FreeImage Methods


FreeImage Methods

The FreeImage type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member AcquireMemory
Provides a direct buffer access to a memory stream.
Public method Static member AdjustBrightness
Adjusts the brightness of a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
Public method Static member AdjustColors
Adjusts an image's brightness, contrast and gamma as well as it may optionally invert the image within a single operation.
Public method Static member AdjustContrast
Adjusts the contrast of a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image by a certain amount.
Public method Static member AdjustCurve
Perfoms an histogram transformation on a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image.
Public method Static member AdjustGamma
Performs gamma correction on a 8-, 24- or 32-bit image.
Public method Static member Allocate(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Creates a new bitmap in memory.
Public method Static member Allocate(Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Creates a new bitmap in memory.
Public method Static member AllocateEx(Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableRGBQUAD, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS, RGBQUAD)
Allocates a new image of the specified width, height and bit depth and optionally fills it with the specified color. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member AllocateEx(Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableRGBQUAD, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS, RGBQUAD, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Allocates a new image of the specified width, height and bit depth and optionally fills it with the specified color. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member AllocateExTT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS, RGBQUAD)
Allocates a new image of the specified type, width, height and bit depth and optionally fills it with the specified color. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member AllocateExTT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32, NullableT, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_OPTIONS, RGBQUAD, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Allocates a new image of the specified type, width, height and bit depth and optionally fills it with the specified color. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member AllocateT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Creates a new bitmap in memory.
Public method Static member AllocateT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32)
Creates a new bitmap in memory.
Public method Static member AppendPage
Appends a new page to the end of the bitmap.
Public method Static member ApplyColorMapping
Applies color mapping for one or several colors on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized or a 16-, 24- or 32-bit high color image.
Public method Static member ApplyPaletteIndexMapping
Applies palette index mapping for one or several indices on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized image.
Public method Static member Clone
Makes an exact reproduction of an existing bitmap, including metadata and attached profile if any.
Public method Static member CloneMetadata
Copies the metadata of FreeImage bitmap to another.
Public method Static member CloneMetadataEx
Copies metadata from one FreeImage bitmap to another.
Public method Static member CloneTag
Creates and returns a copy of a FITAG object.
Public method Static member CloseMemory
Close and free a memory stream.
Public method Static member CloseMultiBitmap
Closes a previously opened multi-page bitmap and, when the bitmap was not opened read-only, applies any changes made to it.
Public method Static member CloseMultiBitmapEx(FIMULTIBITMAP)
Closes a previously opened multi-page bitmap and, when the bitmap was not opened read-only, applies any changes made to it. On success the handle will be reset to null.
Public method Static member CloseMultiBitmapEx(FIMULTIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Closes a previously opened multi-page bitmap and, when the bitmap was not opened read-only, applies any changes made to it. On success the handle will be reset to null.
Public method Static member ColorQuantize
Quantizes a high-color 24-bit bitmap to an 8-bit palette color bitmap.
Public method Static member ColorQuantizeEx(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, RGBQUAD, Boolean)
ColorQuantizeEx is an extension to the ColorQuantize(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE) method that provides additional options used to quantize a 24-bit image to any number of colors (up to 256), as well as quantize a 24-bit image using a provided palette.
Public method Static member ColorQuantizeEx(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, RGBQUAD, Int32)
ColorQuantizeEx is an extension to the ColorQuantize(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE) method that provides additional options used to quantize a 24-bit image to any number of colors (up to 256), as well as quantize a 24-bit image using a partial or full provided palette.
Public method Static member ColorQuantizeEx(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Int32, Int32, RGBQUAD)
ColorQuantizeEx is an extension to the ColorQuantize(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE) method that provides additional options used to quantize a 24-bit image to any number of colors (up to 256), as well as quantize a 24-bit image using a partial or full provided palette.
Public method Static member Compare
Compares two FreeImage bitmaps.
Public method Static member CompareMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int64)
Compares blocks of memory.
Public method Static member CompareMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, UInt32)
Compares blocks of memory.
Public method Static member CompareMemory(Void*, Void*, Int64)
Compares blocks of memory.
