FreeImageAPI Namespace


FreeImageAPI Namespace
  Class Description
Public class FreeImage
Provides access to call the native functions
Public class FreeImageBitmap
Encapsulates a FreeImage-bitmap.
Public class FreeImageEngine
Class handling non-bitmap related functions.
Public class MemoryArrayT
Represents unmanaged memory, containing an array of a given structure.
Public class Palette
Provides methods for working with the standard bitmap palette.
Public class ScanlineT
Provides methods for working with generic bitmap scanlines.
  Structure Description
Public structure BITMAP
The BITMAP structure defines the type, width, height, color format, and bit values of a bitmap.
Public structure BITMAPINFO
The BITMAPINFO structure defines the dimensions and color information for a DIB.
This structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).
Public structure Code example FI16RGB555
The FI16RGB555 structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 5 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 31.
Public structure Code example FI16RGB565
The FI16RGB565 structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 5 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 31.
Public structure FI1BIT
The FI1BIT structure represents a single bit. It's value can be 0 or 1.
Public structure FI4BIT
The FI4BIT structure represents the half of a Byte. It's valuerange is between 0 and 15.
Public structure FIBITMAP
The FIBITMAP structure is a handle to a FreeImage bimtap.
Public structure FICOMPLEX
The FICOMPLEX structure describes a color consisting of a real and an imaginary part. Each part is using 4 bytes of data.
Public structure FIICCPROFILE
This Structure contains ICC-Profile data.
Public structure FIMEMORY
The FIMEMORY structure is a handle to an opened memory stream.
Public structure FIMETADATA
The FIMETADATA structure is an unique search handle for metadata search operations.
Public structure FIMULTIBITMAP
The FIMULTIBITMAP structure is a handle to a FreeImage multipaged bimtap.
Public structure FIRational
The FIRational structure represents a fraction via two Int32 instances which are interpreted as numerator and denominator.
Public structure Code example FIRGB16
The FIRGB16 structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 16 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 65535.
Public structure Code example FIRGBA16
The FIRGBA16 structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 16 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 65535.
Public structure Code example FIRGBAF
The FIRGBAF structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 32 bits and takes values in the range from 0 to 1.
Public structure Code example FIRGBF
The FIRGBF structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 32 bits and takes values in the range from 0 to 1.
Public structure FITAG
The FITAG structure is a handle to a FreeImage metadata tag.
Public structure FIURational
The FIURational structure represents a fraction via two UInt32 instances which are interpreted as numerator and denominator.
Public structure Code example RGBQUAD
The RGBQUAD structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, blue and alpha value. Each single color component consumes 8 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 255.
Public structure Code example RGBTRIPLE
The RGBTRIPLE structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green and blue value. Each single color component consumes 8 bits and so, takes values in the range from 0 to 255.
  Delegate Description
Public delegate OutputMessageFunction
Delegate for capturing FreeImage error messages.
  Enumeration Description
Color channels. Constants used in color manipulation routines.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH
Enumeration used for color conversions. FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_DEPTH contains several colors to convert to. The default value 'FICD_AUTO'.
Constants used in color filling routines.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE
Image color types used in FreeImage.
List of combinable compare modes.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_DITHER
Dithering algorithms. Constants used in FreeImage_Dither.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_FILTER
Upsampling / downsampling filters. Constants used in FreeImage_Rescale.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT
I/O image format identifiers.
Lossless JPEG transformations constants used in FreeImage_JPEGTransform.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS
Flags used in load functions.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL
Metadata models supported by FreeImage.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_MDTYPE
Tag data type information (based on TIFF specifications) Note: RATIONALs are the ratio of two 32-bit integer values.
Flags for copying data from a bitmap to another.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE
Color quantization algorithms. Constants used in FreeImage_ColorQuantize.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS
Flags used in save functions.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_TMO
Tone mapping operators. Constants used in FreeImage_ToneMapping.
Public enumeration FREE_IMAGE_TYPE
Image types used in FreeImage.
Public enumeration ICC_FLAGS
Flags for ICC profiles.
Public enumeration MD_SEARCH_FLAGS
List different search modes.