FreeImageBitmap Class |
Namespace: FreeImageAPI
Assembly: FreeImageNET (in FreeImageNET.dll) Version: (3.17.0)
[SerializableAttribute] public class FreeImageBitmap : MarshalByRefObject, ICloneable, IDisposable, IEnumerable, ISerializable
The FreeImageBitmap type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
FreeImageBitmap |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Bitmap) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Image) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Stream) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified stream.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(String) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified file.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(FIBITMAP) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class.
For internal use only.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(FreeImageBitmap) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Bitmap, Size) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Image, Size) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified stream in the specified format.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified stream with the specified loading flags.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Stream, Boolean) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified stream.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified file
in the specified format.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(String, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified file
with the specified loading flags.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(String, Boolean) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified file.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Type, String) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified resource.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(FreeImageBitmap, Size) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Bitmap, Int32, Int32) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Image, Int32, Int32) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size and type.
Only non standard bitmaps are supported.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, Graphics) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size
and with the resolution of the specified Graphics object.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, PixelFormat) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size and format.
| |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified stream in the specified format
with the specified loading flags.
| |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified file
in the specified format with the specified loading flags.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(FreeImageBitmap, Int32, Int32) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class
bases on the specified image with the specified size.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, PixelFormat, Byte) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size,
pixel format and pixel data.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, PixelFormat, IntPtr) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size,
pixel format and pixel data.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Byte) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size,
pixel format and pixel data.
| |
FreeImageBitmap(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, IntPtr) |
Initializes a new instance of the FreeImageBitmap class bases on the specified size,
pixel format and pixel data.
Name | Description | |
BackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background color of this FreeImageBitmap.
In case the value is null, the background color is removed.
| |
Bits |
Pointer to the data-bits of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
BlueMask |
Bit pattern describing the blue color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
ColorDepth |
The size of one pixel in the bitmap in bits.
| |
ColorsUsed |
Number of palette entries.
| |
ColorType |
Investigates the color type of this FreeImageBitmap
by reading the bitmaps pixel bits and analysing them.
| |
Comment |
Gets or sets the comment of this FreeImageBitmap.
Supported formats are JPEG, PNG and GIF.
| |
DataSize |
Size of the bitmap in memory.
| |
Flags |
Gets attribute flags for the pixel data of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
FrameCount |
Gets the number of frames in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GreenMask |
Bit pattern describing the green color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
HasBackgroundColor |
Gets whether this FreeImageBitmap has a file background color.
| |
HasPalette |
Returns whether this FreeImageBitmap has a palette.
| |
Height |
Height of the bitmap in pixel units.
| |
HorizontalResolution |
Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
ICCProfile |
Gets the ICCProfile structure of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
ImageFormat |
Gets the format of the original image in case
this FreeImageBitmap was loaded from a file or stream.
| |
ImageType |
Type of the bitmap.
| |
Info |
Returns the BITMAPINFO structure of a this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
InfoHeader |
Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
IsDisposed |
Gets whether this FreeImageBitmap has been disposed.
| |
IsRGB555 |
Gets whether the bitmap is RGB 555.
| |
IsRGB565 |
Gets whether the bitmap is RGB 565.
| |
IsTransparent |
Gets or sets whether this FreeImageBitmap is transparent.
| |
Line |
Width, in bytes, of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Metadata |
Gets a new instance of a metadata representing class.
| |
Palette |
Returns a structure that represents the palette of a FreeImage bitmap.
| |
PhysicalDimension |
Gets the width and height of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Pitch |
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes, rounded to the next 32-bit boundary.
| |
PixelFormat |
Gets the pixel format for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
PropertyIdList |
Gets IDs of the property items stored in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
PropertyItems |
Gets all the property items (pieces of metadata) stored in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
RawFormat |
Gets the format of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
RedMask |
Bit pattern describing the red color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Scan0 |
Pointer to the scanline of the top most pixel row of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Size |
Gets the width and height, in pixels, of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Stride |
Width, in bytes, of this FreeImageBitmap.