Public method Static member CompareMemory(Void*, Void*, UInt32)
Compares blocks of memory.
Public method Static member Composite(FIBITMAP, Boolean, RGBQUAD, FIBITMAP)
This function composite a transparent foreground image against a single background color or against a background image.
Public method Static member Composite(FIBITMAP, Boolean, RGBQUAD, FIBITMAP)
This function composite a transparent foreground image against a single background color or against a background image.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, FREE_IMAGE_DITHER)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, Byte)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, FREE_IMAGE_DITHER, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertColorDepth(FIBITMAP, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH, Byte, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap from one color depth to another. If the conversion fails the original FreeImage bitmap is returned.
Public method Static member ConvertFromRawBits(Byte, Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a raw bitmap to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertFromRawBits(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a raw bitmap to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertFromRawBits(Byte, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a raw bitmap to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertFromRawBits(IntPtr, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE, Int32, Int32, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a raw bitmap to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertTo16Bits555
Converts a bitmap to 16 bits, where each pixel has a color pattern of 5 bits red, 5 bits green and 5 bits blue. One bit in each pixel is unused.
Public method Static member ConvertTo16Bits565
Converts a bitmap to 16 bits, where each pixel has a color pattern of 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue.
Public method Static member ConvertTo24Bits
Converts a bitmap to 24 bits. A clone of the input bitmap is returned for 24-bit bitmaps.
Public method Static member ConvertTo32Bits
Converts a bitmap to 32 bits. A clone of the input bitmap is returned for 32-bit bitmaps.
Public method Static member ConvertTo4Bits
Converts a bitmap to 4 bits. If the bitmap was a high-color bitmap (16, 24 or 32-bit) or if it was a monochrome or greyscale bitmap (1 or 8-bit), the end result will be a greyscale bitmap, otherwise (1-bit palletised bitmaps) it will be a palletised bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertTo8Bits
Converts a bitmap to 8 bits. If the bitmap was a high-color bitmap (16, 24 or 32-bit) or if it was a monochrome or greyscale bitmap (1 or 4-bit), the end result will be a greyscale bitmap, otherwise (1 or 4-bit palletised bitmaps) it will be a palletised bitmap.
Public method Static member ConvertToGreyscale
Converts a bitmap to a 8-bit greyscale image with a linear ramp.
Public method Static member ConvertToRawBits(Byte, FIBITMAP, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap to a raw bitmap, that is a raw piece of memory.
Public method Static member ConvertToRawBits(IntPtr, FIBITMAP, Int32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Converts a FreeImage bitmap to a raw bitmap, that is a raw piece of memory.
Public method Static member ConvertToRGBF
Converts a 24- or 32-bit RGB(A) standard image or a 48-bit RGB image to a FIT_RGBF type image.
Public method Static member ConvertToStandardType
Converts a non standard image whose color type is FIC_MINISBLACK to a standard 8-bit greyscale image.
Public method Static member ConvertToType
Converts an image of any type to type dst_type.
Public method Static member Copy
Copy a sub part of the current dib image.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, Array, Int32)
Copies the content of one array into another array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, Array, Int64)
Copies the content of one array into another array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, IntPtr, Int32)
Copies a block of memory into an array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, IntPtr, Int64)
Copies a block of memory into an array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, Void*, Int32)
Copies a block of memory into an array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Array, Void*, Int64)
Copies a block of memory into an array.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Byte*, Byte*, Int32)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Byte*, Byte*, Int64)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(IntPtr, Array, Int32)
Copies the content of an array to a memory location.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(IntPtr, Array, Int64)
Copies the content of an array to a memory location.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int64)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Void*, Array, Int32)
Copies the content of an array to a memory location.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Void*, Array, Int64)
Copies the content of an array to a memory location.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Void*, Void*, Int32)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CopyMemory(Void*, Void*, Int64)
Copies a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member CreateFromBitmap
Converts an .NET Bitmap into a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member CreateFromHbitmap
Creates a FreeImage DIB from a Device Context/Compatible Bitmap.
Public method Static member CreateICCProfile
Creates a new FIICCPROFILE block from ICC profile data previously read from a file or built by a color management system. The profile data is attached to the bitmap.
