DockManager Class

DevZest WPF Docking

DockManager Class
Provides a set of static methods and attached properties to manage docking behaviors.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  DevZest.Windows.Docking.PrimitivesDockManager

Namespace: DevZest.Windows.Docking.Primitives
Assembly: DevZest.WpfDocking (in DevZest.WpfDocking.dll) Version: (2.5.5912.0)
public static class DockManager
Public NotInheritable Class DockManager

The DockManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetCanDrag
Gets the value of CanDrag attached property from a given element.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultFloatingPreviewSize
Gets the value of DefaultFloatingPreviewSize attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatingPreviewHeight
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewHeight attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatingPreviewLeft
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewLeft attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatingPreviewTop
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewTop attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatingPreviewWidth
Gets the value of FloatingPreviewWidth attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetFloatingWindowStrategy
Gets the value of FloatingWindowStrategy attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetIsEnabled
Gets the value of IsEnabled attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetIsShiftKeyDown
Gets the value of IsShiftKeyDown attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetOverlay
Gets the value of Overlay attached property from a given FrameworkElement.
Public methodStatic memberGetPreview
Gets the value of Preview attached property from a given element.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsBottomGuide
Gets the value of ShowsBottomGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsFillGuide
Gets the value of ShowsFillGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsGuide
Gets the value of ShowsGuide attached property from a given element.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsLeftGuide
Gets the value of ShowsLeftGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsRightGuide
Gets the value of ShowsRightGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetShowsTopGuide
Gets the value of ShowsTopGuide attached property from a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberGetTargetItem
Gets the value of TargetItem attached property from a given element.
Public methodStatic memberGetTargetPosition
Gets the value of TargetPosition attached property from a given element.
Public methodStatic memberSetCanDrag
Sets the value of CanDrag attached property for a given element.
Public methodStatic memberSetDefaultFloatingPreviewSize
Sets the value of DefaultFloatingPreviewSize attached property for a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberSetIsEnabled
Sets the value of IsEnabled attached property for a given DockControl.
Public methodStatic memberSetOverlay
Sets the value of Overlay attached property for a given FrameworkElement.
Public methodStatic memberSetTargetItem
Sets the value of TargetItem attached property for a given element.
Public methodStatic memberSetTargetPosition
Sets the value of TargetPosition attached property for a given element.
Public fieldStatic memberCanDragProperty
Identifies the CanDrag attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultFloatingPreviewSizeProperty
Identifies the DefaultFloatingPreviewSize attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberFloatingPreviewHeightProperty
Identifies the FloatingPreviewHeight attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberFloatingPreviewLeftProperty
Identifies the FloatingPreviewLeft attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberFloatingPreviewTopProperty
Identifies the FloatingPreviewTop attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberFloatingPreviewWidthProperty
Identifies the FloatingPreviewWidth attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberFloatingWindowStrategyProperty
Identifies the FloatingWindowStrategy attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberIsEnabledProperty
Identifies the IsEnabled attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberIsShiftKeyDownProperty
Identifies the IsShiftKeyDown attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberOverlayProperty
Identifies the Overlay attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberPreviewProperty
Identifies the Preview attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsBottomGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsBottomGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsFillGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsFillGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsLeftGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsLeftGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsRightGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsRightGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberShowsTopGuideProperty
Identifies the ShowsTopGuide attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberTargetItemProperty
Identifies the TargetItem attached property.
Public fieldStatic memberTargetPositionProperty
Identifies the TargetPosition attached property.
Attached Properties
Public attached propertyCanDrag
Gets or sets the value indicates whether drag and double click can be initiated for the specified element.
Public attached propertyDefaultFloatingPreviewSize
Gets or sets the default size of floating preview for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyFloatingPreviewHeight
Gets a value indicates the height of the floating preview for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyFloatingPreviewLeft
Gets a value indicates the left position of the floating preview for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyFloatingPreviewTop
Gets a value indicates the top position of the floating preview for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyFloatingPreviewWidth
Gets a value indicates the width of the floating preview for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyFloatingWindowStrategy
Gets the value indicates how FloatingWindow objects are displayed for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets the value indicates whether DockManager is enabled for the DockControl.
Public attached propertyIsShiftKeyDown
Gets a value indicates whether the SHIFT key is pressed down during drag and drop for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyOverlay
Gets or sets the Overlay for a given FrameworkElement.
Public attached propertyPreview
Gets a value indicates where the drop preview should be displayed for specified element.
Public attached propertyShowsBottomGuide
Gets a value indicates whether to show bottom docking guide for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyShowsFillGuide
Gets a value indicates whether to show fill docking guide for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyShowsGuide
Gets a value indicates whether docking guide should be displayed for specified element.
Public attached propertyShowsLeftGuide
Gets a value indicates whether to show left docking guide for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyShowsRightGuide
Gets a value indicates whether to show right docking guide for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyShowsTopGuide
Gets a value indicates whether to show top docking guide for a given DockControl.
Public attached propertyTargetItem
Gets or sets the drop target DockItem for specified element.
Public attached propertyTargetPosition
Gets or sets the target DropPosition for specified element.

By default, the IsEnabled attached property of DockControl is set to . If you change this value, you must provide all the implementation.

DockManager class handles how floating windows are displayed. When running under partial trust, WpfFloatingWindow will be used; otherwise NativeFloatingWindow will be used. You can get the value from FloatingWindowStrategy attached property of DockControl.

DockManager class handles drag and drop through the following attached properties:

See Also