SplitContainer Properties

DevZest WPF Docking

SplitContainer Properties

The SplitContainer type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Background
Gets or sets the Brush used to fill the background. This is a dependency property.
Public property Child1
Gets or sets the left or top child of the SplitContainer, depending on Orientation. This is a dependency property.
Public property Child1MinSize
Gets or sets the minimum distance, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the splitter from the left or top edge of SplitContainer. This is a dependency property.
Public property Child2
Gets or sets the right or bottom child of the SplitContainer, depending on Orientation. This is a dependency property.
Public property Child2MinSize
Gets or sets the minimum distance, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the splitter from the right or bottom edge of SplitContainer. This is a dependency property.
Public property DragIncrement
Gets or sets the minimum distance that a user must use the mouse to drag the splitter. This is a dependency property.
Public property IsPreviewVisible
Gets the value indicates whether the preview is visible. This is a dependency property.
Public property IsSplitterTopLeft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SplitterDistance property specifies the size of Child1 or Child2. This is a dependency property.
Public property KeyboardIncrement
Gets or sets the distance that each press of an arrow key moves the splitter. This is a dependency property.
Public property Orientation
Gets or sets a value indicating the horizontal or vertical orientation of the SplitContainer children. This is a dependency property.
Public property PreviewOffsetX
Gets the X-axis value of the drag preview offset. This is a dependency property.
Public property PreviewOffsetY
Gets the Y-axis value of the drag preview offset. This is a dependency property.
Public property PreviewTemplate
Gets or sets the DataTemplate of the dragging preview.
Public property ShowsPreview
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SplitContainer updates SplitterDistance as the user drags the splitter. This is a dependency property.
Public property SplitterDistance
Gets or sets a value indicating the size of Child1 or Child2, depending on the value of IsSplitterTopLeft. This is a dependency property.
Public property SplitterPresenter
Gets the ContentPresenter of the splitter. This is a dependency property.
Public property SplitterPresenterStyle
Gets or sets the splitter ContentPresenter. This is a dependency property.
Public property SplitterTemplate
Gets or sets the data template of the splitter (movable bar). This is a dependency property.
Public property SplitterWidth
Gets or sets the width of the splitter, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). This is a dependency property.
See Also