Public method Static member CreateICCProfileEx(FIBITMAP, Byte)
Creates a new ICC-Profile for a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member CreateICCProfileEx(FIBITMAP, Byte, Int32)
Creates a new ICC-Profile for a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member CreateTag
Allocates a new FITAG object. This object must be destroyed with a call to DeleteTag(FITAG) when no longer in use.
Public method Static member CreateView
Creates a dynamic read/write view into a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member DeletePage
Deletes the page on the given position.
Public method Static member DeleteTag
Delete a previously allocated FITAG object.
Public method Static member DestroyICCProfile
This function destroys an FIICCPROFILE previously created by CreateICCProfile(FIBITMAP, Byte, Int32). After this call the bitmap will contain no profile information. This function should be called to ensure that a stored bitmap will not contain any profile information.
Public method Static member Dither
Converts a bitmap to 1-bit monochrome bitmap using a dithering algorithm. For 1-bit input bitmaps, the function clones the input bitmap and builds a monochrome palette.
Public method Static member Code example EnlargeCanvasT
Enlarges or shrinks the FreeImage bitmap selectively per side and fills newly added areas with the specified background color. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member FIFSupportsExportBPP
Checks if a plugin can save bitmaps in the desired bit depth.
Public method Static member FIFSupportsExportType
Checks if a plugin can save a bitmap in the desired data type.
Public method Static member FIFSupportsICCProfiles
Checks if a plugin can load or save an ICC profile.
Public method Static member FIFSupportsNoPixels
Checks if a plugin can load only the image header
Public method Static member FIFSupportsReading
Checks if a plugin can load bitmaps.
Public method Static member FIFSupportsWriting
Checks if a plugin can save bitmaps.
Public method Static member FillBackgroundT
Sets all pixels of the specified image to the color provided through the color parameter. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member FindCloseMetadata
Closes the specified metadata search handle and releases associated resources.
Public method Static member FindFirstMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, FITAG)
Provides information about the first instance of a tag that matches the metadata model.
Public method Static member FindFirstMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, MetadataTag)
Provides information about the first instance of a tag that matches the metadata model.
Public method Static member FindNextMetadata(FIMETADATA, FITAG)
Find the next tag, if any, that matches the metadata model argument in a previous call to FindFirstMetadata, and then alters the tag object contents accordingly.
Public method Static member FindNextMetadata(FIMETADATA, MetadataTag)
Find the next tag, if any, that matches the metadata model argument in a previous call to FindFirstMetadata, and then alters the tag object contents accordingly.
Public method Static member FlipHorizontal
Flip the input dib horizontally along the vertical axis.
Public method Static member FlipVertical
Flip the input dib vertically along the horizontal axis.
Public method Static member FreeHbitmap
Frees a bitmap handle.
Public method Static member GetAdjustColorsLookupTable
Creates a lookup table to be used with AdjustCurve(FIBITMAP, Byte, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL) which may adjusts brightness and contrast, correct gamma and invert the image with a single call to AdjustCurve(FIBITMAP, Byte, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL).
Public method Static member GetBackgroundColor
Returns the file background color of an image. For 8-bit images, the color index in the palette is returned in the rgbReserved member of the bkcolor parameter.
Public method Static member GetBitmap
Converts a FreeImage bitmap to a .NET Bitmap.
Public method Static member GetBitmapForDevice
Returns an HBITMAP created by the CreateDIBitmap() function which in turn has always the same color depth as the reference DC, which may be provided through hdc. The desktop DC will be used, if IntPtr.Zero DC is specified. Call FreeHbitmap(IntPtr) to free the handle.
Public method Static member GetBits
Returns a pointer to the data-bits of the bitmap.
Public method Static member GetBlueMask
Returns a bit pattern describing the blue color component of a pixel in a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member GetBPP
Returns the size of one pixel in the bitmap in bits.
Public method Static member GetChannel
Retrieves the red, green, blue or alpha channel of a 24- or 32-bit image.
Public method Static member GetColorsUsed
Returns the number of colors used in a bitmap.
Public method Static member GetColorType
Investigates the color type of the bitmap by reading the bitmap's pixel bits and analysing them.
