DockItemStateChangeMethod Enumeration

DevZest WPF Docking

DockItemStateChangeMethod Enumeration
Specifies the methods to change DockItem state.

Namespace: DevZest.Windows.Docking
Assembly: DevZest.WpfDocking (in DevZest.WpfDocking.dll) Version: (2.5.5912.0)
public enum DockItemStateChangeMethod
Public Enumeration DockItemStateChangeMethod
  Member nameValueDescription
Select0Shows the DockItem as selected.
Deselect1Shows the DockItem as visible but not selected.
Hide2Hides the DockItem.
Close3Closes the DockItem.
ToggleAutoHide4Toggles the auto hide mode of the DockItem.
ShowAsDockPosition5Shows the DockItem as specified dock position.
ShowAsFloating6Shows the DockItem as floating window.
ShowAsTabbed7Shows the DockItem as tabbed.
ShowAsSidePane8Shows the DockItem as DockPane, side by side of target DockPaneNode.
See Also