DockManager Methods

DevZest WPF Docking

DockManager Methods

The DockManager type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member GetCanDrag
Gets the value of CanDrag attached property from a given element.
Public method Static member GetDefaultFloatingPreviewSize
Gets the value of DefaultFloatingPreviewSize attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetFloatingPreviewHeight
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewHeight attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetFloatingPreviewLeft
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewLeft attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetFloatingPreviewTop
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewTop attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetFloatingPreviewWidth
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewWidth attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetFloatingWindowStrategy
Gets the value of FloatingWindowStrategy attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetIsEnabled
Gets the value of IsEnabled attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetIsShiftKeyDown
Gets the value of IsShiftKeyDown attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetOverlay
Gets the value of Overlay attached property from a given FrameworkElement.
Public method Static member GetPreview
Gets the value of Preview attached property from a given element.
Public method Static member GetShowsBottomGuide
Gets the value of ShowsBottomGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetShowsFillGuide
Gets the value of ShowsFillGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetShowsGuide
Gets the value of ShowsGuide attached property from a given element.
Public method Static member GetShowsLeftGuide
Gets the value of ShowsLeftGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetShowsRightGuide
Gets the value of ShowsRightGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetShowsTopGuide
Gets the value of ShowsTopGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public method Static member GetTargetItem
Gets the value of TargetItem attached property from a given element.
Public method Static member GetTargetPosition
Gets the value of TargetPosition attached property from a given element.
Public method Static member SetCanDrag
Sets the value of CanDrag attached property for a given element.
Public method Static member SetDefaultFloatingPreviewSize
Sets the value of DefaultFloatingPreviewSize attached property for a given DockControl.
Public method Static member SetIsEnabled
Sets the value of IsEnabled attached property for a given DockControl.
Public method Static member SetOverlay
Sets the value of Overlay attached property for a given FrameworkElement.
Public method Static member SetTargetItem
Sets the value of TargetItem attached property for a given element.
Public method Static member SetTargetPosition
Sets the value of TargetPosition attached property for a given element.
See Also