Public method Static member GetComplexChannel
Retrieves the real part, imaginary part, magnitude or phase of a complex image.
Public method Static member GetCopyrightMessage
Returns a string containing a standard copyright message.
Public method Static member GetDIBSize
Returns the size of the DIB-element of a FIBITMAP in memory.
Public method Static member GetDotsPerMeterX
Returns the horizontal resolution, in pixels-per-meter, of the target device for the bitmap.
Public method Static member GetDotsPerMeterY
Returns the vertical resolution, in pixels-per-meter, of the target device for the bitmap.
Public method Static member GetFIFCount
Retrieves the number of FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT identifiers being currently registered.
Public method Static member GetFIFDescription
Returns a descriptive string that describes the bitmap formats the given plugin can read and/or write.
Public method Static member GetFIFExtensionList
Returns a comma-delimited file extension list describing the bitmap formats the given plugin can read and/or write.
Public method Static member GetFIFFromFilename
This function takes a filename or a file-extension and returns the plugin that can read/write files with that extension in the form of a FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT identifier.
Public method Static member GetFIFFromFormat
Returns a FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT identifier from the format string that was used to register the FIF.
Public method Static member GetFIFFromMime
Returns a FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT identifier from a MIME content type string (MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension).
Public method Static member GetFIFMimeType
Given a FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT identifier, returns a MIME content type string (MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension).
Public method Static member GetFIFRegExpr
Returns a regular expression string that can be used by a regular expression engine to identify the bitmap. FreeImageQt makes use of this function.
Public method Static member GetFileType
Orders FreeImage to analyze the bitmap signature.
Public method Static member GetFileTypeFromHandle
Uses the FreeImageIO structure as described in the topic bitmap management functions to identify a bitmap type.
Public method Static member GetFileTypeFromMemory
Uses a memory handle to identify a bitmap type.
Public method Static member GetFileTypeFromStream
Orders FreeImage to analyze the bitmap signature. In case the stream is not seekable, the stream will have been used and must be recreated for loading.
Public method Static member GetFormat
Returns the FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT for the specified ImageFormat.
Public method Static member GetFormatFromFIF
Returns the string that was used to register a plugin from the system assigned FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.
Public method Static member GetFormatParameters
Retrieves all parameters needed to create a new FreeImage bitmap from the format of a .NET Image.
Public method Static member GetGreenMask
Returns a bit pattern describing the green color component of a pixel in a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member GetHbitmap
Retrieves an hBitmap for a FreeImage bitmap. Call FreeHbitmap(IntPtr) to free the handle.
Public method Static member GetHeight
Returns the height of the bitmap in pixel units.
Public method Static member GetHistogram
Computes the image histogram.
Public method Static member GetICCProfile
Retrieves a pointer to the FIICCPROFILE data of the bitmap. This function can also be called safely, when the original format does not support profiles.
Public method Static member GetICCProfileEx
Retrieves the FIICCPROFILE data of the bitmap. This function can also be called safely, when the original format does not support profiles.
Public method Static member GetImageComment
Returns the comment of a JPEG, PNG or GIF image.
Public method Static member GetImageType
Retrieves the type of the bitmap.
Public method Static member GetInfo
Alias for FreeImage_GetInfoHeader that returns a pointer to a BITMAPINFO rather than to a BITMAPINFOHEADER.
Public method Static member GetInfoEx
Returns the BITMAPINFO structure of a FreeImage bitmap. The structure is a copy, so changes will have no effect on the bitmap itself.
Public method Static member GetInfoHeader
Returns a pointer to the BITMAPINFOHEADER of the DIB-element in a FIBITMAP.
Public method Static member GetInfoHeaderEx
Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure of a FreeImage bitmap. The structure is a copy, so changes will have no effect on the bitmap itself.
Public method Static member GetLine
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes.
Public method Static member GetLockedPageCount
Retrieves the number of pages that are locked in a multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member Code example GetLockedPageNumbers
Returns an array of page-numbers that are currently locked in memory. When the pages parameter is null, the size of the array is returned in the count variable.
