SplitContainer Fields

DevZest WPF Docking

SplitContainer Fields

The SplitContainer type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public field Static member BackgroundProperty
Identifies the Background dependency property.
Public field Static member Child1MinSizeProperty
Identifies the Child1MinSize dependency property.
Public field Static member Child1Property
Identifies the Child1 dependency property.
Public field Static member Child2MinSizeProperty
Identifies the Child2MinSize dependency property.
Public field Static member Child2Property
Identifies the Child2 dependency property.
Public field Static member DragIncrementProperty
Identifies the DragIncrement dependency property.
Public field Static member IsPreviewVisibleProperty
Identifies the IsPreviewVisible dependency property.
Public field Static member IsSplitterTopLeftProperty
Identifies the IsSplitterTopLeft dependency property.
Public field Static member KeyboardIncrementProperty
Identifies the KeyboardIncrement dependency property.
Public field Static member OrientationProperty
Identifies the Orientation dependency property.
Public field Static member PreviewOffsetXProperty
Identifies the PreviewOffsetX dependency property.
Public field Static member PreviewOffsetYProperty
Identifies the PreviewOffsetY dependency property.
Public field Static member PreviewTemplateProperty
Identifies the PreviewTemplate dependency property.
Public field Static member ShowsPreviewProperty
Identifies the ShowsPreview dependency property.
Public field Static member SplitterDistanceProperty
Identifies the SplitterDistance dependency property.
Public field Static member SplitterPresenterProperty
Identifies the SplitterPresenter dependency property.
Public field Static member SplitterPresenterStyleProperty
Identifies the SplitterPresenterStyle dependency property.
Public field Static member SplitterTemplateProperty
Identifies the SplitterTemplate dependency property.
Public field Static member SplitterWidthProperty
Identifies the SplitterWidth dependency property.
See Also