Layout page (Preferences dialog box)
In this dialog box, you can set the options for the Document Tabs, Directory/Cliptext Window. Following options are available.Side Panel: Location
Choose a desired location of the Side Panel.
Document Tabs: LocationChoose a desired location of the Document Tabs.
Number of rowsSpecify the maximum and minimum number of rows of the document buttons.
Button sizeSpecify the minimum and maximum width of the document button in number of characters. You can enter from 5 to 50.
Default SizeReset the button size back to default values.
Different color for active button textIf you check this option, the active button text is displayed in a different color. It makes the active button more distinguishable.
Min. line number digitsSpecify minimum space for the number of digits for displaying the line number.
Show full path in the title barIf you turn on this option, the title bar displays the full path name of current file. Otherwise, it displays file name only.
Show file size on the Status BarIf you turn on this option, the Status Bar displays the file size of current document.