Public method Static member GetLockedPages
Retrieves a list locked pages of a multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member GetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, String, FITAG)
Retrieve a metadata attached to a dib.
Public method Static member GetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, String, MetadataTag)
Retrieve a metadata attached to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member GetMetadataCount
Returns the number of tags contained in the model metadata model attached to the input dib.
Public method Static member GetNativeVersion
Returns the version of the native FreeImage library.
Public method Static member GetPageCount
Returns the number of pages currently available in the multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member GetPalette
Returns a pointer to the bitmap's palette.
Public method Static member GetPaletteEx
Returns a structure that represents the palette of a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member GetPitch
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes, rounded to the next 32-bit boundary, also known as pitch or stride or scan width.
Public method Static member GetPixelColor
Get the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
Public method Static member GetPixelFormat
Returns the pixelformat of the bitmap.
Public method Static member GetPixelIndex
Get the pixel index of a palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
Public method Static member GetPrimaryExtensionFromFIF
This function returns the primary (main or most commonly used?) extension of a certain image format (fif). This is done by returning the first of all possible extensions returned by GetFIFExtensionList(). That assumes, that the plugin returns the extensions in ordered form.
Public method Static member GetRedMask
Returns a bit pattern describing the red color component of a pixel in a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member GetResolutionX
Retrieves a DIB's resolution in X-direction measured in 'dots per inch' (DPI) and not in 'dots per meter'.
Public method Static member GetResolutionY
Retrieves a DIB's resolution in Y-direction measured in 'dots per inch' (DPI) and not in 'dots per meter'.
Public method Static member GetScanLine
Returns a pointer to the start of the given scanline in the bitmap's data-bits.
Public method Static member GetTagCount
Returns the number of components in the tag (in tag type units).
Public method Static member GetTagDescription
Returns the tag description.
Public method Static member GetTagID
Returns the tag ID.
Public method Static member GetTagKey
Returns the tag field name (unique inside a metadata model).
Public method Static member GetTagLength
Returns the length of the tag value in bytes.
Public method Static member GetTagType
Returns the tag data type.
Public method Static member GetTagValue
Returns the tag value. It is up to the programmer to interpret the returned pointer correctly, according to the results of GetTagType and GetTagCount.
Public method Static member GetTransparencyCount
Returns the number of transparent colors in a palletised bitmap.
Public method Static member GetTransparencyTable
Returns a pointer to the bitmap's transparency table.
Public method Static member GetTransparencyTableEx
Returns the FreeImage bitmap's transparency table. The array is empty in case the bitmap has no transparency table.
Public method Static member GetTransparentIndex
Returns the palette entry used as transparent color for the image specified. Works for palletised images only and returns -1 for high color images or if the image has no color set to be transparent.
Public method Static member GetTypeParameters
Retrieves all parameters needed to create a new FreeImage bitmap from raw bits Image.
Public method Static member GetUniqueColors
This function returns the number of unique colors actually used by the specified 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24- or 32-bit image. This might be different from what function FreeImage_GetColorsUsed() returns, which actually returns the palette size for palletised images. Works for FIT_BITMAP type images only.
Public method Static member GetVersion
Returns a string containing the current version of the library.
Public method Static member GetWidth
Returns the width of the bitmap in pixel units.
Public method Static member GetWrapperVersion
Returns the internal version of this FreeImage .NET wrapper.
Public method Static member HasBackgroundColor
Returns whether the bitmap has a file background color.
Public method Static member InsertPage
Inserts a new page before the given position in the bitmap.
Public method Static member Invert
Inverts each pixel data.
Public method Static member IsAvailable
Returns a value indicating if the FreeImage library is available or not. See remarks for further details.
Public method Static member IsExtensionValidForFIF(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, String)
Checks if an extension is valid for a certain format.
Public method Static member IsExtensionValidForFIF(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, String, StringComparison)
Checks if an extension is valid for a certain format.
Public method Static member IsFilenameValidForFIF(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, String)
Checks if a filename is valid for a certain format.
Public method Static member IsFilenameValidForFIF(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, String, StringComparison)
Checks if a filename is valid for a certain format.