In case this FreeImageBitmap is top down Stride will be positive, else negative.
| |
Tag |
Gets or sets an object that provides additional data about the FreeImageBitmap.
| |
TransparencyCount |
Number of transparent colors in a palletised FreeImageBitmap.
| |
TransparencyTable |
Get or sets transparency table of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
TransparentIndex |
Gets or sets the entry used as transparent color in this FreeImageBitmap.
Only works for 1-, 4- and 8-bpp.
| |
UniqueColors |
The number of unique colors actually used by the bitmap. This might be different from
what ColorsUsed returns, which actually returns the palette size for palletised images.
Works for FIT_BITMAP type bitmaps only.
| |
VerticalResolution |
Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Width |
Width of the bitmap in pixel units.
Name | Description | |
AdjustBrightness |
Adjusts the brightness of a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
| |
AdjustColors |
Adjusts an image's brightness, contrast and gamma as well as it may
optionally invert the image within a single operation.
| |
AdjustContrast |
Adjusts the contrast of a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
| |
AdjustCurve |
Perfoms an histogram transformation on a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image.
| |
AdjustGamma |
Performs gamma correction on a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image.
| |
ApplyColorMapping |
Applies color mapping for one or several colors on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit
palletized or a 16-, 24- or 32-bit high color image.
| |
ApplyPaletteIndexMapping |
Applies palette index mapping for one or several indices
on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized image.
| |
Clone |
Creates a deep copy of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
CloneMetadataFrom(FreeImageBitmap) |
Copies the metadata from another FreeImageBitmap.
| |
CloneMetadataFrom(FreeImageBitmap, FREE_IMAGE_METADATA_COPY) |
Copies the metadata from another FreeImageBitmap using
the provided options.
| |
Composite |
This method composite a transparent foreground image against a single background color or
against a background image.
In case useBitmapBackground is false and applicationBackground
and bitmapBackGround
are null, a checkerboard will be used as background.
| |
ConvertColorDepth |
Converts this FreeImageBitmap into a different color depth.
The parameter bpp specifies color depth, greyscale conversion
and palette reorder.
Adding the FICD_FORCE_GREYSCALE flag will first perform a convesion to greyscale. This can be done with any target color depth. Adding the FICD_REORDER_PALETTE flag will allow the algorithm to reorder the palette. This operation will not be performed to non-greyscale images to prevent data loss by mistake. | |
ConvertType |
Converts this FreeImageBitmapFREE_IMAGE_TYPE to
type initializing a new instance.
In case source and destination type are the same, the operation fails.
An error message can be catched using the 'Message' event.
| |
Copy(Rectangle) |
Copy a sub part of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Copy(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Copy a sub part of this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
CreateICCProfile(Byte) |
Creates a new ICC-Profile.
| |
CreateICCProfile(Byte, Int32) |
Creates a new ICC-Profile.
| |
CreateNewPropertyItem |
Returns a new instance of the PropertyItem class which
has no public accessible constructor.
| |
CreateObjRef | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
CreateView |
Creates a dynamic read/write view into a FreeImage bitmap.
| |
Dispose |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing,
releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
| |
Dispose(Boolean) |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing,
releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
| |
EnlargeCanvasT(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT) |
Enlarges or shrinks this FreeImageBitmap selectively per side and fills
newly added areas with the specified background color.
See EnlargeCanvasT(FIBITMAP, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
EnlargeCanvasT(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) |
Enlarges or shrinks this FreeImageBitmap selectively per side and fills
newly added areas with the specified background color.
See EnlargeCanvasT(FIBITMAP, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
Equals |
Determines whether this and the specified instances are the same.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).) | |
FillBackgroundT(T) |
Sets all pixels of this FreeImageBitmap to the specified color.
See FillBackgroundT(FIBITMAP, T, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
Sets all pixels of this FreeImageBitmap to the specified color.
