrameRect from a specific frame.
- Parameters:
frame frame to query for Frame Rect. rectIndex which rect to get for this frame. rect int array to hlod the rect, [x, y, w, h]. flags flip x/y flags
void GetFrameRect | ( | int[] | rc, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags.
- Parameters:
rc The rectangle array to be populated frame The frame to be examined posX The X coordinate to be considered posY The Y coordinate to be considered flags The flags to be considered
void GetFrameRect | ( | int[] | rc, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags, | |||
int | hx, | |||
int | hy | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a frame if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags.
- Parameters:
rc The rectangle array to be populated frame The frame to be examined posX The X coordinate to be considered posY The Y coordinate to be considered flags The flags to be considered hx ??? Unused ??? hy ??? Unused ???
int GetFrameRectCount | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Get The FrameRect count for a specific frame.
- Parameters:
frame frame to query for Frame Rect Count.
- Returns:
- the Frame rect count for this frame.
int GetFrames | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the number of frames in the sprite.
- Returns:
- The number of frames
int GetFrameWidth | ( | int | frame | ) | [package] |
Gets the width of a frame.
- Parameters:
frame The frame to be examined
- Returns:
- The frame width
int GetLineHeight | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the current line height of the sprite.
- Returns:
- The line height
int GetLineSpacing | ( | ) | [package] |
Returns the current line spacing for the sprite.
- Returns:
- The current line spacing
int GetModuleCount | ( | ) | [package] |
Get the number of modules in the sprite.
- Returns:
- the number of modules
Object GetModuleData | ( | int | nModule, | |
int | nPalette | |||
) | [package] |
Get the Module's Data of a specific Palette.
- Parameters:
nModule Module number nPalette Palette number
- Returns:
- Object (int[], short[] ...) of the module/palette or null if nModule/nPalette are not valid or if the Image does not exist.
int GetModuleHeight | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
Gets the height of a module.
- Parameters:
module The module to be examined
- Returns:
- The height
int GetModuleHeightOrg | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
Image GetModuleImage | ( | int | nModule, | |
int | nPalette | |||
) | [package] |
Get the Module's Image of a specific Palette.
- Parameters:
nModule Module number nPalette Palette number
- Returns:
- Image of the module/palette or null if nModule/nPalette are not valid or if the Image does not exist.
void GetModuleRect | ( | int[] | rc, | |
int | module, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Gets the rectangle occupied by a module if it were to be drawn at posX/posY with flags.
- Parameters:
rc The rectangle array to be populated module The module to be examined posX The X coordinate to be considered posY The Y coordinate to be considered flags The flags to be considered
int GetModuleWidth | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
Gets the width of a module.
- Parameters:
module The module to be examined
- Returns:
- The width
int GetModuleWidthOrg | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Int
int GetModuleX | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
Gets the x coordinate of a module.
- Parameters:
module The module to be examined
- Returns:
- The x coordinate
int GetModuleY | ( | int | module | ) | [package] |
Gets the y coordinate of a module.
- Parameters:
module The module to be examined
- Returns:
- The y coordinate
Object GetPalette | ( | int | nPalette | ) | [package] |
Gets a palette array.
- Parameters:
nPalette Palette index
- Returns:
- The palette array object
int GetSpaceWidth | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets the current space width of the sprite.
- Returns:
- The space width
boolean GetUnderline | ( | ) | [package] |
Gets a value that indicates whether this Font is underlined.
- Returns:
- The font is underlined
static void InitCachePool | ( | int | poolCount | ) | [static] |
Initialize Cache Pool.
- Parameters:
poolCount init number of pool
static void InitPoolSize | ( | int | poolIndex, | |
int | size | |||
) | [static] |
Initialize pool size.
- Parameters:
poolIndex index of pool size size of pool
void Load | ( | byte[] | file, | |
int | offset, | |||
int | pal_flags, | |||
int | tr_flags, | |||
Image | sprImage | |||
) | [package] |
Load the sprite from the given byte array and associated image.
- Parameters:
file A byte array containing a sprite file offset The offset inside the array at which to start reading pal_flags Palette flags tr_flags Transformation flags sprImage The image associated with the sprite
void Load | ( | byte[] | file, | |
int | offset, | |||
Image | sprImage | |||
) | [package] |
Load the sprite from the given byte array and associated image.