Public method Static member IsGreyscaleImage
Returns whether the image is a greyscale image or not. The function scans all colors in the bitmaps palette for entries where red, green and blue are not all the same (not a grey color). Supports 1-, 4- and 8-bit bitmaps.
Public method Static member IsLittleEndian
Returns whether the platform is using Little Endian.
Public method Static member IsPluginEnabled
Retrieves the state of a plugin.
Public method Static member IsRGB555
Verifies whether the FreeImage bitmap is 16bit 555.
Public method Static member IsRGB565
Verifies whether the FreeImage bitmap is 16bit 565.
Public method Static member IsTransparent
Returns whether the transparency table is enabled.
Public method Static member JPEGCrop
Performs a lossless crop on a JPEG file.
Public method Static member JPEGTransform
Performs a lossless rotation or flipping on a JPEG file.
Public method Static member Load
Decodes a bitmap, allocates memory for it and returns it as a FIBITMAP.
Public method Static member LoadBitmap
Loads a .NET Bitmap from a file.
Public method Static member LoadEx(String)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. The file will be loaded with default loading flags.
Public method Static member LoadEx(String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the files real format is being analysed. If no plugin can read the file, format remains FIF_UNKNOWN and 0 is returned. The file will be loaded with default loading flags.
Public method Static member LoadEx(String, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member LoadEx(String, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the files real format is being analysed. If no plugin can read the file, format remains FIF_UNKNOWN and 0 is returned. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member LoadFromHandle
Loads a bitmap from an arbitrary source.
Public method Static member LoadFromMemory
Decodes a bitmap from a stream, allocates memory for it and returns it as a FIBITMAP.
Public method Static member LoadFromStream(Stream)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling LoadFromStream.
Public method Static member LoadFromStream(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the bitmaps real format is being analysed. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling LoadFromStream.
Public method Static member LoadFromStream(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling LoadFromStream.
Public method Static member LoadFromStream(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Loads a FreeImage bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the bitmaps real format is being analysed. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling LoadFromStream.
Public method Static member LoadMultiBitmapFromMemory
Open a multi-page bitmap from a memory stream.
Public method Static member LoadMultiBitmapFromStream
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap from a stream and returns the FreeImage memory stream used as temporary buffer. The bitmap can not be modified by calling AppendPage(FIMULTIBITMAP, FIBITMAP), InsertPage(FIMULTIBITMAP, Int32, FIBITMAP), MovePage(FIMULTIBITMAP, Int32, Int32) or DeletePage(FIMULTIBITMAP, Int32).
Public method Static member LockPage
Locks a page in memory for editing.
Public method Static member LookupSVGColor
Converts a SVG color name into a corresponding RGB value.
Public method Static member LookupX11Color
Converts a X11 color name into a corresponding RGB value.
Public method Static member MakeThumbnail
Creates a thumbnail from a greyscale or RGB(A) image, keeping aspect ratio.
Public method Static member MoveMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int64)
Moves a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member MoveMemory(IntPtr, IntPtr, UInt32)
Moves a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member MoveMemory(Void*, Void*, Int64)
Moves a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member MoveMemory(Void*, Void*, UInt32)
Moves a block of memory from one location to another.
Public method Static member MovePage
Moves the source page to the position of the target page.
Public method Static member MultigridPoissonSolver
Solves a Poisson equation, remap result pixels to [0..1] and returns the solution.
Public method Static member OpenMemory
Open a memory stream.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmap
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String, Boolean)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the files real format is being analysed. If no plugin can read the file, format remains FIF_UNKNOWN and 0 is returned.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapEx(String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the files real format is being analysed. If no plugin can read the file, format remains FIF_UNKNOWN and 0 is returned. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapFromHandle
Loads a FreeImage multi-pages bitmap from the specified handle using the specified functions. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapFromStream(Stream)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap.
Public method Static member OpenMultiBitmapFromStream(Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS)
Loads a FreeImage multi-paged bitmap. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the files real format is being analysed. If no plugin can read the file, format remains FIF_UNKNOWN and 0 is returned. Load flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member OutputMessageProc
Calls the set error message function in FreeImage.
Public method Static member Paste
Alpha blend or combine a sub part image with the current dib image. The bit depth of the dst bitmap must be greater than or equal to the bit depth of the src.