See FillBackgroundT(FIBITMAP, T, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
Finalize |
Frees all managed and unmanaged ressources.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.) | |
FreeHbitmap |
Frees a bitmap handle.
| |
FromFile(String) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified file.
| |
FromFile(String, Boolean) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified file
using embedded color management information in that file.
| |
FromHbitmap(IntPtr) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from a handle to a GDI bitmap.
| |
FromHbitmap(IntPtr, IntPtr) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from a handle to a GDI bitmap and a handle to a GDI palette.
| |
FromHicon |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from a Windows handle to an icon.
| |
FromResource |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified Windows resource.
| |
FromStream(Stream) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified data stream.
| |
FromStream(Stream, Boolean) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified data stream.
| |
FromStream(Stream, Boolean, Boolean) |
Creates a FreeImageBitmap from the specified data stream.
| |
GetAdjustColorsLookupTable |
Creates a lookup table to be used with AdjustCurve() which
may adjusts brightness and contrast, correct gamma and invert the image with a
single call to AdjustCurve().
| |
GetBounds |
Gets the bounds of this FreeImageBitmap in the specified unit.
| |
GetChannel |
Retrieves the red, green, blue or alpha channel of a 24- or 32-bit image.
| |
GetColorConvertedInstance |
Converts this FreeImageBitmap into a different color depth initializing
a new instance.
The parameter bpp specifies color depth, greyscale conversion
and palette reorder.
Adding the FICD_FORCE_GREYSCALE flag will first perform a convesion to greyscale. This can be done with any target color depth. Adding the FICD_REORDER_PALETTE flag will allow the algorithm to reorder the palette. This operation will not be performed to non-greyscale images to prevent data loss by mistake. | |
GetComplexChannel |
Retrieves the real part, imaginary part, magnitude or phase of a complex image.
| |
GetEnlargedInstanceT(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT) |
Enlarges or shrinks this FreeImageBitmap selectively per side and fills
newly added areas with the specified background color returning a new instance.
See EnlargeCanvasT(FIBITMAP, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
GetEnlargedInstanceT(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) |
Enlarges or shrinks this FreeImageBitmap selectively per side and fills
newly added areas with the specified background color returning a new instance.
See EnlargeCanvasT(FIBITMAP, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS) for further details.
| |
GetHashCode |
Returns a hash code for this FreeImageBitmap structure.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.) | |
GetHbitmap |
Creates a GDI bitmap object from this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GetHbitmap(Color) |
Creates a GDI bitmap object from this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GetHbitmapForDevice |
Creates a GDI bitmap object from this FreeImageBitmap with the same
color depth as the primary device.
| |
GetHicon |
Returns the handle to an icon.
| |
GetHistogram |
Computes the image histogram.
| |
GetLifetimeService | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
GetPixel |
Gets the Color of the specified pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GetPixelFormatSize |
Returns the color depth, in number of bits per pixel,
of the specified pixel format.
| |
GetPropertyItem |
Gets the specified property item from this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GetQuantizedInstance(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit, using the specified
algorithm initializing a new 8 bit instance with the
specified paletteSize.
| |
GetQuantizedInstance(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Palette) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit, using the specified
algorithm and reservePalette
initializing a new 8 bit instance with the specified paletteSize.
| |
GetQuantizedInstance(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Int32, Palette) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit, using the specified
algorithm and up to reserveSize
entries from reservePalette initializing
a new 8 bit instance with the specified paletteSize.
| |
GetQuantizedInstance(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Int32, RGBQUAD) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit, using the specified
algorithm and up to reserveSize
entries from reservePalette initializing
a new 8 bit instance with the specified paletteSize.
| |
GetRotatedInstance(Double) |
Rotates this FreeImageBitmap by the specified angle initializing a new instance.
For 1- and 4-bit images, rotation is limited to angles whose value is an integer
multiple of 90.
| |
GetRotatedInstance(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Boolean) |
This method performs a rotation and / or translation of an 8-bit greyscale,
24- or 32-bit image, using a 3rd order (cubic) B-Spline initializing a new instance.
| |
GetRotatedInstanceT(Double, NullableT) |
Rotates this FreeImageBitmap by the specified angle initializing a new instance.
For 1- and 4-bit images, rotation is limited to angles whose value is an integer
multiple of 90.
| |
GetScaledInstance(Size, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER) |
Rescales this FreeImageBitmap to the specified size using the
specified filter initializing a new instance.
| |
GetScaledInstance(Int32, Int32, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER) |
Rescales this FreeImageBitmap to the specified size using the
specified filter initializing a new instance.
| |
GetScanline(Int32) |
Returns an instance of ScanlineT, representing the scanline
specified by scanline of this FreeImageBitmap.