- Parameters:
file A byte array containing a sprite file offset The offset inside the array at which to start reading sprImage The image associated with the sprite
void Load | ( | byte[] | file, | |
int | offset, | |||
int | pal_flags, | |||
int | tr_flags | |||
) | [package] |
Load the sprite from the given byte array with flags.
- Parameters:
file A byte array containing a sprite file offset The offset inside the array at which to start reading pal_flags Palette flags tr_flags Transformation flags
void Load | ( | byte[] | file, | |
int | offset | |||
) | [package] |
Load the sprite from the given byte array.
- Parameters:
file A byte array containing a sprite file offset The offset inside the array at which to start reading
void ModifyPalette | ( | int | palNb, | |
int | color | |||
) | [package] |
Modify palette, original palette will turn into the alpha value, and set one and only color for all palette original palette = 0x00RRGGBB, color parameter = 0x00CCCCCC result palette = 0xBBCCCCCC.
- Parameters:
palNb The palette number color The color to be set
void ModifyPaletteAlpha | ( | int | palNb, | |
int | alpha | |||
) | [package] |
Modify the alpha value of a palette.
- Parameters:
palNb The palette number alpha The alpha to be set
void ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingAltPalette | ( | int | p_iPaletteID, | |
int | p_iAlphaPaletteID | |||
) | [package] |
Modify palette, original palette will have its alpha channel set using the second palette's RED channel.
Original palette = 0x00RRGGBB, Alpha palette = 0x00AA0000 Result palette = 0xAARRGGBB
- Parameters:
p_iPaletteID is the index of the palette you want to alter p_iAlphaPaletteID is the index of the palette that holds the alpha channel in its RED channel
void ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingLastPalette | ( | int | p_iPaletteID | ) | [package] |
This is just a wrapper around ModifyPaletteAlphaUsingAltPalette which automatically uses the last palette for the alpha information.
- Parameters:
p_iPaletteID is the index of the palette you want to alter
void PaintAFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | anim, | |||
int | aframe, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags, | |||
int | hx, | |||
int | hy | |||
) | [package] |
Draws an animation frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context anim The animation containing the frame aframe The frame to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation hx The height of the area to be drawn hy The width of the area to be drawn
void PaintAFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | anim, | |||
int | aframe, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Draws an animation frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context anim The animation containing the frame aframe The frame to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation
void PaintFModule | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | fmodule, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags, | |||
int | hx, | |||
int | hy | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a module from a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context frame The frame containing the module fmodule The module to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation hx The height of the area to be drawn hy The width of the area to be drawn
void PaintFModule | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | fmodule, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a module from a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context frame The frame containing the module fmodule The module to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation
void PaintFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags, | |||
int | hx, | |||
int | hy | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context frame The frame to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation hx The height of the area to be drawn hy The width of the area to be drawn
void PaintFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a frame at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context frame The frame to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation
void PaintModule | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | module, | |||
int | posX, | |||
int | posY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Draws a module at PosX/PosY with Flags.
- Parameters:
g The Graphics context module The frame to be drawn posX The X coordinate to be drawn to posY The Y coordinate to be drawn to flags The flags to be used for this operation
void PaintPrecomputedFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | x, | |||
int | y, | |||
int | frame | |||
) | [package] |
Paints a pre-computed frame at x, y.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context x The X coordinate to draw to y The Y coordinate to draw to frame The frame to draw
void PrecomputeAllFrames | ( | Graphics | g | ) | [package] |
Precomputes all frames.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context
void PrecomputeFrame | ( | Graphics | g, | |
int | frame, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Precompute a frame.
- Parameters:
g The graphics context frame The frame to be precomputed flags The drawing flags to be used
static void ResetCachePool | ( | int | poolIndex | ) | [static] |
Release pool.
- Parameters:
poolIndex index of pool
void ResizeCoords | ( | ) |
To be documented...
int scaleX | ( | int | x | ) |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
int scaleY | ( | int | y | ) |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
void SetBold | ( | boolean | bBold | ) | [package] |
Sets the bold for the font.
- Parameters:
bBold the bold flag
void SetCharMap | ( | short[] | pNewMap | ) | [package] |
Sets the character map used by DrawString for the new text rendering code.
- Parameters:
pNewMap byte array containing the character map to be set
void SetCharMap | ( | byte[] | pNewMap | ) | [package] |
Sets the character map used by DrawString.
