MDM_GEOTIFF Properties


MDM_GEOTIFF Properties

The MDM_GEOTIFF type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Count
Returns the number of metadata tags this instance represents.
(Inherited from MetadataModel.)
Public property Exists
Returns whether this model exists in the bitmaps metadata structure.
(Inherited from MetadataModel.)
Public property GeoASCIIParams
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF GeoASCIIParamsTag.
Public property GeoDoubleParams
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF GeoDoubleParamsTag.
Public property GeoKeyDirectory
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF GeoKeyDirectoryTag.
Public property IntergraphTransformationMatrix
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF IntergraphTransformationMatrixTag.
Public property Item
Returns the metadata tag at the given index. This operation is slow when accessing all tags.
(Inherited from MetadataModel.)
Public property JPLCartoIFDOffset
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF JPLCartoIFDOffsetTag.
Public property List
Returns a list of all metadata tags this instance represents.
(Inherited from MetadataModel.)
Public property Model
Retrieves the datamodel that this instance represents.
(Overrides MetadataModelModel.)
Public property ModelPixelScale
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF ModelPixelScaleTag.
Public property ModelTiePoints
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF GeoTiePointsTag.
Public property ModelTransformationMatrix
Gets or sets the value of the GeoTIFF ModelTransformationMatrixTag.
See Also