Public method Static member PreMultiplyWithAlpha
Applies the alpha value of each pixel to its color components. The aplha value stays unchanged. Only works with 32-bits color depth.
Public method Static member ReadMemory
Reads data from a memory stream.
Public method Static member RegisterExternalPlugin
Registers a new plugin to be used in FreeImage. The plugin is residing in a DLL. The Init function must be called “Init” and must use the stdcall calling convention.
Public method Static member RegisterLocalPlugin
Registers a new plugin to be used in FreeImage.
Public method Static member Rescale
Performs resampling (or scaling, zooming) of a greyscale or RGB(A) image to the desired destination width and height.
Public method Static member RescaleRect
Public method Static member Rotate(FIBITMAP, Double)
This function rotates a 1-, 8-bit greyscale or a 24-, 32-bit color image by means of 3 shears. 1-bit images rotation is limited to integer multiple of 90°. null is returned for other values.
Public method Static member RotateT(FIBITMAP, Double, NullableT)
This function rotates a 1-, 8-bit greyscale or a 24-, 32-bit color image by means of 3 shears. 1-bit images rotation is limited to integer multiple of 90°. null is returned for other values.
Public method Static member Rotate4bit
Rotates a 4-bit color FreeImage bitmap. Allowed values for angle are 90, 180 and 270. In case angle is 0 or 360 a clone is returned. 0 is returned for other values or in case the rotation fails.
Public method Static member RotateClassic Obsolete.
This function rotates a 1-, 8-bit greyscale or a 24-, 32-bit color image by means of 3 shears. 1-bit images rotation is limited to integer multiple of 90°. null is returned for other values.
Public method Static member RotateEx
This function performs a rotation and / or translation of an 8-bit greyscale, 24- or 32-bit image, using a 3rd order (cubic) B-Spline.
Public method Static member Save
Saves a previosly loaded FIBITMAP to a file.
Public method Static member SaveBitmap(Bitmap, String)
Saves a .NET Bitmap to a file.
Public method Static member SaveBitmap(Bitmap, String, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Saves a .NET Bitmap to a file.
Public method Static member SaveBitmap(Bitmap, String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Saves a .NET Bitmap to a file.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. The format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. The format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned. Save flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, Boolean)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. The format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned. Save flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, Boolean)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned.
Public method Static member SaveEx(FIBITMAP, String, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS, Boolean)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. The format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned. Save flags can be provided by the flags parameter.
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a file. In case the loading format is FIF_UNKNOWN the format is taken off the filename. If no suitable format was found false will be returned. Save flags can be provided by the flags parameter. The bitmaps color depth can be set by 'colorDepth'. If set to FICD_AUTO a suitable color depth will be taken if available.
Public method Static member SaveToHandle
Saves a bitmap to an arbitrary source.
Public method Static member SaveToMemory
Saves a previosly loaded FIBITMAP to a stream.
Public method Static member SaveToStream(FIBITMAP, Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Public method Static member SaveToStream(FIBITMAP, Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Public method Static member SaveToStream(FIBITMAP, Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, Boolean)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Public method Static member SaveToStream(FIBITMAP, Stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS, Boolean)
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Saves a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap to a stream. The stream must be set to the correct position before calling SaveToStream.
Public method Static member SeekMemory
Moves the memory handle to a specified location.
Public method Static member SetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP, RGBQUAD)
Set the file background color of an image. When saving an image to PNG, this background color is transparently saved to the PNG file.
Public method Static member Code example SetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP, RGBQUAD)
Set the file background color of an image. When saving an image to PNG, this background color is transparently saved to the PNG file. When the bkcolor parameter is null, the background color is removed from the image.

This overloaded version of the function with an array parameter is provided to allow passing null in the bkcolor parameter. This is similar to the original C/C++ function. Passing null as bkcolor parameter will unset the dib's previously set background color.

Public method Static member SetChannel
Insert a 8-bit dib into a 24- or 32-bit image. Both images must have to same width and height.
Public method Static member SetComplexChannel
Set the real or imaginary part of a complex image. Both images must have to same width and height.