- Parameters:
pNewMap byte array containing the character map to be set
static void SetCharMapStatic | ( | byte[] | pNewMap | ) | [static, package] |
Sets the character map used by DrawString from a static context.
- Parameters:
pNewMap byte array containing the character map to be set
void SetCharSpacing | ( | int | spacing | ) | [package] |
Sets the character spacing for the sprite.
- Parameters:
spacing the character spacing
void SetCharSpacingToDefault | ( | ) | [package] |
Reverts the character spacing to default for the sprite.
void SetCurrentMMapping | ( | int | map | ) | [package] |
Sets the current Module mapping index.
- Parameters:
map The index to be set
void SetCurrentPalette | ( | int | pal | ) | [package] |
Sets the current palette for the sprite.
- Parameters:
pal the palette to be set
void SetDefaultFontMetrics | ( | ) | [package] |
Sets the default values for font ascent, descent, height, space, and line spacing, based on the data found in the sprite file.
static void SetGraphics | ( | Graphics | g1 | ) | [static, package] |
Sets the current graphics context.
- Parameters:
g1 The graphics context to be set
void SetLineHeight | ( | int | nHeight | ) | [package] |
Sets the line height for the sprite.
- Parameters:
nHeight the line height
void SetLineHeightToDefault | ( | ) | [package] |
Reverts the line height to the default for the sprite.
void SetLineSpacing | ( | int | spacing | ) | [package] |
Sets the line spacing for the sprite.
- Parameters:
spacing the line spacing to be set
void SetLineSpacingToDefault | ( | ) | [package] |
Reverts line spacing to the default for the sprite.
void SetModuleImage | ( | Image | pImg, | |
int | nModule, | |||
int | nPalette | |||
) | [package] |
Set the Module's Image of a specific Palette.
- Parameters:
pImg Image to set in the ASprite nModule Module number nPalette Palette number
void SetModuleImagesArray | ( | Object | pData | ) | [package] |
Sets the module cached image array.
- Parameters:
pData image array
void SetModuleMapping | ( | int | map, | |
byte[] | mmp | |||
) | [package] |
Set the module mapping at an index.
- Parameters:
map The mapping index mmp The module mapping
void SetPool | ( | int | poolIndex | ) |
void SetResizeParameters | ( | int | spriteId, | |
int | resizeMode, | |||
boolean | correctY | |||
) |
To be documented.
- Parameters:
spriteId resizeMode correctY
void SetSpaceWidth | ( | int | spacing | ) | [package] |
Sets the space width of the sprite.
- Parameters:
spacing the space width to set
void SetSpaceWidthToDefault | ( | ) | [package] |
Reverts the space width to the default for the sprite.
static void SetSubString | ( | int | i1, | |
int | i2 | |||
) | [static, package] |
Set the current substring.
- Parameters:
i1 index 1 i2 index 2
static void SetTempBuffer | ( | Object | pArray | ) | [static] |
Sets the temporary buffer array to be used for decoding operations.
- Parameters:
pArray The buffer array to be used
void SetUnderline | ( | boolean | bUnderline | ) | [package] |
Sets the underline for the font.
- Parameters:
bUnderline the underline flag
static int StringTokenize | ( | String | s, | |
int | index1, | |||
int | index2, | |||
char | token, | |||
int[] | indices | |||
) | [static, package] |
Tokenize a string given a separating token character.
- Parameters:
s The string to be tokenized index1 The character position to begin tokenizing index2 The character position to stop tokenizing token The token character to be used indices an int array where the tokenization configuration is to be stored
- Returns:
- The number of lines resulting from tokenization
String TextFitToFixedWidth | ( | String | str, | |
int | text_w | |||
) | [package] |
Fits the supplied string to a given width.
- Parameters:
str The string to be wrapped text_w The width to be wrapped to
- Returns:
- The wrapped string
byte [] TextFitToFixedWidth | ( | byte[] | str, | |
int | text_w | |||
) | [package] |
Fits the supplied byte array containing a string to a given width.
- Parameters:
str The string byte array to be wrapped text_w The width to be wrapped to
- Returns:
- The wrapped byte array
int [] TransformRGB | ( | int[] | image_data, | |
int | sizeX, | |||
int | sizeY, | |||
int | flags | |||
) | [package] |
Applies transformations to an RGB buffer.