Since FreeImage bitmaps are always bottum up aligned, keep in mind that scanline 0 is the
bottom-most line of the image.
| |
GetScanlineT(Int32) |
Returns an instance of ScanlineT, representing the scanline
specified by scanline of this FreeImageBitmap.
Since FreeImage bitmaps are always bottum up aligned, keep in mind that scanline 0 is the
bottom-most line of the image.
| |
GetScanlinePointer |
Returns a pointer to the specified scanline.
Due to FreeImage bitmaps are bottum up,
scanline 0 is the most bottom line of the image.
| |
GetScanlines |
Returns a list of structures, representing the scanlines of this FreeImageBitmap.
Due to FreeImage bitmaps are bottum up, scanline 0 is the
bottom-most line of the image.
Each color depth has a different representing structure due to different memory layouts.
| |
GetThumbnailImage(Int32, Boolean) | Obsolete.
Returns a thumbnail for this FreeImageBitmap, keeping aspect ratio.
maxPixelSize defines the maximum width or height
of the thumbnail.
| |
GetThumbnailImage(Int32, Int32, ImageGetThumbnailImageAbort, IntPtr) |
Returns a thumbnail for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetTypeConvertedInstance |
Converts this FreeImageBitmapFreeImageBitmap to type.
In case source and destination type are the same, the operation fails.
An error message can be catched using the 'Message' event.
| |
GetWICMetadataHandler |
Gets a WICMetadataHandler (Windows Imaging Component Metadata Handler) for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
InitializeLifetimeService | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
Invert |
Inverts each pixel data.
| |
IsAlphaPixelFormat |
Returns a value that indicates whether the pixel format for this FreeImageBitmap contains alpha information.
| |
IsCanonicalPixelFormat |
Returns a value that indicates whether the pixel format is 32 bits per pixel.
| |
IsExtendedPixelFormat |
Returns a value that indicates whether the pixel format is 64 bits per pixel.
| |
JPEGCrop(String, String, Rectangle) |
Performs a lossless crop on a JPEG file.
| |
JPEGCrop(String, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Performs a lossless crop on a JPEG file.
| |
JPEGTransform |
Performs a lossless rotation or flipping on a JPEG file.
| |
LockBits(Rectangle, ImageLockMode, PixelFormat) |
This function is not yet implemented.
| |
LockBits(Rectangle, ImageLockMode, PixelFormat, BitmapData) |
This function is not yet implemented.
| |
LookupSVGColor |
Converts a SVG color name into a corresponding RGB value.
| |
LookupX11Color |
Converts a X11 color name into a corresponding RGB value.
| |
MakeThumbnail |
Returns a thumbnail for this FreeImageBitmap, keeping aspect ratio.
maxPixelSize defines the maximum width or height
of the thumbnail.
| |
MakeTransparent |
Makes the default transparent color transparent for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
MakeTransparent(Color) |
Makes the specified color transparent for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
MultigridPoissonSolver |
Solves a Poisson equation, remap result pixels to [0..1] and returns the solution.
| |
Paste(FreeImageBitmap, Point, Int32) |
Alpha blend or combine a sub part image with tthis FreeImageBitmap.
The bit depth of bitmap must be greater than or equal to the bit depth this instance.
| |
Paste(FreeImageBitmap, Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Alpha blend or combine a sub part image with this FreeImageBitmap.
The bit depth of bitmap must be greater than or equal to the bit depth this instance.
| |
PreMultiplyWithAlpha |
Applies the alpha value of each pixel to its color components.
The aplha value stays unchanged.
