AllowedDockTreePositions Enumeration

DevZest WPF Docking

AllowedDockTreePositions Enumeration
Specifies the allowed dock tree positions for DockItem.

Namespace: DevZest.Windows.Docking
Assembly: DevZest.WpfDocking (in DevZest.WpfDocking.dll) Version: (2.5.5912.0)
public enum AllowedDockTreePositions
Public Enumeration AllowedDockTreePositions
  Member nameValueDescription
Floating1Floating above DockControl allowed.
Left2Dock to left side of DockControl allowed.
Right4Dock to right side of DockControl allowed.
Top8Docked to top side of DockControl allowed.
Bottom16Docked to bottom side of DockControl allowed.
Document32Docked to center of DockControl allowed.
ToolWindow31The combination of Left, Right, Top, Bottom and Floating.
All63The combination of Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Document and Floating.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
See Also