- Parameters:
image_data RGB buffer to transform sizeX width of the rgb data sizeY height of the rgb data flags Transformation flags
void unload | ( | ) | [package] |
unload the sprite
void UpdateNumberSize | ( | int | num, | |
int | radix, | |||
int | minDigit | |||
) | [package] |
Updates the text size for the sprite given a number.
- Parameters:
num The number to be drawn radix The radix of number minDigit The min digit, not enough digits to make up for 0
void UpdateStringOrCharsSize | ( | String | s, | |
char[] | charBuff | |||
) | [package] |
void UpdateStringSize | ( | String | s | ) | [package] |
Updates the current string size for the sprite given a string.
- Parameters:
s the string
void UpdateStringSize | ( | byte[] | bs | ) | [package] |
Updates the current string size for the sprite given a byte array containing a string.
- Parameters:
bs a byte array containing a string
short [] WraptextB | ( | String | s, | |
int | width, | |||
int | height | |||
) | [package] |
Wraps the provided string to a given area and returns an array containing the wrapped configuration.
- Parameters:
s The string to be wrapped width The width of the area to wrap to height The height of the area to wrap to
- Returns:
- Short array containing the wrapping configuration
Member Data Documentation
byte [] _aframes [package] |
byte [] _aframes_flags [package] |
byte [] _aframes_frame [package] |
byte [] _aframes_ox_byte [package] |
short [] _aframes_ox_short [package] |
byte [] _aframes_oy_byte [package] |
short [] _aframes_oy_short [package] |
byte [] _aframes_time [package] |
boolean _alpha [package] |
short [] _anims_af_start [package] |
byte [] _anims_naf [package] |
int [][] _aryPrecomputedFlags [package] |
Object [][] _aryPrecomputedImages [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedImgX [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedImgY [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedSizeX [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedSizeY [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedX [package] |
short [][] _aryPrecomputedY [package] |
int _bs_flags [package] |
boolean _bTraceNow [package] |
byte [] _buffer_index [static, package] |
int _colors [package] |
int _cur_pal [package] |
int _cur_pool = -1 [package] |
which pool the cached images will be created in */
short _data_format [package] |
byte [] _fmodules [package] |
byte [] _fmodules_flags [package] |
byte [] _fmodules_id [package] |
byte [] _fmodules_ox_byte [package] |
short [] _fmodules_ox_short [package] |
byte [] _fmodules_oy_byte [package] |
short [] _fmodules_oy_short [package] |
byte [] _fmodules_pal [package] |
byte [] _frames_col [package] |
short [] _frames_col_short [package] |
short [] _frames_fm_start [package] |
byte [] _frames_nfm [package] |
byte [] _frames_rc [package] |
short [] _frames_rc_short [package] |
byte [] _frames_rects [package] |
short [] _frames_rects_short [package] |
short [] _frames_rects_start [package] |
byte [][] _gifHeader [package] |
Graphics _graphics [static, package] |
int [] _header_size [package] |
int _i64rle_color_bits [package] |
int _i64rle_color_mask [package] |
int _images_count [static, package] |
int _images_size [static, package] |
int _index1 = -1 [static, package] |
int _index2 = -1 [static, package] |
char [] _itoa_buffer [static, package] |
Image [] _main_image [package] |
short [][] _map [package] |
byte [] _module_colors_byte [package] |
int [] _module_colors_int [package] |
Image [][] _module_image_imageAA [package] |
Image [][][] _module_image_imageAAA [package] |
int [][][] _module_image_intAAA [package] |
byte [] _module_types [package] |
byte [] _modules_data [package] |
int [] _modules_data_off_int [package] |
short [] _modules_data_off_short [package] |
short [] _modules_extra_info [package] |
short [] _modules_extra_pointer [package] |
byte [] _modules_h_byte [package] |
short [] _modules_h_scaled [package] |
short [] _modules_h_short [package] |
short [][][] _modules_image_shortAAA [package] |
byte [] _modules_usage [package] |
byte [] _modules_w_byte [package] |
short [] _modules_w_scaled [package] |
short [] _modules_w_short [package] |
byte [] _modules_x_byte [package] |
short [] _modules_x_short [package] |
byte [] _modules_y_byte [package] |
short [] _modules_y_short [package] |
int _nModules [package] |
int _old_pal [package] |
int _operation = OPERATION_DRAW [static, package] |
byte [] _pal_data [package] |
int [][] _pal_int [package] |
short [][] _pal_short [package] |
int _palettes [package] |
byte [] _png_index [static, package] |
int [] _PNG_packed_IDAT_ADLER [package] |
int [] _PNG_packed_IDAT_CRC [package] |
int [] _PNG_packed_IHDR_CRC [package] |
int [] _PNG_packed_PLTE_CRC [package] |
int [] _PNG_packed_tRNS_CRC [package] |
byte [] _png_result [static, package] |
int _png_size [static, package] |
int _png_start_crc [static, package] |
ASprite [][] _poolCacheSprites [static, package] |
short [][] _poolCacheStack [static, package] |
table stores the indices of module images being cached.
