Edit command (Cliptext Combo Box popup menu)
Use this command to load the current cliptext library file (which has ".CTL" extension) into the editor and edit it directly. The cliptext library file should be written in predefined syntax. The syntax is very simple. The fastest way is to look into the sample cliptext library that comes with EditPlus.
EditPlus Cliptext Library v1.0
Written by ES-Computing.
Each statement should be prefixed with '#' sign.
1. #TITLE - The title of cliptext library. This should be located at the first line of the file. Otherwise, EditPlus cannot load it.
2. #INFO - Information about the cliptext library such as author, date, etc. This information can have multiple lines.
3. #SORT - Whether the cliptext library should be sorted or not in the list box. 'y' for yes and 'n' for no.

Each text clips begins with title information of the form "#T=title", followed by text body. The text body can have multiple lines.
You can define optional Hot Spot using "^!". "^" is used as escape character. If you want to insert "^" itself in the text body, you should enter the character twice like "^^". When you insert the "#" in the text body, You also have to prefix the escape character to it like "^#".
An optional '#' can be placed in the line after the last line to indicates the end of the text clip.
The title-only text clips are also supported. The title itself will be inserted into the document. For example,
The above item has only title and not text body, so "font-family:" will be inserted into the document.
"^@" inserts current date. "^%" inserts a hex code. For example, "^%41" inserts letter 'A'.

EditPlus web site has a collection of user files (stx, ctl, acp files) on User Files page. You can submit your own syntax file to <[email protected]> if you would like to share your file with other users.