FreeImageBitmap Properties


FreeImageBitmap Properties

The FreeImageBitmap type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property BackgroundColor
Gets or sets the background color of this FreeImageBitmap. In case the value is null, the background color is removed.
Public property Bits
Pointer to the data-bits of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property BlueMask
Bit pattern describing the blue color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property ColorDepth
The size of one pixel in the bitmap in bits.
Public property ColorsUsed
Number of palette entries.
Public property ColorType
Investigates the color type of this FreeImageBitmap by reading the bitmaps pixel bits and analysing them.
Public property Comment
Gets or sets the comment of this FreeImageBitmap. Supported formats are JPEG, PNG and GIF.
Public property DataSize
Size of the bitmap in memory.
Public property Flags
Gets attribute flags for the pixel data of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property FrameCount
Gets the number of frames in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property GreenMask
Bit pattern describing the green color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property HasBackgroundColor
Gets whether this FreeImageBitmap has a file background color.
Public property HasPalette
Returns whether this FreeImageBitmap has a palette.
Public property Height
Height of the bitmap in pixel units.
Public property HorizontalResolution
Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property ICCProfile
Gets the ICCProfile structure of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property ImageFormat
Gets the format of the original image in case this FreeImageBitmap was loaded from a file or stream.
Public property ImageType
Type of the bitmap.
Public property Info
Returns the BITMAPINFO structure of a this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property InfoHeader
Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property IsDisposed
Gets whether this FreeImageBitmap has been disposed.
Public property IsRGB555
Gets whether the bitmap is RGB 555.
Public property IsRGB565
Gets whether the bitmap is RGB 565.
Public property IsTransparent
Gets or sets whether this FreeImageBitmap is transparent.
Public property Line
Width, in bytes, of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Metadata
Gets a new instance of a metadata representing class.
Public property Palette
Returns a structure that represents the palette of a FreeImage bitmap.
Public property PhysicalDimension
Gets the width and height of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Pitch
Returns the width of the bitmap in bytes, rounded to the next 32-bit boundary.
Public property PixelFormat
Gets the pixel format for this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property PropertyIdList
Gets IDs of the property items stored in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property PropertyItems
Gets all the property items (pieces of metadata) stored in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property RawFormat
Gets the format of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property RedMask
Bit pattern describing the red color component of a pixel in this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Scan0
Pointer to the scanline of the top most pixel row of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Size
Gets the width and height, in pixels, of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Stride
Width, in bytes, of this FreeImageBitmap. In case this FreeImageBitmap is top down Stride will be positive, else negative.
Public property Tag
Gets or sets an object that provides additional data about the FreeImageBitmap.
Public property TransparencyCount
Number of transparent colors in a palletised FreeImageBitmap.
Public property TransparencyTable
Get or sets transparency table of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property TransparentIndex
Gets or sets the entry used as transparent color in this FreeImageBitmap. Only works for 1-, 4- and 8-bpp.
Public property UniqueColors
The number of unique colors actually used by the bitmap. This might be different from what ColorsUsed returns, which actually returns the palette size for palletised images. Works for FIT_BITMAP type bitmaps only.
Public property VerticalResolution
Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this FreeImageBitmap.
Public property Width
Width of the bitmap in pixel units.
See Also