int [] _poolCacheStackIndex [static, package] |
the loop cursor
int [] _poolCacheStackMax [static, package] |
the pool size
int _rectX1 [static, package] |
int _rectX2 [static, package] |
int _rectY1 [static, package] |
int _rectY2 [static, package] |
int _text_h [static, package] |
Used to gather dimensions of a string. (call UpdateStringSize() to update this value).
int _text_w [static, package] |
Used to gather dimensions of a string. (call UpdateStringSize() to update this value).
byte [][] _transp [package] |
int [] _w_pos [package] |
short [] _warpTextInfo [static, package] |
final int BASE = 65521 [static] |
final int BLOCK_INFO_SIZE = 11 [static] |
final int BS_AF_OFF_SHORT = (1 << 18) [static, package] |
final int BS_ANIMS = (1 << 16) [static, package] |
final int BS_DEFAULT_MIDP1 = (BS_MODULES | BS_MODULES_XY | BS_FRAMES | BS_ANIMS) [static, package] |
final int BS_DEFAULT_MIDP2 = (BS_MODULES | BS_FRAMES | BS_ANIMS | BS_MODULE_IMAGES) [static, package] |
final int BS_DEFAULT_NOKIA = (BS_DEFAULT_MIDP2) [static, package] |
final int BS_FM_OFF_SHORT = (1 << 10) [static, package] |
final int BS_FM_PALETTE = (1 << 14) [static, package] |
final int BS_FRAME_COLL_RC = (1 << 13) [static, package] |
final int BS_FRAME_RECTS = (1 << 15) [static, package] |
final int BS_FRAMES = (1 << 8) [static, package] |
final int BS_GIF_HEADER = (1 << 31) [static, package] |
final int BS_IMAGE_SIZE_INT = (1 << 7) [static, package] |
final int BS_KEEP_PAL = (1 << 26) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULE_IMAGES = (1 << 24) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULE_IMAGES_FX = (1 << 23) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULE_USAGE = (1 << 30) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES = (1 << 0) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES_IMG = (1 << 2) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES_USAGE = (1 << 6) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES_WH_SHORT = (1 << 4) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES_XY = (1 << 1) [static, package] |
final int BS_MODULES_XY_SHORT = (1 << 5) [static, package] |
final int BS_NAF_1_BYTE = (1 << 19) [static, package] |
final int BS_NFM_1_BYTE = (1 << 11) [static, package] |
final int BS_NO_AF_START = (1 << 17) [static, package] |
final int BS_PNG_CRC = (1 << 25) [static, package] |
final int BS_SINGLE_IMAGE = (1 << 29) [static, package] |
final int BS_SKIP_FRAME_RC = (1 << 12) [static, package] |
final int BS_TRANSP_FIRST = (1 << 27) [static, package] |
final int BS_TRANSP_LAST = (1 << 28) [static, package] |
final short BSPRITE_v003 = (short)0x03DF [static, package] |
final short BSPRITE_v004 = (short)0x04DF [static, package] |
final short BSPRITE_v005 = (short)0x05DF [static, package] |
final int CRC32_POLYNOMIAL = 0xEDB88320 [static] |
int crcTable[] = new int[256] [static] |
int currentChunkType [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I127RLE = 0x27F1 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I16 = 0x1600 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I2 = 0x0200 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I256 = 0x5602 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I256RLE = 0x56F2 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I4 = 0x0400 [static, package] |
final short ENCODE_FORMAT_I64RLE = 0x64F0 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_FLIP_X = 0x01 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_FLIP_Y = 0x02 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_HYPER_FM = 0x10 [static, package] |
final int FLAG_INDEX_EX_MASK = 0xC0 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_OFFSET_AF = 0x20 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_OFFSET_FM = 0x10 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_ROT_90 = 0x04 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_USER0 = 0x10 [static, package] |
final byte FLAG_USER1 = 0x20 [static, package] |
final int HEADER_LEVEL0_MAX_WBITS = 30938 [static] |
int hRef [package] |
int hTarget [package] |
final byte IDAT[] = { 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T' } [static, protected] |
final byte IEND[] = { 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D' } [static, protected] |
final byte IHDR[] = { 'I', 'H', 'D', 'R' } [static, protected] |
final int INDEX_EX_MASK = 0x0300 [static, package] |
final int INDEX_EX_SHIFT = 2 [static, package] |
final int INDEX_MASK = 0x03FF [static, package] |
final byte INFO32[] = { 8, 6, 0, 0, 0 } [static, protected] |
final byte INFO8[] = { 8, 3, 0, 0, 0 } [static, protected] |
final int k_itoa_buffer_size = 33 [static, package] |
All possible chars for representing a number as a String only support 10 decimal system now.
final byte MAGIC[] = { -119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10 } [static, protected] |
final byte [] MAGIC_IDAT_h = { (byte)0x78, (byte)0x9C, (byte)0x01, } [static, package] |
final byte [] MAGIC_IEND = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x44, (byte)0xae, 0x42, 0x60, (byte)0x82} [static, protected] |
final int MAX_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS = 8 [static, package] |
final int MD_ARC = 3 [static, package] |
final int MD_FILL_ARC = 4 [static, package] |
final int MD_FILL_RECT = 2 [static, package] |
final int MD_FILL_TRIANGLE = 7 [static, package] |
final int MD_IMAGE = 0 [static, package] |
final int MD_MARKER = 5 [static, package] |
final int MD_RECT = 1 [static, package] |
final int MD_TRIANGLE = 6 [static, package] |
int mem = 0 [static, package] |
final int [] midp2_flags [static, package] |
Initial value:
{,,,,,,,, }
int mod [static, package] |
boolean mResizeCorrectY = false [package] |
int mResizeRef = RESIZE_REF_240x320 [static, package] |
final int NMAX = 5552 [static] |
final int OPERATION_COMPUTERECT = 1 [static, package] |
final int OPERATION_DRAW = 0 [static, package] |
final int OPERATION_MARK = 3 [static, package] |
final int OPERATION_RECORD = 2 [static, package] |
final int PAL_BLEND_BLACK = 5 [static] |
final int PAL_BLUE_CYAN = 2 [static] |
final int PAL_GREEN = 3 [static] |
final int PAL_GREY = 4 [static] |
final int PAL_INVISIBLE = 0 [static] |
final int PAL_ORIGINAL = -1 [static] |
final int PAL_RED_YELLOW = 1 [static] |
final short PIXEL_FORMAT_0565 = (short)0x6505 [static, package] |
final short PIXEL_FORMAT_1555 = (short)0x5515 [static, package] |
final short PIXEL_FORMAT_4444 = (short)0x4444 [static, package] |
final short PIXEL_FORMAT_8888 = (short)0x8888 [static, package] |
final byte PLTE[] = { 'P', 'L', 'T', 'E' } [static, protected] |
final int PNG_INFO_SIZE = 57 [static] |
int record_frame = -1 [static, package] |
int record_index = -1 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_CREATERGB = 1 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_DRAW_ON_MUTABLE = 2 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_NONE = 0 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_NOT_CACHED = 3 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_REF_176x220 = 1 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_REF_240x256 = 2 [static, package] |
final int RESIZE_REF_240x320 = 0 [static, package] |
boolean s_bAspectRatio [static, package] |
boolean s_bBilinear [static, package] |
byte [] s_MapChar [static, package] |
int [] s_rc = new int[4] [static, package] |
int s_resizeType [static, package] |
final int SCALE_SHIFT = 16 [static, package] |
final short SUPPORTED_VERSION = BSPRITE_v005 [static, package] |
byte temp_byte[] [static, package] |
int temp_int[] [static, package] |
short temp_short[] [static, package] |
int transform_int[] [static, package] |
final byte tRNS[] = { 't', 'R', 'N', 'S' } [static, protected] |
int wRef [package] |
int wTarget [package] |
int xRatio [package] |
int yRatio [package] |
Generated on Tue Sep 23 23:05:32 2008 for GLLib by