Cliptext Window
The cliptext window is collection of text clips for quick and easy access. Cliptext window is located at the left side of the screen. To display or hide the Cliptext window, use the Cliptext Window command on the View menu.
EditPlus offers some sample cliptext libraries such as HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0 tag collections. You can easily edit the content of the sample libraries. And you can also create your own cliptext library.

Double-click the item in the list box, and the text will be inserted into the active document. Or drag and drop the item into the document. See Insert command for details.

Click right mouse button on the list box. Then choose Add command at the popup menu. Or select the text in the document, drag and drop the selected text into the list box. This command presents Add cliptext Item dialog box.

Click right mouse button on the list box. Then choose Remove command at the popup menu.

Click right mouse button on the list box. Then choose Edit command at the popup menu. This command presents Edit cliptext Item dialog box.

Drag and drop the cliptext item to the desired position in the list box. Items cannot be moved if the cliptext library is sorted. See Sort Cliptext command.

Click right mouse button on the combo box. Then choose Edit command at the popup menu. The cliptext library file (which has ".CTL" extension) will be loaded into the editor. Cliptext library file should be written in predefined syntax. See Edit Cliptext Library command for detail about the syntax of cliptext libraries.
See also: