SplitContainer.Child2MinSize Property

DevZest WPF Docking

SplitContainerChild2MinSize Property
Gets or sets the minimum distance, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the splitter from the right or bottom edge of SplitContainer. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevZest.Windows
Assembly: DevZest.WpfDocking (in DevZest.WpfDocking.dll) Version: (2.5.5912.0)
public double Child2MinSize { get; set; }
Public Property Child2MinSize As Double

Property Value

Type: Double
Representing the minimum distance, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit), of the splitter from the right or bottom edge of SplitContainer. The default value is 20, regardless of Orientation.

Use the Child2MinSize property to prevent the splitter from moving too close to the right or bottom edge of the container. For example, you might want to prevent some of the display area of a TreeView from being covered.

If the Orientation property is Vertical (the default), Child2MinSize returns the minimum distance of the splitter from the bottom edge of SplitContainer. If the Orientation property is Horizontal, Child2MinSize returns the minimum distance of the splitter from the right edge of SplitContainer.

See Also