Public method Static member SetDotsPerMeterX
Set the horizontal resolution, in pixels-per-meter, of the target device for the bitmap.
Public method Static member SetDotsPerMeterY
Set the vertical resolution, in pixels-per-meter, of the target device for the bitmap.
Public method Static member SetImageComment
Sets the comment of a JPEG, PNG or GIF image.
Public method Static member SetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, String, FITAG)
Attach a new FreeImage tag to a dib.
Public method Static member SetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL, FIBITMAP, String, MetadataTag)
Attach a new metadata tag to a FreeImage bitmap.
Public method Static member SetPixelColor
Set the pixel color of a 16-, 24- or 32-bit image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
Public method Static member SetPixelIndex
Set the pixel index of a palettized image at position (x, y), including range check (slow access).
Public method Static member SetPluginEnabled
Enables or disables a plugin.
Public method Static member SetResolutionX
Sets a DIB's resolution in X-direction measured in 'dots per inch' (DPI) and not in 'dots per meter'.
Public method Static member SetResolutionY
Sets a DIB's resolution in Y-direction measured in 'dots per inch' (DPI) and not in 'dots per meter'.
Public method Static member SetTagCount
Sets the number of data in the tag.
Public method Static member SetTagDescription
Sets the tag description.
Public method Static member SetTagID
Sets the tag ID.
Public method Static member SetTagKey
Sets the tag field name.
Public method Static member SetTagLength
Sets the length of the tag value in bytes.
Public method Static member SetTagType
Sets the tag data type.
Public method Static member SetTagValue
Sets the tag value.
Public method Static member SetTransparencyTable
Set the FreeImage bitmap's transparency table. Only affects palletised bitmaps.
Public method Static member SetTransparent
Tells FreeImage if it should make use of the transparency table or the alpha channel that may accompany a bitmap.
Public method Static member SetTransparentIndex
Sets the index of the palette entry to be used as transparent color for the image specified. Does nothing on high color images.
Public method Static member SwapColors
Swaps two specified colors on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized or a 16-, 24- or 32-bit high color image.
Public method Static member SwapPaletteIndices
Swaps two specified palette indices on a 1-, 4- or 8-bit palletized image.
Public method Static member TagToString
Converts a FreeImage tag structure to a string that represents the interpreted tag value. The function is not thread safe.
Public method Static member TellMemory
Gets the current position of a memory handle.
Public method Static member Threshold
Converts a bitmap to 1-bit monochrome bitmap using a threshold T between [0..255]. The function first converts the bitmap to a 8-bit greyscale bitmap. Then, any brightness level that is less than T is set to zero, otherwise to 1. For 1-bit input bitmaps, the function clones the input bitmap and builds a monochrome palette.
Public method Static member TmoDrago03
Converts a High Dynamic Range image to a 24-bit RGB image using a global operator based on logarithmic compression of luminance values, imitating the human response to light.
Public method Static member TmoFattal02
Apply the Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression to a RGBF image and convert to 24-bit RGB.
Public method Static member TmoReinhard05
Converts a High Dynamic Range image to a 24-bit RGB image using a global operator inspired by photoreceptor physiology of the human visual system.
Public method Static member ToneMapping
Converts a High Dynamic Range image (48-bit RGB or 96-bit RGBF) to a 24-bit RGB image, suitable for display.
Public method Static member Unload
Deletes a previously loaded FIBITMAP from memory.
Public method Static member UnloadEx
Deletes a previously loaded FreeImage bitmap from memory and resets the handle to 0.
Public method Static member UnlockPage
Unlocks a previously locked page and gives it back to the multi-page engine.
Public method Static member WriteMemory
Writes data to a memory stream.
Public method Static member ZLibCompress
Compresses a source buffer into a target buffer, using the ZLib library.
Public method Static member ZLibCRC32
Generates a CRC32 checksum.
Public method Static member ZLibGUnzip
Decompresses a source buffer into a target buffer, using the ZLib library.
Public method Static member ZLibGZip
Compresses a source buffer into a target buffer, using the ZLib library.
Public method Static member ZLibUncompress
Decompresses a source buffer into a target buffer, using the ZLib library.
See Also