DockControl Fields

DevZest WPF Docking

DockControl Fields

The DockControl type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public field Static member ActiveDocumentProperty
Identifies the ActiveDocument dependency property.
Public field Static member ActiveItemProperty
Identifies the ActiveItem dependency property.
Public field Static member BottomDockTreeHeightProperty
Identifies the BottomDockTreeHeight dependency property.
Public field Static member BottomDockTreeProperty
Identifies the BottomDockTree dependency property.
Public field Static member CanRedoProperty
Identifies the CanRedo dependency property.
Public field Static member CanUndoProperty
Identifies the CanUndo dependency property.
Public field Static member DefaultFloatingWindowSizeProperty
Identifies the DefaultFloatingWindowSize dependency property.
Public field Static member DockTreeZOrderProperty
Identifies the DockTreeZOrder dependency property.
Public field Static member DocumentDockTreeProperty
Identifies the DocumentDockTree dependency property.
Public field Static member FocusedItemProperty
Identifies the FocusedItem dependency property.
Public field Static member LeftDockTreeProperty
Identifies the LeftDockTree dependency property.
Public field Static member LeftDockTreeWidthProperty
Identifies the LeftDockTreeWidth dependency property.
Public field Static member MaxUndoLevelProperty
Identifies the MaxUndoLevel dependency property.
Public field Static member RightDockTreeProperty
Identifies the RightDockTree dependency property.
Public field Static member RightDockTreeWidthProperty
Identifies the RightDockTreeWidth dependency property.
Public field Static member SelectedAutoHideItemProperty
Identifies the SelectedAutoHideItem dependency property.
Public field Static member TopDockTreeHeightProperty
Identifies the TopDockTreeHeight dependency property.
Public field Static member TopDockTreeProperty
Identifies the TopDockTree dependency property.
See Also