Only works with 32-bits color depth.
| |
Quantize(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit to 8bit creating a new
palette with the specified paletteSize using the specified
| |
Quantize(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Palette) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit to 8bit creating a new
palette with the specified paletteSize using the specified
algorithm and the specified
reservePalette up to the
specified paletteSize.
| |
Quantize(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Int32, Palette) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit to 8bit creating a new
palette with the specified paletteSize using the specified
algorithm and the specified
reservePalette up to the
specified paletteSize.
| |
Quantize(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Int32, RGBQUAD) |
Quantizes this FreeImageBitmap from 24 bit to 8bit creating a new
palette with the specified paletteSize using the specified
algorithm and the specified
reservePalette up to the
specified paletteSize.
| |
RemovePropertyItem |
Removes the specified property item from this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Rescale(Size, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER) |
Rescales this FreeImageBitmap to the specified size using the
specified filter.
| |
Rescale(Int32, Int32, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER) |
Rescales this FreeImageBitmap to the specified size using the
specified filter.
| |
RescaleRect | ||
Rotate(Double) |
This method rotates a 1-, 4-, 8-bit greyscale or a 24-, 32-bit color image by means of 3 shears.
For 1- and 4-bit images, rotation is limited to angles whose value is an integer
multiple of 90.
| |
Rotate(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Boolean) |
This method performs a rotation and / or translation of an 8-bit greyscale,
24- or 32-bit image, using a 3rd order (cubic) B-Spline.
| |
RotateT(Double, NullableT) |
This method rotates a 1-, 4-, 8-bit greyscale or a 24-, 32-bit color image by means of 3 shears.
For 1- and 4-bit images, rotation is limited to angles whose value is an integer
multiple of 90.
| |
RotateFlip |
This method rotates, flips, or rotates and flips this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
Save(String) |
Saves this FreeImageBitmap to the specified file.
| |
Saves this FreeImageBitmap to the specified stream in the specified format.
| |
Saves this FreeImageBitmap to the specified file in the specified format.
| |
Saves this FreeImageBitmap to the specified stream in the specified format
using the specified saving flags.
| |
Saves this FreeImageBitmap to the specified file in the specified format
using the specified saving flags.
| |
SaveAdd |
Adds a frame to the file specified in a previous call to the Save(String)
| |
SaveAdd(Int32) |
Adds a frame to the file specified in a previous call to the Save(String) method.
| |
SaveAdd(String) |
Adds a frame to the file specified.
| |
SaveAdd(FreeImageBitmap) |
Adds a frame to the file specified in a previous call to the Save(String) method.
| |
SaveAdd(String, Int32) |
Adds a frame to the file specified.
| |
SaveAdd(FreeImageBitmap, Int32) |
Adds a frame to the file specified in a previous call to the Save(String) method.
| |
Adds a frame to the file specified using the specified parameters.
| |
Adds a specified frame to the file specified using the specified parameters.
Use this method to save selected frames from an to a multiple-frame image.
| |
Adds a frame to the file specified using the specified parameters.
| |
Adds a specified frame to the file specified using the specified parameters.
Use this method to save selected frames from an image to a multiple-frame image.
| |
SelectActiveFrame |
Selects the frame specified by the index.
| |
SetChannel |
Insert a 8-bit dib into a 24- or 32-bit image.
Both images must have to same width and height.
| |
SetComplexChannel |
Set the real or imaginary part of a complex image.
Both images must have to same width and height.
| |
SetPixel |
Sets the Color of the specified pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
SetResolution |
Sets the resolution for this FreeImageBitmap.
| |
SwapColors |
Swaps two specified colors on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized
or a 16-, 24- or 32-bit high color image.
| |
SwapPaletteIndices |
Swaps two specified palette indices on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized image.
| |
TmoDrago03 |
Converts a High Dynamic Range image to a 24-bit RGB image using a global
operator based on logarithmic compression of luminance values, imitating
the human response to light.
| |
TmoFattal02 |
Apply the Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression to a RGBF image and convert to 24-bit RGB.
| |
TmoReinhard05 |
Converts a High Dynamic Range image to a 24-bit RGB image using a global operator inspired
by photoreceptor physiology of the human visual system.
| |
ToBitmap |
Converts this FreeImageBitmap instance to a Bitmap instance.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
UnlockBits |
This function is not yet implemented.
Name | Description | |
Equality |
Determines whether two specified FreeImageBitmap objects have the same value.
| |
(Bitmap to FreeImageBitmap) |
Converts a Bitmap instance to a FreeImageBitmap instance.
| |
(FreeImageBitmap to Bitmap) |
Converts a FreeImageBitmap instance to a Bitmap instance.
| |
Inequality |
Determines whether two specified FreeImageBitmap objects have different values.